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 Jun 2015 Lizzy Oakes
i thought i was holding your hand
but i guess i was holding your heart
you said "don't let go" 
i said "oh" as it hit the asphalt
do you think gravity knows 
that it makes people fall
does it know we go down hard 
because i think you broke the sound barrier 
on your way down to me
but i just let gravity send your heart
straight down to the street
i wasn't thinking 
or maybe i was
just not about you
i'm selfish
and so is gravity 
so i guess you could call it natural
and you can call me gone

 Jun 2015 Lizzy Oakes
i'm stuck in traffic
during a rain storm
in the middle of the night 
and i'm subtly reminded 
of when you stopped 
holding my hand 
as much as you used to
the cracks in the windshield
remind me of us
i cross another county line
and i think it's just like you
same place
new name
my veins are power lines
running through this ghost town
i'm so full of electricity 
but no one taps into it
i guess i'm useless
it's been a long time
since i've seen anything special
in the shapes of the clouds 
i don't think hurricanes
know that they destroy so much
maybe that's why you don't know
that i'm in this kind of pain
the cracks in my windshield 
are getting bigger
i think it's going to shatter soon 
could you imagine
the window shattering
and the glass coming at me
as i'm speeding
down this dark and rainy road
i don't have to imagine
i've already met you

 Jun 2015 Lizzy Oakes
I remember how it felt;
You fingers slowly touching my skin.
I can still hear the way you said
"I'll never let you go"

But I lay here and wonder
"Why did you let me go?"
Was it something I did or said?
Or did you decide I was no longer worth it?

As I close my eyes I still see
The way your sapphire eyes looked into mine.
My eyes open and I'm overcome with pain
Why did you leave me?

 Jun 2015 Lizzy Oakes
you're the kind of girl
that they write books about
i always thought you were fiction
but i can't even remember
the last time i finished a good book
i always drop it at the ******
maybe it's because
we never reached ours
speaking of not being able to finish things

 Jun 2015 Lizzy Oakes
i'm sleeping
on the left side 
of my bed
to take up the space
that you left empty 
because you left me
with no kind of backup plan
i was left to miss you
and you were left to wonder
and in the end
all that is left
is left hand turn signals
in the car i'm driving 
parking on the left side of the road
where i walked you to your door 
and left you to go inside alone
it was a fine first date 
but i remember thinking 
"i shouldn't have left her so early"
and now i hope you think the same
i got stuck in the revolving door
into your old apartment building
it reminded me of you
i used my left hand
to push it forward
and felt as though
this is where i would be
for the rest of my time without you
i left the building 
without a vocalized thought
but in the back of my mind
the only thought that was left
"why can't i be right for once?"

 Jun 2015 Lizzy Oakes
no one believes in me
no one thinks that i can see what i want to be
no one thinks i can do even one thing on my own 
they say i have no ambition 
that i left home with no ammunition 
to fight in a war of attrition 
with no foreseeable outcome
but i'm not cattle to be herded
i am a voice to be heard 
and listened to
i will accomplish so many things 
i will set out to be anything
i will be set on the highest pedestal 
my life will not be some humorous spectacle
my dreams are so much more than skeletal 
i'm more than the hollowed out bones that no one knows 
where nothing but emptiness grows
because you don't know me
you don't see that i'll be free to scream
so take me from these demons
i am no longer the old shirt 
left hanging in your closet 
i am no longer a speck of dirt
floating aimlessly for you to witlessly grasp at me as i head to see the minds that i can change 
my voice will be heard from the high heavens to the depths of hell
my words will mend the broken skin that we all live in
my ideas will free us from the suffering and the covering of our eyes 
and i will not just be believed in
i will be known 
and you'll wish i could see you

 Jun 2015 Lizzy Oakes
and then
you come to realize
that your porcelain bones
can't take much more
you're falling apart
in her hands
and she doesn't
want to save you
she'll drop you
to the floor
at the first sign
of those spiderweb cracks
fractured perfection
mental misteps
up the stairs
as she loses balance
while she carrys you
porcelain bones
and parchment skin
how much more poetry
can your body take

 Jun 2015 Lizzy Oakes
sycophantic poetry
im only here to please you
im only here to ease
this starvation of attention
my words are only
hollow messengers
that mean only
that im devoted
but when
im gone
who will turn you
into the poetry
that you dont understand

 Jun 2015 Lizzy Oakes
an armageddon
in a sundress
a walking tsunami
bent on whisking you up
and slamming you down
drowning you
with every word
that you wanted to hear
shes a monsoon
in the middle of july
a dust storm
clouding a freeway
if my veins are rivers
then she flooded them all
my home was taken
in the tornado that she was
ripped from its foundation
and later found wasted
she decimated my mind
with the hurricane she resembled
and to tell the truth
i guess ive always been a stormchaser
ive always sought out
the most dangerous situations
and she was no different
she left me in the street
with no one around
but she cant be blamed
i asked for it


— The End —