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2.3k · Apr 2014
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
Look at the clouds
Look how they move for you.
Look at the crowd
their words they're saying to you.

Parking full, so no cars to chase
but still let's lie down here
make the world stationery in our heads.
Let's just forget all common sense and
leave elephants about the place.

Words that lack sentiment
yet need to validate.
Look at your verbs,
so in demand, so imperative!
The notion of emotion
is unable to compute.
A cacophony of love without solitude.
Signs without direction
on a two way street.

Let's go to outer space
as our bodies collide like the big bang
The moon will be too modest to shine in
the presence of your face.

Look at the clouds
look how they move for you
so the stars can disperse through
through for you.

When I look into your eyes
I see the world as it should be
before mankind got to grips with machinery.
Your ****** expression reads like a deer in headlights
as you make headlines on the evening news,
my daily summary of events that happen
in the life of me, myself and caffeine.

I'm aware that I'm the legs to your table
but I'm not so stable, I'm about to break.
I'm the root the keeps your grounded
but the soils getting dry.
Sun-lights long shone from our skies
and we can't photosynthesise
when your stork lacks a spine of support.
It's a cycle that needs to change,
If our fruits to ripe.

So, put a pipe in your gripe
and learn the twelve letter word.
So the ship can get a sail.

Look at the crowd
the words they're screaming at you.
Look how they turn around wearing my face
then disappear.
When I look in to your eyes
I see the world before it lost it's

What do you see when you look in mine?
1.3k · Apr 2014
I am ...
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
I am honest I am consistent I am human I am alive
I am anxious I am insecure I am sensitive
I am needy I am nerdy I am motivated
I am sane I am forgetful

I am a teacher I am a learner I am fast talker fast mover.
I am a ****-head I am a thinker I'm a writer
I'm a reader I'm an attention seeker

I'm a friend I'm an idiot  I'm a child I'm a daughter
I'm a dreamer I'm a laugh I am a sister

I am complex I am agnostic
I am weird.
I am now
I am me

I am?
1.1k · Apr 2014
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
I know Henry the VIII had six wives
   and that bees live in hives.
I know blue and yellow put together make green.
   and that the populations the biggest it's ever been.
I know the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
      is the greatest sentence on Earth
    And that male seahorses give birth.
I know Neil Armstrong was the
     first man on the moon
and that the dish ran away with the spoon.

I know that peanuts are present in dynamite
  and that Einstein wasn't always right.
I know you shouldn't bite off more than you can chew
  and  that Tom Crapper invented the loo.
I know that Ben Franklin flew his kite into a storm
to prove that lightening's an electrical form.
I know that goldfish have a three second memory span
   that my dad will never be a Man United fan.
I know that Eric Clapton went Knocking on Heavens door.
  and that the Swiss aren't helpful in a war.

I know the Russian Prime Minister's Vladamir Putin.
I know who discovered Penicillin
I know that seven times seven is forty nine
    and that the French enjoy their wine.
I know ostriches lay eggs bigger than their head
   and that pencils used to be made from lead.
I know flowers survive because of  photosynthesis
  and that Chuck Norris is good in a crisis.
I know that Darwin didn't say we came from apes
   and the story of 'The Great Escape. '
I know you should always let your conscience by your guide
   and the tenth main cause of death is suicide.

I know that lemon is an anagram of melon
   and that Guy Fawkes was a convicted felon.
I know that life the Universe
    and everything is forty two.
   That I'm too old to play Guess Who.
I know the reason for having a leap year .
   and that Beethoven couldn't hear.
I know Walt Disney was afraid of mice
and that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice.

I know Pluto was stripped of it's status in 2006
and that some problems just can't be fixed.
I know Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly a plane
that diamonds are harder than John Mc Clane.
I know that Americans dial 911 in an emergency
that more monopoly money is printed than real currency.
I know the electric chair was invented by a dentist.
And that Josef Stalin ruled with an iron fist!

I know that cats have nine lives
and that Elvis Presley could really jive
I know that no one does drugs like Charlie Sheen
that I couldn't survive a day without caffeine
I know that an insufficiency is called a dearth
and that some things cost more than their worth.
I know Neil Armstrong was the
     first man on the moon
and that the dish ran away with the spoon.
1.1k · Apr 2014
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
Most of my life has been spent painting pictures in a song
though I was never good at Art&Design;,
so I resign myself to drawing words and colouring phrases with a ball point pen and
a weary head, that never should've got out of bed.

