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LjMark Jun 2015
The two of us are quite a pair
Put together by fate, love and care
I doubt you could tell that we don't share blood
From our talks and our chats
From sun up to sun down

To think that we started out two little boys
Conquering our worlds with our games and toys
Then both finding out how we didn't belong
That the bodies we had were just terribly wrong

So over the years, from our two different states
Unknown to each other, we started to change
We came out of our closets, from miles apart
And started our transitions, one earlier one late

But all that's important is we are sisters now
Helping each other, no matter what life throws
It's the most amazing thing you could ever know
Two little boys who are now two amazing women
With female names saying good night as sisters

For my sister and friend.
© Lj Mark 2015
My real name is Laura J.
LjMark Jun 2015
A beating heart and coursing veins
Fingers and toes and arms and legs
We all get hurt and all feel pain
A knife will cut us all the same

So why do some judge, condemn and hate
What crime are we guilty, and sentenced to pay
With a lifetime of insults, disrespect and slurs
Frightened at night and haunted by words

We all are the same, we all think and feel
We all laugh and cry, have desires and wills
We all want the same, and search so long
We all want to be loved, and a place to belong

We all are the same.

© Lj Mark 2015
LjMark Jun 2015
I write this poem for my beautiful wife
Who's watched me change like day and night
Complained she hasn't, she's just looked on
As I've opened myself up, though it's taken so long

I hope she can tell how happy I am
As my whole self is out, and I do all that I can
To be a better spouse, more sensitive and kind
Stronger and outgoing, not timid and shy

I knew I was Trans from when I was 10
But hid it inside not understanding it then
No one taught it in school or knew how I felt
I just melted away with this part of me unfelt

But by your side I am free to be who I am
The way God created me, some female some man
At least on the inside thats just how I feel
And to share myself with you is an honor,
A delight and a blessing I'll treasure forever
With all my love.

© Mark (Lj Mark)
Written for my wife.
LjMark Jun 2015
My brain feels like a planted ***.
My thoughts, memories and senses,
fill the *** like roots, twisting and turning,
filling the spaces with past experiences.

For 50 years those roots were male,
forced downward,
into the soil by society,
family, school and church.

The pressure was too much,
like gravity pulls roots to the bottom of the ***,
They have no choice until one day,
when that *** is turned upside down.

Now my *** is pointed right.
My true female roots are now moving.
Twisting, turning, growing towards the light,
like they were always meant to do.

I'm growing stronger every day,
while those male roots and flesh dissolve.
Becoming the woman I was meant to be,
Shining bright for all to see.

© Lj Mark 2015
LjMark Jun 2015
The preachers shout out on Sunday morn,
from stages and podiums at the top of their lungs.
God made men to be men, women to be women,
and he never makes any mistakes from heaven.

To be different is a sin, and you must turn away,
ignore your true self and be all that they say.
Dress as they dress, speak as they speak,
stand up like a man, and don't show yourself weak.

But they don't ever say, yet know that they should,
that gender's in the brain, and not in how you look.
And because of that, no mistakes were made,
Men will always be men, and a woman I've always been.

© Lj Mark 2015
LjMark Jun 2015
Over half a century I've been here.
I remember in the beginning,
I was so shiny and new.
Like a finely painted clay ***,
molded from the very hand of God.
Made a man on the outside,
with strong legs like a *** needs,
to stand full and steady.
Over years of self abuse, the *** cracked,
It fell to pieces, broken and almost destroyed.
Then a hand reached down from heaven,
and picked up the worn down broken pieces,
forming and creating them anew.
This time the *** was smooth and delicate,
intricately carved with the finest tools,
and layered with the purest gold.
Fit only for a Queen, the *** held the finest spice,
and only the most feminine of parfums.
The clay *** had found its true purpose,
Its special place in the world,
as it had always dreamed and longed to do.
The beautiful clay *** lived forever,
and blessed all who touched it,
With its new found beauty and life.

by Lj Mark 2015
LjMark May 2015
Why on earth was I made this way?
Someone sure must have been drinking that day.
This body feels like it's from outer space,
from the tips of my toes to the nose on my face.
These mens clothes feel like they came from mars,
they're the most absurd things I could wear by far.

So I hide in my dream, a most comfortable place,
that smells of jasmine and visions of pink lace.
Soft silk sheets that cover my curves,
nightgowns and rosewater, my female mind's cure.
Long flowing hair, with a sweet smile and eyes,
finish my dream as I fade in the night.

by Lj Mark 2015
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