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 Nov 2013 Lily
she's so lovely though
she doesn't show it, no
she smiles a lot
but never opens up
she says a lot
but her words
are blank
i find it all
hard to read
can't analyze
or see what's
the lines
but i see
what's inside
a girl wanting
to show herself
for all that she is
and always was
© sinderella.

i miss my best friend so much. we haven't talked in weeks.
we used to be so close and i find it hard to adjust to this.
honestly hurts more than words can say or express.
 Nov 2013 Lily
i'd give you a night
to remember
if i had the chance
to be a sinner
for one
i bet
you think
of the same thing
but perhaps not
maybe all this lust
has gone to my head
affecting me more
than the **** i smoke
or the alcohol i consume
maybe i just want you
maybe i just need to
lay here and love you
kiss you, adore you
bite you, cherish you
maybe i should
give you what
you clearly want
a night to feel
and loved
i swear
i'm not high
just a little
off my head
wishing i
could fulfill
your every need
your every desire
take you higher
© sinderella.

weird thoughts tonight. oops
 Aug 2013 Lily
She Goes.
 Aug 2013 Lily
the leaves spin
in her wake even
when the wind does
not blow, even when
she stands

(c) Brooke Otto
 Nov 2012 Lily
Makenzie Lynn Hill
Just a man. That’s all he was and would be to me. My mother seemed to see something in him, enough to introduce him to me and my younger sister, but that does not change anything that’s happened. It does not heal the pain I still feel from the three years of watching my parents fall apart. I was unsure who to blame until now. It had to be my mom. The hope that my parents would soon get back together was suddenly gone. It felt official: a broken family is all that I would ever have. There would be no place to call my home, just houses. I feel so misunderstood, as if I’m walking around, screaming for help and understanding, but no one hears my cry. I can tell I’m growing into a pessimist. After the divorce and passing of several close family members what was there to look forward to in my life? More heartache?  Standing outside of the rental house I hated, I shook his hand, faked a smile, and rushed to my car. I wanted no part in this. Good luck, man.
The next few encounters with the man are much like the first. I don’t say much. I watch nerves gravitate as he tries his hardest to get to know me. It is almost as if he can sense my hard exterior. I appreciate the effort. He keeps coming around.  My sister seems to like him, but of course she does; she is the happy-go-lucky one. They are always laughing as they talk. I listen in to some of their conversations. He’s pretty funny. I observe the man and my mom as they cook yet another dinner together. The way he looks at her; it’s so innocent. The way she looks at him; it’s so captivating.  A smile takes over my face before I can think to stop myself. The more I see of them together the more smiles I am unable to resist. In these moments I knew this man, Cary, would be important to us. The very reason for my hardening will be the same for my surrender: family.
I’m laughing, I’m crying, I’m expressing myself with different emotions besides anger! I can talk to him about anything; I have even talked to him about my parents’ divorce. He listens attentively, he always listens attentively. He tells me the story of the time he got caught skipping school because he ended up in the hospital. My mom and dad have been all over my case about my attendance. It’s comforting to know that he was also the rebellious child in his family. He always helps me to know that I am not the only one; I trust Cary. I dare even say that I consider him a best friend. We have had so many fun times together. I think of watching The Office, Saturday Night Live, and YouTube videos we quote CONSTANTLY. I think of turning doughnuts in my high school parking lot when school was cancelled because of snow... Oh! Then there’s the time we had a competition to see who could steal the coolest thing from a restaurant. I think he beat me. I would never admit that to him though! When I open the kitchen cabinet, that **** IHOP coffee mug still smirks at me, gloating, reminding me of my defeat. I think back to the first day we met; we certainly have come quite the distance. My insecurities are replaced with confidence. He has helped me find myself and develop my character into someone who is proud to be different. I like who I am.
May 16th 2011: he calls to wish me good luck, and to tell me how proud he was of me for making it as far as I had. I calm my nerves, get dressed and adjust my cheerleading bow. Today was my day. Today was the day I was going to make The University of Alabama’s first all-girl cheerleading squad. I leave the gym as one of the lucky few who has made it to the final round. The countdown begins as I wait for the list to be posted. This is it. I slowly walk towards the door. Girls pass me crying because their world was shattered. Girls pass me screaming in excitement because their dream came true. I take a deep breath and look at the paper. Makenzie Hill, Makenzie Hill, Makenzie Hill… MAKENZIE HILL! That’s me! My dream came true! I run to the car and my mom is ecstatic. We are jumping and crying tears of joy. I celebrate with my cousin and my Godmother as my mom goes to make phone calls. She returns, tears still flowing, but the joy has left her eyes. What’s wrong? My world was shattered. May 16th 2011: the day I lost my stepfather and best friend.
I place my bow in his cold hand. My voice won’t hold steady “I did it, Cary. I made it.” My mind and heart race each other as overwhelming emotions and questions fill me. I begin wondering how we will ever manage to pull ourselves together again as a family. I remember Cary. He taught me that it is okay to trust things you are unsure of. He taught me the importance of family and time together. He taught me faith. I must stay strong for him. The man I once wanted no part of is forever a part of me. He is my angel.
 Nov 2012 Lily
Daniel Rivero
Into material I was ******
From divinity to disgust
I'm told to live through it's a must
The fear, the loathing, and the lust
Never knowing who to trust
Sometimes I want to bleed the rust
And disintegrate myself to dust

