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 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Tori G
A dormant waste land of white
Turns into lush beauty overnight.

Spring itself is given away by the daffodil flowers
Whom have impeccable timing powers.

The momma birds are tweet, tweet, tweeting
And the baby birds are cheep, cheep, cheeping.

And the sunlight,
Oh the sunlight!

Through the leafy canopy I see it shine-
I sit back and smile because this day is all mine.

I can't believe it's finally here,
My favorite season of the year!
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Am I doing a good job?

Is it working this time?

Are you falling in love with me yet?
For everyone who wants that special someone
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Hair curled up in bobby pins, I think I look like my Grandmother. I remember her as she carefully pinned up her caramel golden hairs into perfect curls.

Last year seems like a long time ago.

Fire place slowly warming up the house, crackling.

And its all quite warming, its all **mine
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
I find it funny, how we all try to find perfection in love , when the love that we find is usually the most flawed.

But I guess thats what makes it beautiful.

I guess thats what makes love so **human
What do you guys think?
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
I love you

I love you in the way that life without  you would be very boring

But I would still be able to live.
I think that when we choose to love our friends we do it for ourselves. We do it because although life would go on without them, we would rather it not to. ( its a bit rough, the poem, but yeah)
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
You horrid person, you poor ignorant soul.
We write for love, something you would not know of.
We write because we **can
, therefore we will.
You have no right to silence our songs, no right to quiet our cheers.
Do not shush of serenades of glory, do not hush our odes.
How dare you judge us?
How dare you judge her?
How dare you even try.
She amounts to more talent in an eyelash than you do in your whole fully developed being.
If you understood you would stop, but you do not.
Your poor ignorant fool.
A friend and fellow writer on this site, Clarrise, has stopped writing because she has been continually judged for by a foolish person. I ask all of you to show her support and to encourage her to write again. Here is a link to her profile:
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
I hate it when thoughts of you keep me up at night

I hate it how your laugh-stained smile leaves an unforgettable imprint in my mind

And I hate I'm always scared, and I hate how I can't speak

I hate how you leave me breathless

So, I was thinking.... want to fall in love with me?
So lately a lot of people around me have caught the love bug, I guess this just kinda explains how they feel. Hope this doesn't make it worse (:
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Brush stroke of lips on innocent skin.

First kisses are always the hardest ones to predict.
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
I know that one day all we'll ever be is a collection of mismatched, unedited moments....
And I'm fine with that.

I think.
I have too many run away thoughts that I cannot seem to put into one coherent piece...sorry
Words came from up above
fill my heart with so much love.

If you could see behind my eye's
you would know
why angel's smile.

I think the light is coming back
dot's of white inside the black
I think the light is coming back
dot's of white inside the black.
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