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In love they wore themselves in a green embrace.
A silken rain fell through the spring upon them.
In the park she fed the swans and he
whittled nervously with his strange hands.
And white was mixed with all their colours
as if they drew it from the flowering trees.

At night his two finger whistle brought her down
the waterfall stairs to his shy smile
which like an eddy, turned her round and round
lazily and slowly so her will
was nowhere—as in dreams things are and aren't.

Walking along avenues in the dark
street lamps sang like sopranos in their heads
with a voilence they never understood
and all their movements when they were together
had no conclusion.

Only leaning into the question had they motion;
after they parted were savage and swift as gulls.
asking and asking the hostile emptiness
they were as sharp as partly sculptured stone
and all who watched, forgetting, were amazed
to see them form and fade before their eyes.
...It is not
but a sense lost
in words
Morning, it brings blue
so fresh so real
and confused
Like a feather gone mad
caught in the storm
But there's no rain
not today or
Only the calm...
the eerie silence that
screams when everything
So you wait, hoping it will wane and
waited long enough
only to realize
you have defined
maybe ill be here
when both of us are miles away
and our bedrooms are empty.

maybe ill still be here
when you are sad and realized nothing has changed
that all the girls you are will today will be gone tomorrow

maybe ill be here
or maybe ill be gone

far away

and maybe ill not want to talk when you are sad
because I've tried to talk
and you haven't listened

its because maybe you are the one who is gone.
I just need to let go.
fleeting memories

flash in my mind

bringing pain in little winces

like a bee sting

or a quick burn from a ***

a searing pain at first

followed by a persistent throbbing.

I’m infatuated with your memories

I cannot let them go

despite how much

they tear me apart.
You’re gone.

But I admit,

At night I still wrap myself in your memory,

Just so I can remember what happiness is,

Even for a little bit.

For once I can breathe again,

Think again,

Feel again.

It’s summer and we’re driving

It’s raining and we’re dancing

It’s your basement and I feel beautiful.

But morning comes again too quickly,

And with that you leave too soon,

And again I am alone.

It’s Tuesday morning and I’m broken.
They say that humans
Spend one quarter of their lives

Simply waiting.
In lines,
For busses,
On elevators.

For water to boil,
And for the rain to just please,
Stop already.

For babies to be born,
For "the big day,"
And dreams to become a reality.

But as for me, you see,
All I do
Is wait.

From the early start to my day,
To the last restless thought at night
I am waiting.

And waiting
For things to please
Get better.

What they don't tell you,
Is that no matter how much you wait
It does not fix

So why do I let myself spend
Four quarters waiting
On an impossibility?
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Even that light that crept through the window
And swept you from my subconscious

That bitter light that pulled you out of my bed
Disrupting my harmonious dreams

Even that dreadful light that crept through the window
Stealing you
Robbing me of your gentle touch

Even that light
Was not enough
To make my morning less enchanting

Alone in my bed
With just your lovely composition
Laying anxiously under my pillow

All that I desire is you, my beloved.
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Crumbled paper in my pocket

Blissful, mind numbing absence

I can't even finish this **** poem

I gave up on you the moment the pen touched paper
Not sure about this one..
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