But god forbid I spill the real
Because we're told it's weak to feel
Just lock it all inside and seal
Can't penetrate a wall of steel
What's left of us is empty shells
We're perpetrating our own hell
In this place we're forced to dwell

Now real's mistaken for a trend
Enemies are confused with friends
This mass distortion never ends
I don't claim I'm free from guilt
I'm trying to wash away the filth

Including former friends and lovers
They end up showing their true colors
I'm made to duck and run for cover
Hide myself but see through others

You can look now, you can't touch
I've been brought down way too much
I've been sinking far too long
But now I'm rising, now I'm strong
Up above where I belong

What was once lost now was found
It's all in who I keep around
So keep your self worth on the ground
But I won't be coming down
Normally I would just type this out like a paragraph, and I honestly like it better that way. I just thought I'd try conforming to format, and see how the reception goes.
I **L
for the Love
that I once Left
when I chose the Lonely
path of discovery and difficult Learning.

steps Melt
into the Miles
I tread when Meandering
round town each cloudy Morning
'til each crisp and tender Midnight

I Sing
the tender Songs
not meant for Solitude
and gently drop a Sigh
waiting patiently for another ripe Summer
 Oct 2012 Lily
Corey Glasper
 Oct 2012 Lily
Corey Glasper
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
I never thought I'd meet a girl a great as you.
Roses are red.
Most grass is green.
You are the prettiest thing I have ever seen.
Roses are red.
Dirt is brown.
I just might die if I see you frown.
Roses are red.
Lemons are yellow.
I know for a fact I'm the luckiest fellow.
Roses are red.
My heart is red too.
Not near as red as my cheeks when I give it to you. 
Roses are red.
Purple and orange are hard to Rhyme. 
I'd prefer to think of you...better way to spend time. 
Roses are red. 
We'll say the stars are white. 
But compared to you they'll never be as bright. 
Roses are red. 
The night is black. 
But you are my light to keep the night at my back.
So now we definitely know that roses are red. 
Now we definitely know you're amazing.  It's true. 
I think it's safe to say...that I love you.
 Oct 2012 Lily
You could blame it on how she got turned inside out
or you could blame it on who she was.
You could give her pill after pill and pray she's not ill,
but her mind will not subside.
She sees the doors dancing and hear the white noise
She hears suicide calls and it is not her own voice.
She either feels with no choice or feels nothing at all,
everyone knows, but they just watch her fall.
She hits the floor with a scream
still nobody hears.
She's been forced to go on
and swallow her fears.
But the voices drag on, and they all seem so loud--
reprimanding her for being avowed.
So feelings of hate and dread rush back in
the voices scream 'FAILURE', so she'll never win.
She's been told before that she was insane
but they took her away,
and nothing was the same.
 Oct 2012 Lily
Out There.
 Oct 2012 Lily
wherever you are
whoever you are
alive and well
just know that
i pray every night
for you when i go
to bed and again
in the morning
when i wake up
so that maybe
you'll be okay
to meet me
This was something I wrote when I was a sophomore in high school, I edited it a little bit, but I was listening to 'Your Song' by Elton John and it reminded me of this poem.

(c) Brooke Otto
 Oct 2012 Lily
there is a lot on my mind
so much so that i end up
rubbing my cheeks every
second as if my thoughts
are seeping out my pores
I am caught in this place
where people do not talk
reduced to leashing me
place to place, sit here sit
there, expect me to obey
no questions asked, dog
but I have loads of questions
the questions are pouring out
soaking straight through my clothes
i'm swollen with questions, filled to the brim
If i had a hundred hands, a thousand hands, they'd all be raised
all in your face, all strained, ready, how is this for compliance, how is this for crazy?
am i crazy enough now?
am i?
(c) Brooke Otto
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