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 Oct 2013 little flower
trembling hands
and cold fingers
longing for something
to hold on to.

the thought of you
runs through my veins
every now and then.

but eventually
it all fade.

the vivid image
of beautiful memories
of yesterday.

like scattered papers
and shattered glasses.
no one wants them back.

not me.

not even you.

now crumbled hopes are
held in my palms
waiting to be buried
in the snowy grave
on a cold dead winter.

may the ghost
of you
be gone
(9.13 pm, 24/5/13)
 Oct 2013 little flower
Jaded heart
          Damaged soul
lost love
        Algid heart
deceptive tongue
         Empty eyes

long ago
      He stood-
Blissful sunrise
         Temperate heart

long ago
         I dreamed-
Decalscent heart
            Animate soul

      We encountered-
face to face
  Then we afforted-
               Heart to heart

        We're alive
made whole

        We're together
Made Definite
 Oct 2013 little flower
I need 10,000 tomorrows
to make up for wasted yesterdays.
 Oct 2013 little flower
idiosyncrasy is synonymous with idiotic
while dc is now despotic and chaotic.
personality is peculiar, exotic.
sinful to be ****** or
slip yourself a narcotic.
the world is robotic,
i am astronautic,
i am quixotic,
the smoke is hypnotic,
and i find all of this quite strange.
 Oct 2013 little flower
sometimes the fortress around one's heart
isn't there to keep someone out
but rather,
it's there to keep something in.

something so great,
that if let loose,
it will eat you alive.
 Oct 2013 little flower
i pay for
stuff with
change just to
see the horror
on the cashier's
 Oct 2013 little flower
i could
write a book
on the things
i feel about you
or make a song
out of the way you
pull and pluck
at my heart strings
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