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lorilynn Jun 2011
beautiful fair maiden
tending her mistress
revering in her muses .

long auburn tresses
come undone,
once a braid
embellished with ribbons
deep lavender color
as maiden’s eyes.

entering parlor
the comely chevalier
stunned by his presence.
voltage lightening sparkles
for time stopped.

remaining composed
casting downward
to make her leave,
empress needs tending affairs.

smitten she was
aghast a fool
she might've looked
her skin flushed
with reverence to behold.

unbeknownst to the privy
betrothal is in making
for he paid a pretty pence.

enchanted ever after
cinderella no more.~~copyrightlorilynn2011
lorilynn Dec 2010
christmas is all lit up in different neon color lights
with trees proudly standing ***** dressed
in festive colors  
giving their scent of divine pine
beautifully decorated wreaths upon each welcoming door
while in debt shoppers are purchasing obligatory gifts
for loved ones
not practicing what it is about
christmas is a time to acknowledge JESUS
be an example of who we are to become
where do all these presents
lights and decorations come from?
it has been made into a pagan holiday
just a reason to shop for wantons and what nots
rather than humbly know HIM
to know HIM is to keep it simple
be modest and gracious
for HIS omnipresence.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Dec 2010
some say they are and some say they are not
some say they are not sure
life must mean something
for all our troubles,trials, restitutions and redemptions
what can all these tests possibly mean
they surely can't be all for nothing
at the end of our time
we account for something
or what is the use of it all
i say i am always wanting to do better and be better
building my steadfast foundation
not sand castles enveloped in quick sand.
my character is fired from a piece of coal
to a brilliant diamond
pristine diamond striving to be flawless
as a white innocent lamb
with not a blemish nor a black spot on my soul
my soul rests in peace.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Dec 2010
it is a she
she thinks like a human
a sentient  being the master calls her
also his daughter he thinks it is
though she doesn’t look like either one of us
she is the boss here
she has us just where she wants us
under her rule and castle
she thinks it is hers to own
she is the master’s alarm clock
to get up and feed her NOW
but before we feed her she is suppose to do her business
she fakes it by just lifting her leg
she can get away with it from the master
but not the mistress who knows her games too well
she will do tricks for treats
dance around in circles
walks on her hind legs
sit, down, roll, shake and sings
she kisses for treats
those can be a lot of treats
we watch her diet
but not our own
she lets us know her dissatisfaction
with a growl
sometimes she is bluffing
or she’ll even fake a yawn
if we want to play.
she is too smart
she knows too many words
for she has broken the code of our spelling
when she does play
we love to hear her for she is laughing
she sleeps between the mistress and the master
her name is noodle.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Nov 2010
roaring fiery flames
fill the empty void
inviting colors of ambers and golds ablaze
the room animates  
different atmospheres of coziness
sitting back in retrospection  
flickering fire entertains
with each crackling octave
creating peacefulness and calm.
whilst the flames aglow
playing Chopin
sipping cognac
burning scented candle of pine and rosemary
watching the felines and canine
congregating together harmoniously
mesmerized by flames
coruscating shadows on the walls
flames succumb catatonically   
embers retire for the night.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Nov 2010
serenity is a euphoric surrendering
to the cerulean sky
the green grass swaying with
dandelions releasing
their soft feathery bristles
as tender as the gentle breeze
sending them far and wide
pillowy clouds
suggest ever moving images
the kaleidescope of a child's mind
taking on different shapes
along the sparsely trodden path
trees waving leaves in welcoming greeting
song birds endlessly composing a captivating melody
the air as clean and fresh
of purified aroma
breathing the deep
earthly essence
with each sigh
attaining tranquil purity
thoughts of stilled
quiescence and calm embalm me
in translucent cocoon.~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
lorilynn Nov 2010
penetrating sight and hearing
turning his head 90 degrees
listening for a rustle, squeak or cheep  
manning his steadfast branch
sitting gallantly proud and astute in dead silence
clothed in winsome feathers
smooth as velveteen
shades of brown, rust with black specks
white breast plate and heart shaped face
large steely almond eyes that swoon his mate
releasing his talons  
the rodent he brings
pounces on mate
instinctive coitus
screeching primal sounds fill the dark quiet night
she stays in her nest
checks her owlets yet to hatch
veraciously eating the award
gliding off he surrenders
the night is quiet again~~lorilynn

copyright*lorilynn 2010
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