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Staring into an abyss, longing, quenched, but alive

Seeking answers to questions that weren’t there

Waiting for someone unknown, something unseen

Or, waiting for someone well known, never beyond sight

Longing for a moment while time flew by

Ah those miserable eyes, my father’s eyes!

Clearer than a crystal and deeper than a ocean

Saying all without saying at all

I felt secure even from a thousand miles

Knowing you are there to pick me if I fall

Now who's there to listen to my cries

Ah those miserable eyes, my father’s eyes!

Once they sparkled like a thousand bulbs

with unabashed stare that pierced your soul

Now they are pale, the lights long gone

as always, time has taken its toll

Now I know how time flies

Ah those miserable eyes, my father’s eyes!

As I sit back now, with no roof over my head

No longer a child with you gone afar

Like a rudderless boat in a vast ocean

lost, looking for that elusive morning star

nothing above me, but the dark skies

Ah those miserable eyes, my father’s eyes!

I still had to say a lot, more than I ever did

I know you know that, as you knew me always

I just want to say, I love you dad, I always did

I wish I could tell that to you, on your face

When I saw those eyes, the lifeless eyes, the longing eyes

Ah those miserable eyes, my father’s eyes.
I love the sky in Spring, with all its beautiful hews.  
Deep pink and misty whites, and a plethora of blues.

I love the waters in Summer, the cool upon my face.
To sit and watch the water, like a dancer full of grace.

I love the trees in Autumn, and how they start to change.
Each leaf a color of its own., not one exactly the same.

I love the coldness of Winter, how you can see your breath.
But oh how quickly Spring will come again, upon Winter’s death.
Have you ever paused and stopped to think

What life would be like if we didn’t have a drink?

I don’t mean wine or beer, whisky or porter,

But the most precious of all, a drink of cold water.


Do we waste water, do we really think it’s free,

Perhaps because the real cost, we try not to see

Thousands of dead children, not as a result of ethnic slaughter

These kids died for want of a glass of clean drinking water

Not in long wars glorious, with armies victorious as the media would portray

But in stinking slums broken hearted mums watch their babies die, every single day.

The water crisis affects us all, this we know,

Not just in far off countries where the crops won’t grow.

In this matter we each share some blame

Collectively it’s a national, crying shame

If we only took on board that without water life would stop.

None of us would dare to waste a single, precious drop

But it’s always been the same concerning you and I

We never miss the water, till the well runs dry.

Recently in Ireland there was a cry and a hullabaloo.

There was a water shortage with a difference; this time it affected me and you.

Bad management and leaky pipes meant water was in short supply,

The councils cut everyone off; there was a tremendous outcry,

How dare you cut our water off, I roared and ranted and cried

I was about to boil my spuds, now I’ll have to have them fried.

Must I have a shallow bath or even a short shower?

Don’t worry mam he said, we’ll have it on within the hour.

That was a week a go, I haven’t seen hair nor hide,

Our personal hygiene habits are beginning to slide,

For we can’t clean our teeth or even flush the loo

I had to ring and ask, what ever will we do?

He said when water returns we will all have to ration,

It’s easy to save water if we take individual action.

As for our taps, turn them on just so

There’s no gushing water, only the required flow.

When having a shower and under that spray

Remember, that it’s not the time of day

To hum and sing, and ponder the meaning of life

For princes or paupers, from all walks of life

Seem to wash and rinse and then wash again

Oblivious to the deluge flowing down the drain.

A rub and a scrub and a few minutes in and out

Will suffice is my advice as there’s no time to hang about.

Don’t let your ablution mean even further pollution

By using chemicals to scour your baths and showers,

An alternative that is green is the easy solution

There are products that clean, made from plants and flowers

To protect our heritage for all our sons and daughters

Join the revolution against pollution of our streams and waters.

With towns expanding, populations are increasing,

Irelands thirst for water is desperately unceasing

Industry and commerce toil by day and by night

Its demand for more water, is an insatiable appetite

Its not that it’s wrong to try to prosper and thrive

It’s just if we continue to waste water, we’ll never survive.

In this big world we have a shameful distinction,

If everyone polluted like the Irish, we’d face extinction

How we seek success with our industrial drive,

Means we’d need three planets just to stay alive.

When we look at our country with its rivers and lakes,

It’s hard to believe, a little thought is all it takes,

To cherish and to relish this God-given creation

For the sake of the future and the next generation.

The moral of this story before I bid adieu

Is that there are a thousand ways to save water –

But they all begin with YOU
If I had an inch I'd give you a mile
If you were a frown I'd give you a thousand smiles
I'd give you the world if you asked
But all I want you to have is my heart

I'll write you a song if that's what you want
Then tear it all up if you don't
I'll show you my mind and give you my heart
Just promise you won't rip it apart

I want to know how you are
I want to know your heart and soul
Your voice is a work of art
I wish you could be mine to hold

I never could move on from your eyes
They'd haunt me wherever I go
Quitting isn't always so bad
When giving up on the impossible

Honestly I'd be crazy not to love you
Although the effect seems the same either way
I have dreams of spending forever with you
I wonder if you'd want to stay?
Endless and drear, the way is made clear.
I have to get out of here.

I don't have a clue what I'm doing
And I'm just wasting time.
A stop-hold on the moment
As I watch life go by.

Your scent permeates the air
To the point I can no longer bear
It as I stomp your grounds,
Harassing the innocent on your behalf.

Another few days, only a few more weeks,
That's the way I make it day-to-day.
A job's a job, and money is money,
A paycheck is better than none, right?

I can stand it no longer,
Watching my days grow shorter,
Making no progress forward,
Living within your bounds is torture.
I feel I can go no further.

I'm done and gone, I leave you behind.
I seize the moment and try to gain back lost time.
I'm living my life and saying goodbye.
When I grow up, I want to be kind.
I want to happy and peaceful
I want to speak softly and listen loudly.
I want to be a person my children look up to
I want to wander with purpose
I want to find things I'm not looking for
When I grow up, I want to be loved
I want to laugh
I want to live vigorously
I want growth. I crave growth.
I need my life to be more
I need to dream.
When I grow up, I need to be daring
I'm going to climb trees
I'm going to explore
I'm going to ask strangers about their day.
I'm going to embrace myself. Flaws and all.
I'll sing out loud when I know they can hear me
My life will be a metaphor for something that hasn't been invented yet
The heat of the day is intensified
By housing burning.
This ain't right.
Never understanding why they took her daughter.
Trying to forget the image of them killing his father.
Why do you want to take all their food?
The people struggle to even make their muscles move.
Orphans running barefoot along the rocky road.
The workers knees are buckling under their heavy load.

I cannot understand a person's thought process
Of causing harm, of beating someone down
Just to mock them?
What makes you so much better
than those around you?
To me, you're as good as the filth from the ground and
You're not human
You don't belong to this earth
If you can't view us all as equals
And see the other person's worth.

What's the government doing
to end this montrosity?
I want a say in what you do
Or I'll help bring down this so called democracy.

All I can hear are their screams.
We are their fellow human beings.
They're reaching out their hands.
So let's join together and take a stand.
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