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Spring blossoms from her delicate rest. Birds reform, coloured spirits fly back into their wings.

Little flowers rise and rejoice, for their sun is back to life; grinning, glimmering. Baby buds bow to the majesty of The Ritual.

Whispers from the wind's echoes of the seeds that dare to grow. Echoes that speak of the bravery that shells the seeds' gentle beginnings.

In this world of pulchritude, where fairness flags danger, the grace of Earth's Growth knows true beauty.

As though each cell carries a letter, that will soon become a story. Sweet writes, cursive romance, the Tale of Two Red Roses.

Mountains reach for the skies; green with serenity. Waves leap with loyalty to embrace the shores; an eternal love affair.

The glow of the ocean's soul lingers in the shortest night. The moon creeps in, to be closer to our hearts for they've all become warmer, flooded with affection.

The rains are kinder, a light drizzle if you will. Hear The Ritual, see it. Feel it, Spring is coming.
Feet. Soles. Hair. Floating

A boy. His words. Mornings. Moon.

Summer. Spring. Autumn. No leaves.

The last grain. It fell. Sun down. Lights out.

Shattered frame. One million pieces.

Broken silence. One million voices.

Shut eyes. I'm not listening.

Cover ears. I'm not watching.

Running waters. Off the edge.

I love you. Open the door.

She speaks. Look down.

Front to back. Down to up.

Moving towards it. Backwards.

Flowers bloom. Petals fall.

Break the window. See it all.

The End?
Do you see what's beneath the yks?

                               The sanity's madness on thrae

     The liar's truth in nevaeh

                Can you see what's beneath the sky?
Confusion in the orderly fashion. Ruthlessly kind equivocators.
In this world.
Hate-driven acts are applauded
And the hunger for power
remains deep-rooted in our hearts.

Disregard for life; ****** and war,
All in search for what will one day end us.
To each his own, left alone.
Every man for himself.

Peace; OUR corrupted illusion,
The Forbidden Fruit takes over.
As pain constricts our joy
We are left out in the storm.

Tears of a mother for her lifeless young
In her unnatural arms.
Copper hairs, metal burdens haunt
Her mind.

Vivid divisions between The Rich
And the poor. The serpents chauffeured  in black greed through
poverty-ridden streets.

Gun shots. Duck, pull, dodge, ****.
Endless Enmity.
We are.

Decaying skies, Black Murk.
Falling Heavens. Remnants of beauty
Stolen by hell.
Blind destruction. Burning cold.

Wingless Doves, Hoodlum Pigeons
And Voiceless Parrots.
Stolen freedom,

Darkness reigns from dawn through dusk. The sun has died, leaving the
Moon in mourning. There is no
Morning left in this night.

Painful truths, heartbreaking lies.
Bitterness consumes every breath
Calamity at every corner.
There is no history; only history's repetition.

Let the story
Of our ruthless ruin
Be known.
How We Have All Been HIT.
Spewing the blood in my heart on a canvas.
The art of love.

Throwing into the sky the sounds of my pulse. The beauty of a heartbeat.

Joy in the textures of the secrets the sun shows. The consciousness in touch.

Flowing poetry is my music for the deaf, true noise that cannot be heard. The light in word.

Birds flying with none but the wings of their souls. The colour in freedom.

Taken by the heat waves, water in the barren; thirstless. The grace in inner peace.

Pulchritude's Hide, delicacy of a rough shell; Apollo's painting. The artistry of skin.

I am an Artist, my Being my Art.
The strength and power to control what you will.

Moon tides leaning forward, unwillingly praising the shore's glare.
Slaves that dance and chant in the ocean of glass. Uncontrollable Scintillation at dawn, beyond your limbs' imagination.
I speak of powerful motion, along to the fiery drum beat of a universal heart.
Mindlessly Swaying to the crashing of waves, heat waves, waves; well, the music of the earth humbly beneath your feet.
Of national rhythm, spectacle truths, that spectrum of light that teaches after dark times.

The power and strength to do your will.*

The blush of rose in the sky near night time. Articulation of life's pleasures  into a single moment.
The milky way, every way, life's way; way.
To give the pheonix her flame, to give the sun her glow.
Control of the moons above us, the star, the night. Conductor of rhythm, music flowing through your veins in its perfection.*

**The strength. Imagine.
I exist to resist all your heavy-headed hits. Your words in stone, more absolute than death.
The way you glance below your jagged bridge, a grin dried in arrogance.
Your footsteps frighten the earth, but cease to shake my defiance.
Gravels cave, underfires exposed.
But even then I'll swim, in your ocean of shallowness, tigers on my tail,
Paradise Mirages mocking my waterless skin, even then, I said, I will swim to the Revolution's Shore.

Nevermind your ignorance, seeing blue skies and arguing them RED.
Deluded certainty, swearing on a man's soul to prove your point and feed your obsession.
I say "yes", you say "of course",
but no doubt I'm in the wrong.
I say "maybe" you say "perhaps,
and so you've proved your wisdom blind.

Mastered conspiracies, you've convinced your lies true.
In your mind you walk on water, as you strike your soles on mere tar.
Governor's Confetti lay dead on Governor's Ground;
fool's bravery in act, leading souldiers from behind.

This world,
The Principal's Playroom: clay towers and cars, play moneys and guards.
In the sun, your tin castles smile and glimmer in the shine.
But inside, hollowness reigns and you fail to see.
Eyes and Eyes fall to your sleep,
calamity by the masses as you care not to care.

Seconds linger as misted windshields shield the drunk driver,
and not even the death he brings can break the glass.
Deaf man with hearing ears,
the blind one who can see.
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