And I don't care what you want to be,
in the centre of the circle everybody wanted something from you; like an old teddybear
being ripped at the seams- no buttons to keep you together, only being torn apart like
a philosophical discussion about the creation of man. Pining for cosmic resolution and a reason to be.
You said you wanted that reason to be me.

I'll make you see the world tonight, make sense of the unknown. Learn how to grow old and be satisfied. How to grow, just grow. Know right from left to wrong and sing a different song.

'cause this city was built on fear and testimonies of the ignorant plaguing stubborn minds.
Manipulators lead the gullible ashtray, the weak remain same. No ones left to suffer the blame.
Hands clap as people riot in the street, echoes of the innocent stuck on repeat.

Yet you speak of harmonies and riches. You talk and your voice it's beautiful sound travels through the channels of my eager ears, wanders like a river with subtle grace and ripples of intonation, the mid-range pitch keep it from rising out of the banks of my thoughtless mouth.
And I count myself lucky as I gaze at the aimless faces rather there than here,
their body language gives nothing away, let's nothing in as if they're standing in a windless orchard in their minds. Whereas yours in perfection of a kind.
The poetry of your face is enigmatic yet I feel if I look closer I could easily understand.

The aimless faces try to draw you near but you ignore their cries;
for bribery is vain to try against incorruptible eyes. Although they were trying to warn you.
Their wires went unanswered. The bridges remain unbuilt. Now trouble is coming!
'cause you rested all your hopes on my thoughtless mouth and mishapened heart.

Your words- the beauty of your voice flows through the channels of my ears, wandering like a river, bubbling with your wishes and pain. My mouth is buckled, is buckled with fear.
Can I give you everything you're after?
Give you myself and more? Oh how I want to.

I want to .  .  .  .

'Cause this life was built out of rejection. Humour as a mechanism
of defence, a pretence that I'm strong, able. In fact quite capable of not destroying
everything in my path. My successes came out of needing to prove to them and myself that
I wasn't beaten down.
I have substance and I'm beginning to feel free,
like a bird in an unlocked cage.

LOVE comes from all sources and I don't care what you want to be, as long as you're good to me.
Try to understand where I'm coming from and keep surprising me , like you do.
We can sing the same old song, so long as my pictures colour in your heart.

Colour you in.
922 · Apr 2014
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
Under a sea of flat skies,
eyes ablaze. Rage.
A common same.
Defence of a revolution,

Photographers are just vehicles.

A moustache ,
a hand gun,
a man clad in green.
“I'm not flat, I am laughing”
Reactionary chic.
A Confrontation.
A throw of the dice.
Please God :
our father, a common name.

**** the lights.
Save the tank corpse.
A dictator,
“lower your head when you gulp”
A pitiful heart.
No rest for the wicked
in a political game.

Photographers are just vehicles.

A commercial traveller,
a moustache,
a hand gun.
*******. Defending
the revolution.
Old , young and new.
“I'm not flat ,
I am laughing.”
God: our father,

Under a sea of flat skies,
where life expires
and lies overwhelm the good,
a game is lost.
The dice are thrown.
All can hear

that  universal sigh,
*my name is might have been.
780 · Apr 2014
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
I hate it when my biscuit commits suicide
in my cup of tea.
I hate that TV is about celebrity, banality
and reality.
I hate that even though I have a job, money
still alludes me.
I hate being woken up and going to
bed in a bad mood.

I hate adverts on the radio.
I hate stupidity
facebook debates and vanity.

I hate people who think I'm a traffic light
and those oblivious to where they're going.
People who can't stop relentlessly moaning!

I hate that learning's on the decline
I hate shopping , boredom
and "being dolled up to the nines."

I hate that everybody just waits for
things to get better.
I hate that a 'good' hair day depends
on the weather.

I hate assumptions, non-conclusions
and skin ablutions that don't work.

I hate that the art of conversation is
adrift in this technological generation
I hate time-wasters, calories and kid with
no respects for elders.
I hate that journalism's no longer 'cutting edge'
or about the truth.
I hate profound sayings about too many cooks
and spoiled broth.
That I'm incapable of telling people with clipboards
to *******!
I hate martyrs , can't be ****-ters,
ignorance, arrogance and man-made disasters
The non-stickiness of plasters!

