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Lori Jean Jan 2011
The mind rushes
To analyze
What future looms
I bide my time.
As I await.

The body tremors
Inside and out
Fatigued, it yells
The pain, it shouts.
As I await.

The eye stabs
Vision blurry
Migraines laugh
To watch me worry.
As I await.

The muscles dance
To tunes unknown
Lightning strikes
The weary bone.
As I await.

Memory fails
Words escape
The mind still fights
As I await.
As I await.

Heart palpitates
Stress enhances
Emotions calm
To steer advances.
As I await.

It fights to win
But all in vain
Corrupt the body
My soul remains.
As I await.

Love still lingers
Intentions pure
No anger lives
No pity here.
As I await.

Disease roars strong
Yet, I prevail
Love supersedes
This crumbling shell.
As I await.

Symptoms linger
Rise and fall
No sense to madness
Inside this wall.
As I await.

Stare in question
Distance fear
This child of God
Protected here.
As I await.

My blessings soar
Above the trial
Diagnosis looms
But still I smile.
*As I await.
LoriJean Vance Copyright 01/22/2011
Written to express the experience of waiting for a diagnosis of possible multiple sclerosis.
Lori Jean Jan 2011
I walked in silent isolation
My virtuous heart since birth
Now, stunned at the mass confusion
The world’s reaction to its worth

With faith I held out for a strand
of rope to break the fall
I knew time would now be fleeting
I reached out to one and all

Strangers, friends and family
Every church that I could find
I utilized the “viral” speech
And asked for help to lead the blind

I knew the mountain too high
My shovel would move slow
I needed strength in numbers
To resist the heavy blow

Buddy, Can You Spare A Dime?
Perhaps a pence or Two?

Buddy, Can You Spare some Time?
I’d do the same for you.

Buddy Can You Spare A Prayer?
This will surely do.

(No response.  What could I do?
Your loud silence answered true.
You now avoid me, silly you.
You best thank God, it isn’t you.)

I still walk the path alone
My faith you have not crumbled.
I understand the attitude
We all are weak, we all have stumbled.

You feel that times are rough enough
For many, if not all
You gaze upon your own troubles
Too many to recall

You cannot fathom helping one
Whose pain you cannot feel
You must know it, see it,
Achieve joy inside
Otherwise, there is no deal.

Well, Buddy I must let you know
Now that the day is through
I spared a prayer for you today
That your heartaches will be few

And if you should ever need something
I pray that you will find
A response much greater than the one
You offered, friend of mine.

Buddy, Can You Spare A Dime?
Perhaps a pence or Two?

Buddy, Can You Spare some Time?
I’d do the same for you.

Buddy Can You Spare A Prayer?
This will surely do.

Your loud silence answered true.

You best thank God, it isn’t you.
LoriJean Vance Copyright 01/06/2011
written after I reached out for some help for a very close friend
Lori Jean Dec 2010
I came upon in childhood
a soul quite dimly lit,
we said "hello" in passing
upon coincidence.

Our paths were very distant,
we danced to different songs
but every now and then I'd stop
and watch that soul glow on.

I marveled at the warming hue
that soul would quietly exhibit,
touching lives with tenderness;
and I wondered how he did it.

The years passed quickly by, it seems
and when reality seemed dark,
I knew that somewhere I could find
that soft, consistent, spark.

I still cherish that unique and special soul
unlike any other,
connected in hearts we will always be
for that soul is
my dear brother.
LoriJean Vance Copyright 1998
Lori Jean Dec 2010
At a time when life was precious
she came in unannounced
she brought in lots of baggage
and layed it on my couch.

Her innocence was perfect
her naivity was bliss
she only needed love from all
complications she did miss.

This child was so entangled
from the start of life and on
some would pull from left and right
and others far beyond...
but her smile would still march on.

Looking for stability
the years poured quickly by
and soon her heart felt sadness
and her eyes learned how to cry...
but her smile still never died.

A few more cuts and bruises
the rain came pouring down
her soul now soaked in others' hate
no truthfulness around...
but she still refused to frown.

and still more time,
and still more pain...

her eyesight growing dim
the crowd now cries with false-lit love
"my sweet Tabi, how can she sin?"

(and that smile...where has it been?)
LoriJean Vance Copyright 01.26.97
Lori Jean Dec 2010
I've felt the warmth of loves embrace
I've basked in sheer delight
I've heard one whisper thoughts so sweet
into my ear at night.

I've fought the front line; lost the war
earned medals in-between
I bare love's hurtful battle scars
the most painful ones unseen.

I've packed my faith, donated hope
to causes more sublime
with strength, I've accepted consequence;
gave up for one last time.

And with your grace, you stand here
care and compassion be your keys.

My heart unlocks at your request;
accepts delivery.

No hesitation, no contemplation
no trust I lack, it's true

I can risk and share whats left inside,
for I believe in you.
LoriJean Vance Copyright 5.24.98
Lori Jean Dec 2010
If I could wish upon a star
and make a dream come true,

I'd ask God for a miracle,
and send it off to you.

I'd free you from the pain and hurt
that haunt you in your sleep.

I'd dry your kind and caring eyes,
so you would never weep.

I'd give you back the hopes and dreams
that long ago ran dry.

I'd erase unpleasant memories
and provide a second try.

My love, my dear, no need to ask
I'd do anything for you.

And if I could send a miracle,
this is surely what I'd do.
LoriJean Vance Copyright 03.31.97 revised
Original 1983
Lori Jean Dec 2010
For a moment there, I held you
Your touch was perfectly unique.

Your voice was peaceful in my ear,
although we did not speak.

Your presence was undoubtable
Our spirits soared as one.

Though, the interlude now over
the warmth is still undone.

In our acceptance of each other
the experience couldn't cease

and time stood still for two souls
for just one moment, brief.
LoriJean Vance Copyright 12.26.96
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