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In the warmth of May
I look at the magnolias
And wonder when I, too,
Will bloom into something
What if our tears of loneliness
fell from our wet cheeks
and met at our chin
to make each other whole?
The penguins
have left London Zoo


it's too cold.
It's freezing in England bitterly cold where oh where is spring
Eye fink
hive fourgotten
two tern
cowrecktore hon
Sick of it spelling for me so thought I'd upset it lol
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
we don't hug goodnight anymore
we don't talk about the real stuff anymore
we don't laugh as much anymore
we don't touch as much anymore
we don't look at each other anymore
we don't depend on each other anymore
we don't act the same anymore.

and thats okay,
but i miss it.
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
i just don't wanna
be the one
that falls in love,
but can't be
loved back
because I'm drunk in love
and I'm sober in love
and I'm always in love.
believe me or don't
but I'm here
for forever.
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
how do you chose?
a heart cannot be torn in two
but i swear mines split, mangled
right down the beating, blood-filled center
this irreversible love,
my karmic downfall,
my self destruction incarnate.
two loves
and three hearts
I've broken.
who do i chose?
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
I'm sorry i started crying.
i swear it was the alcohol
poisoning my words
and twisting my emotions.
and the tears were supposed to
tell you i love you
not make you afraid
for the future.
i meant to say i miss you
not that i hate you
but i think the words
just got confused in my mind.
I'm sorry for the mix up
its just that love
and hate seem to really
correlate in my drunken state
of reality.
lets pretend everything i
said was the perfect cocktail
of lovely seduction
convincing you, coaxing you
to reconsider my disastrous being,
take me back tonight
won't you please?
I've waited
and waited
years it seems for this
moment to come and make me
happy, alive, perfect.
you and me.
love or hate
i don't know
or care
all that matters
is that its you
and me

 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Tori G
All girls are
Very pretty.
Most girls are
Very witty.
Some girls let boys
Play with their kitty.
What kind of girl are you?
**you can mix and match if needed.
Also, notice how I shaped it like a girl ;)
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Tori G
Have you ever noticed how
We all just barely brush against
Each other's lives?

Could it be caused by a deity?
Or the twisted ways of fate?
Or maybe it is pure coincidence.

I don't know how many times
I have licked that tootsie pop;
I still  haven't reached the center.

I guess the world may never know...
Just pondering some things today. What do you all think?
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