I hate public transport, rush hour
and being stuck inside.
I hate people who wear tracksuits but
never exercise.

I hate queuing and clichés
I hate opinions on mental health
and those who just can't help them-self.

I hate people who relentlessly moan
who can't stop trying to sell stuff over the phone.

But most of all I hate it when


                                                         ­           Ah! Forget it .
706 · Apr 2014
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
Pure like an
                            that's SWEET like
Which are FRAGILE as a
                                               that CURLS as
                          RIVER which coheres like a BOOK.
                                                                               Whose words REMIND is
life is YOUNG as a
                                  NEWLY PLANTED SEED and as
                                                                                        EASY as a CROSSWORD
that's missing CLUES for the BLANKS we
                                                                       TRUE as a
                                                      yet to be PROVED.

Pure like a CHILD'S MIND that's as
                                                           IMAGINATIVE as a
                                                                                                CARDBOARD BOX.
636 · Apr 2014
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
Hollow words exchanged
Void of poetic simulation
Vacant.  Bruised.
Almost mute,
Unsatisfactory conclusion,
doubtless beyond all dignified reason.
Oppressed clouds loiter. An airless balloon
                                      and thoughts of no other but you
608 · Apr 2014
Climbing Trees
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
I can't offer you the Earth,
but I can give you my love.
You came into this world expecting the best
that life can bring. With hope and no fear.
And your cheeky grin.

Your pale blue eyes looking up at me and your
tiny fingers clutching at my shoulder.

Wisdom & reason I wish to impart
And I'll read you stories about greedy caterpillars
and the tiger who came to tea.
I'll watch you grow into the great little
man, I know you'll turn out to be.
You've always got a friend in me.

I can't offer you the Earth,
but I can give you my love.
I can protect you
monsters under your bed
hope you'll never let them
inside your head.
Teach you
the ways of the world
even if I don't know that yet.

Your big blue eyes looking up at me
and your tiny fingers wrapped round mine.

I'll buy you lego,
play hide and seek,
help you climb that tree
patch you up, when you scrape
your knee.

Happiness and empathy I wish to impart
We'll build sandcastles on the beach
and I'll read you stories about a wolf
in Grandma's pyjamas and
James and the giant peach.
             'cause when you're smiling I'm smiling too
I wanna bring out the best in you.

             I may not be able to offer you the Earth
but you can have my love
and I'll watch you grow up
into the great little man
I knew you'd be.
You've always got a friend in me.
560 · Apr 2014
I am not... ...
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
I am not vain I am not stupid
I am not contagious
I am not cupid I am not stubborn
I am not outrageous

I am not addicted I am not selfish
I am not twisted
I am not rude I am not useless.

I am not a therapist
I am not a sponge I am not a robot
I am not a disaster
I am not a for ****-saker.

I am not a fashion statement.
I am not a musician
I am not a hair cut
I am not a brick I am not a lullaby

or a tuneful song
I am not an eraser I am not a swan .
526 · Apr 2014
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
All I wanna do is write a song
that hits all the right notes , is lyrically
blessed with Shakespearean quotes and
reason to rhyme.

I wanna write in a way that'll make you think.
Make you think wow that's incredible,
so expressive and so true if that
song was a colour it would be the
palest shade of blue.

I wanna be able to use clever metaphors,
subliminal semantics and a
love that's so divine.
I wanna make powerful observations,
create profound connotations,
have a style that's distinctly mine.

I want my pen to be a prophet,
a wizard of words.
I want it to be inspired,
globally admired.
With modest undertones.

I wanna write in a way that'll make you think.
Make you think wow that's amazing,
so passionate and so true if that
song was a colour it would be the
palest shade of blue.

But every time I put my pen to
paper, my mind goes in to hibernation
Failing to formulate any sort of
logical cohesion. I just end up
with some laughable linguistic
Like for example :

I'm not your piano so
don't play me like a chord
Opposites attract, it's simple
we couldn't be more different as people.

Continuing the narrative,
that's been done so many times

I'll make tiny paper maché hearts,
press them to my lips
and kiss you all over down to your chest.
Tie them together with string
attach them to your vest.

Whispering softly,
Your beauty is so mesmerizing.
no ones perfect but you're defying.
I could stare at you for weeks
and not notice the hours,
I could hold you till my arms fall off.
                        'Cause , strength's part of the mind,
that controls the heart,
and tonight, your heart lies with mine.

