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You are a creator.
A painter of lyrical ART.
A poet.
My Guru.
Tears roll down my cheeks to my lips and teach them. Teach them to speak, loud and clear of my soul's burdens. Teach THEM to teach the droughted minds that wander, of a Paradise Oasis in the bitter one's Hell. Teach my lips to scream and cry and yell and whisper, loud enough to be gentle, and soft enough to be stern. Tears roll down my cheeks to my lips and teach them to be free.
Woman, Black Woman.
How she dances
Bare foot, bare pride
Thick black legs
Wider black thighs
They curve and pose
Like the fiercest Tiger.

She is a wave of movement
Gracefully carrying all her
Effortlessly beautiful.
Her eyes rich in colour;
She is rich in soul.
Her crooked smile,
Content with her music,
Has seen many winters
But it is still flawless.
She is elegant, she is powerful.

Her body caresses the
Air around her.
Surrounded by the speckled sky.
Her rhythm is natural,
A dancer beneath
The Blue Light.

Heartbeat to Heartbeat
Music to Soul.
A mysterious phenomenon,
Born of sunset and
Of moonrise.
It is as if her Black Skin,
Along with mother nature,
Are the only raw beauties left
In this man-made world.
Every woman is beautiful.
Hard Streets, crooked houses and crack. Bullets flee from the gang's gun only to land inside another man's chest. Turf wars and tall walls, nasty looks and mocking grins; all is detached in this City of Obscurity. Soulless creatures that wander with many daggers in their backs. Dog fights and Dog Fights; they fight like dogs. Bludi Murdah and 2-minute hate speeches. Anorexia. Hunger. Rats and Raw Foods and blackened bitter days. Carrion crows clung to shadows. Jackals breaking rusty locks with jack-hammers, stealing from the poor and taking from the rich. *** for TAT, catch me if you can. Green with envy, green with money; grey and without life.

Then. On the littlest street corner, through the toughest torn tar.

A Rose...
Silent Sadness.
How three felines perched on legless chairs. Embracing each other; last hope. Buried in music, unable to breathe in silence because their thoughts are too loud. Hidden within drowning caskets, trying to break free with every last breath. Cemented grins, underlying frown. Emotions unreal; barely living facades. There are no souls left to save, they all died long before their deaths. Soft skin, coarsed whispers.
Silent Sadness.
How three felines perched,
Have forgotten how to live.
I am everything.
I am good
I am evil.
I am love and I am fear.
I am success,
I am failure.
I am spiritual
And I am physical.
I am consciousness yet ignorance.
I am change and I am routine.
I am joy,
I am anger.
I am peace; I am unrest.
Tranquility and uproar.
I am truth
I am deceit.
I am a vessel
I am connection
I am solitude.
I am enlightened and I am
I am imagination,
I am creation.
I am attachment and relief.
I am imprisonment,
I am freedom.
I am me and I am you.
I am earth,
I am man.
I am the sun and the moon.
I am soul and I am matter.
I am light
I am darkness.
I am.
Last night I went on journey, to
Africa, tomorrow's freedom.

A native to the richest soil, to the deepest roots.
I was unbound, at midnight, when
Spirits roam free.
It was beautiful.
Foot for foot, I strode into the Her growth.
Vessels howled and cried to the moon, trees danced and swayed to Her song.
I looked up, my sight destined for the horizon, and I saw.
I saw the mountain, souldiers firmly tied to their land, but they were reaching for the night sky, to the African Praise Song.
What Africa showed me, is far beyond any sensual comprehension. It was spiritual metamorphosis, The awakening.
I heard the valley's river, gently rolling and crashing and singing along.
Freedom, pure freedom.
Like a new born's first cry, like my first breath; and from it, I was birthed.
Her glow was effortless, showing light, before my young wide eye, to Her land.

Last night I went on a journey, to Africa,
Tomorrow's glory.

Drums roared loud into the eve,
Entranced, were Her people, as they danced to the fire's light.
Proud to have risen from the same soil that Her kings and queens fought tirelessly for.
Our Kings and Queens.
Forever we are the Kings and Queens of Africa, for their courage and royal beauty runs deep in our veins.
Yes, Kings and Queens.
Her Highness ruled from the earliest days, when Haile, The Ethiopian, conquered the lion.
And Her Highness shall rule after the last trumpet calls.
Africa, Blood Fayah.

Last night I went on a journey, to Africa,
Tomorrow's sunrise.
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