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You've given me everything
I could have wanted; and also that which
I wouldn't have dreamed I could ever desire so much
You've answered me in your own way-
Everything I've asked of you and more
I never could have imagined how wonderful
You would be, even in your darkest moments
I've enjoyed with you things most people
Only fantasize about, and things nobody could imagine
I've had a special relationship with you
From the first moment, so forgive me
If, at the end of us,
I ask for more time with you-
And I know everyone does that;
It's not that I'm greedy, it's just that
The alternative to you is nothing I can imagine,
Nothing compared to your beauty right now,
O my world- everyone always wants more of you
Even though you're the soul of everything.
I saw what you did,
You *******,
You barely got away,
Over a stupid glitch,
The mistake wont repeat itself,
I can assure you of that,
You can hide away nightly,
In your pervy little flat.
All those little ones you took,
And disposed of their souls,
Ripped at their dreams,
**** all over their goals,
But you didnt figure me,
You pathetic slime ball,
I will haunt your dreams,
I will watch you crawl,
Wherever you are going,
Ill be there first,
To dampen your ugly addiction,
And to dry up your ***** thirst,
I will make you suffer,
For every one you hurt,
Your redemption is too late now,
You paedo piece of dirt!!!
 Jun 2010 Lori McGaw
S Immele
I want to spend tonight alone with you
Just looking at stars
And Reading our fates etched there in the sky
Comets shoot by like old famed glories
Dead but never gone
Not from our hearts
So I’ll say it again
I want to spend tonight alone with you
Just looking at the stars.
I can feel your presence,
I can feel your touch,
As I close my eyes to the darkness,
I can feel your warm breath softly brush,
It swathes my being,
It engulfs my soul,
Lost in an abyss of pleasure,
Desires of the flesh have taken control,
Nothing is sacred, nothing is taboo,
Lust is the power, the wisdom and the fool.
Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That's all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.
A thousand times we needed you

A thousand times we cried

If love alone could have saved you

you never would have died

A purple heart and eyes of gold were layed to rest

God broke our hearts to prove he only took the best

never a day goes by that you’re not in my heart and my soul.

From our thoughts to our memories,

From our days to our nights.

From the east to the west,

From my love that I write.

Its been seven long years since we last saw you,

Seven long years of pain and sorrow.

But you remain in our hearts

For all of tomorrow’s

(C) Dakota Lee Osan-2009
(c)Dakota Lee Osan -2010
I lay in my bed lonely, as I do every night
Wishing you were here by my side
Body is getting restless
Eyes is getting heavy
I drift off to sleep...
I open my eyes to find you standing over me
You slowly undress me
You begin with a sweet kiss
Because you know it's what I miss
Then you start to rub my legs
Caressing so gently
As your body begs, so intently
I moan at the touch of your tongue
Tracing my breast all the way down to my belly
You flash that wicked smile of yours
As you make your way down between my thighs
Where it's warm and hot

****...Feelings of DEJA VU emerge
We've been here before

Your fingers find it's way to my wetness
Anticipation is higher than high
Just to feel my moist spot
Has you excited beyond all measures
You enter me slow and gentle
Not wanting to destroy the mood
I hold on to your body as I enjoy every ******
Eyes closed as you take me to ecstasy
We don't need no music
Our moans will be our sound
I lay with your hands and mouth all over me
Now we switch positions
You are on the bottom
I'm on the top getting ready to please you
We move together
Our bodies are in sync
I can feel your body tremble
A sign you're ready to let go
Just as we both are about to explode
I open my eyes...

Only to realize IT WAS ALL A DREAM!
 May 2010 Lori McGaw
the 25th
 May 2010 Lori McGaw
be afraid
vibrantly staid
in despair
beyond repair
shambles of a life
still, she is my wife
despite the petty games
we play
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