So, whenever you can't sleep
I'll pick up my temperamental pen,
write you a lullaby, laughing as I
smile and say my gift is my song
and this ones for you.
And if music be the food of love,
then darling let's have a feast!

I wanna write in a way
that'll make you think.
Hit all the right notes. Be so expressive and so true,
if this song was a colour it'd be a new shade of blue.
482 · Apr 2014
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
Like a ghost coming to terms with life
with a moth eaten heart and broken mind.
Breathe smoke in to your lungs with
an air of contempt.
Neither up nor down.
You need to but you can't change.
You're anger boils over sometimes,
like a kettle that can't speak.
Starting to realise truth comes at a price
and isn't void of lies.
Treading eggshells and envious darts of light.
Trying to escape the cross road,
but which way to go?
A storms heading this way!
You're without warmth or shelter.
Giving in to content , but not satisfaction.
You're afraid to let her go.
Afraid to let her go.

Headaches becoming the norm.
Eyes struggle to open or close.
You're too tired to know.
Can't fix all problems using just your head.
Especially those you create when your hopes get left in bed.
Failures the only option,
so why even bother? Lucks never on your side.
Your socks are holey and your shoes don't
keep out the cold

Like a tree,
the rings on my face reveal my true age
my boughs buckle under the current of the wind.
I think by now I should know who or what I want to be.
The soul I don't have wants to hide
as my tears get lost in the shade.

Door steps don't welcome you.
Feel invisible yet wishing you were.
Feeling hollow but you got so much inside.

Days that don't begin seem endless
Some lessons aren't worth the mistake
and some words shouldn't need to be said aloud.

You need to but you just can't change.
Treading eggs shells and envious darts of light
like a ghost coming back to life
breathe in the air of tomorrow
clutch a new coin
Get out the right side of bed.
I would like to make this less cliché
450 · Apr 2014
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
Why can't you read me like a book?
All is here for you on a plate.
As plain as this piece of paper upon which I write,
may be an ode to you,  a love song of a kind.
Talking about the fact you doubt the amount of which I've fallen for you.
After all love is just a test for two.
You knew that would stir a reaction.
You wanted it to.
Craving drama and adrenaline.
It's what keeps you going.
'Cause you're destructive, cold and lack compassion.
That's how you see yourself.
But I see a girl whose lost in need of comfort, patience
and stability.

A girl whose head needs a calming tranquility
whose unique as snowflake, who looks at me in
ways that haven't been seen

What we've got,
how intense it is,
isn't understood by judgmental eyes.
Eyes of those who matter most to me.
Who only want the best to be bestowed upon me.
Only now am I worthy of their praise.
Their hardy well done and congratulatory claps.
I proved them wrong, showed them up,
did what was unexpected.

Sometimes I ask in my inferior head whether
if I hadn't turned that beckoning leaf they would still hold
the same opinion, bare the same anxieties and
give me that look of derision.

They can read me like a book.
But unlike you they tip-toe on eggshells around me
I'm hot headed and short tempered.

You know that though don't you?
You say these things to fire me up
'cause it's easier to push me away than to let yourself give in
to how much you love , need , have to have me!
To put you heart in my hands
To trust me more than you trust yourself.

I don't ask for a lot.
An easy life, love and laughter
Nice views and a pint of cider.
Long talks, surprises and Birthday wishes.

I wish we could see ourselves from one another's eyes.
because then I think you'd understand.
You'd stop niggling at small picture details.
Stop making me focus all my energy into fighting
for us. When even then you question and disbelieve
in my plight. My heart's a ticking clock, the second hand is
fast approaching  and my heads about to dock.
This is not how it's supposed to be,

'Cause we're not that different you and me.
316 · Apr 2014
Lizzi Mote Apr 2014
Captured moments in time,
when that's all that we had and
nothing seemed too much or too little,
we were just two people;
with nothing but time
to take photographs
and frame them on our hearts.
Etch memories in our head and dance
with the butterflies in the pit
of our stomachs crippled with fear
'cause all we've got is a clock.
A voice which doesn't always say it right
and a camera that never lies.
like the mirror, in which you take no comfort.
Your mouth is dry, palms damp with sweat
'cause all you've got is time.
Captured moments in photographs,
a smile and a game, in which you've
lost the dice.

— The End —