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Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
Unclose my fallen, lost soul,
unclose my greedy, loving mind,
unclose my unsaturated, fastidious heart
with demolition of me on the particles of you,
with your shameless nails under fragments of my skin,
with your hands embracing me in anticipation of fondling,
with your playful mouth saying unprintable suggestions,
with your accelerated breath mixed with my breath,
with tempting taste of your saliva.

Stars in imitation of us kiss one another.
The rays of the moon belong to us.
In the darkness your skin whispers to me its enigmatic metaphors.
We write with touch legend of our bodies.
There is bold discussion between our adorned in sparkling details souls.
Half-embracing we sail to the edge of inspiration hungering hearts.
It's you and me in this sheets, in this bed, in this apartment.
We ran away from the hustle and bustle of the world,
from vulgarity, from obscenity.
We are beyond time , beyond sinfulness.

I have waited for your enticing, alluring gestures
since the first time I saw you.
I paint on your skin in the moonlit glow of my promises.
In your soul I have graven rite of passion of our hearts and bodies.
Everything we do stems from the insatiable hunger avid for ecstatic unity.
My heart tears in chest when I think about long nights
without your lecherous thighs, *******
and soul innocent, tiny like defenseless child.
I've been waiting  for you forever .
Now when you are next to me
spring is coming in December
and dead volcano of lust exploded.
I burned past to ashes
and I live staring at the motion of your sensual lips.
Separation atomized with every moment of fiery intimacy.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
Your space is in the sky where there is no ground, angel.

You are the reason why earth revolves around sun.
You are the reason why all  stars flicker delicately.
You are the reason why magnolia blooms.
You are the reason why my heart opens up like confessing  man.
You are the reason why I'm standing repentant before God.
You are the reason why I paint reality with celestial watercolours.
You are the reason why breath makes port in my mouth.
You are the reason why vision of love is alive in my heart.
You are the reason why I open curious eyes in the morning.
You are the reason why flowers near extinction are worth saving.
You are the reason why my thoughts become crystalline.
You are the reason why torrential rain falls after airless weather.
You are the reason why I hear quietly sneaking answers to nagging questions.
You are the reason why opus of birth of love plays in my head.

Your sinister indifference cauterizes sore wounds in my heart.
I would give you my soul with everything I possess.
I have never even touched your fragile hands, your impatient lips.

Will you open like rose petals together with sun wandering horizon?
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
Surely I am dreaming
about heart left in the theater of your ardent idolizing.
Surely I am dreaming
about your strands enveloping my cheek.
Surely I am dreaming
about day in impetuous snowstorms spent in your arms.
Surely I am dreaming
about rush of events that take place only in movies.
Surely I am dreaming
about body panting into oblivion of worldly pleasures.
Surely I am dreaming
about face flushed from compliments of lover.
Surely I am dreaming
about hectic rush to your awaiting hands.
Surely I am dreaming
about red roses protruding from corners of your sensitive hands.
Surely I am dreaming
about heat of caresses in boiling blood.
Surely I am dreaming
about book of poems about our first love.
Surely I am dreaming
about you dancing in the withered leaves.
Surely I am dreaming
about sighs at beauty of carnality.
Surely I am dreaming
about sensitive whispers of desires of melancholy hearts into ear .

Surely I am dreaming
because I did not send a telegram entitled "Looking for love".
Surely I am dreaming
because loneliness can not disappear like stone in water.
Surely I am dreaming
because the best dreams come in the morning.
Surely I am dreaming
because it is so difficult to find warmth of someone else's hand.
Surely I am dreaming
because thoughts gallops as steeds in the forest of wilderness.
Surely I am dreaming
because dawns wake me up in supplication for more and more of you.
Surely I am dreaming
because kingdom of your eyes staring at me can not last forever.
Surely I am dreaming
because I am senseless from blizzard of evening events.
Surely I am dreaming
because you can not find love in a café or bar.
Surely I am dreaming
because I departed a long time ago from the distant land of fulfilled wishes.
Surely I am dreaming
because flowers are handed to uncommon women.
Surely I am dreaming
because hidden secrets are revealed only to beloved.
Surley I am dreaming
because I did not have  eyes half-closed in pleasure before.
Surely I am dreaming.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
If love was a starry, clear sky,
I would find for us cosmic patch
of lunar infatuation swirling among planets.

If somewhere is heaven,
it is here
in the tails of comets sparking in your eyes,
at that time when ship with your body reaches port of my hands.

If somewhere is heaven,
it is here
in the window of our shivery hearts,
in sound of bee wings next to the ears of yours.

If somewhere is heaven,
it is here
in fragrance of linen laid by your hands,
in tea brewed with your golden dreams.

If somewhere is heaven,
it is here
in your singing amidst forest of birches,
in cello playing in the darkness of our alleys.

If somewhere is heaven,
it is in the oaths out of our mouths,
it is in long, common stories attenuated in house full of lilacs.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
Under touch of your sweet lips I tend to become
light like a feather in the wind of poet's words,
ideas of goodness and beauty,
communion of souls,
love at first sight,
lady at ball of your singing thoughts,
wild appeal of nature of my instincts,
flame of lanterns illuminating imperceptible printing,
baton in hands of conductor absorbed with scores of your words,
peak overlooking creek of sensitive words,
coffee in your cup thirsty for your mouth,
doctrine of the love of God,
exchange of secret informations,
lunar-dating scenario of joint moments,
spell of love put on your mad from sensations soul,
strait connecting the continents of inexpressible feelings of pleasure,
steepest roller coaster of short-sighted thoughts on the run,
the loudest cry for the right to vote on the bond of souls,
the hottest desert crying for rain of sweaty bodies.

I want to dance with you in convulsions of the fullness.
I find my beginning and end in falling in love.
I think about us as ****** art of two met souls.

Write me a thousand fiery love letters
before we disappear from unsaturated cards of infatuation.
Talk to me Shakespearean verses
before we close lips in inspired kiss.
Dazzle nightingale with music of our souls,
before mistuning breaks the song.
Put my every breath in the depths of your arms
before forthcoming dawn of unrestrained passions.
Cry a river over my every angry glance
before ***** of spike of another sleepless night.
Knock on the door of God's heavenly court
before you go down from ecstatic clouds to the ground.
Tell the angels about our eternal love
before they don't protect us from designated mistakes.
Sing with the echo to my dreams
before lonely lullaby of distant places lulls me.
Share with me bread of trust
before loved ones feed with crumbs of our love.
Do not prevail over your raging storm of senses
before my smell disappears behind closed doors.
Avoid presence of doubt in fairies and unicorns
before we get to the promised land.
Dress for me flowery dresses
before greedy ice capture all waters.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
The body was given to us as impression of the gift of love.
We were conceived in love and born in order to love.
The Creator has given us through the body to the world.
We are therefore divine spark.
Let us look at other man as at indescribable gift.
Adam and Eve in paradise followed in the wake of ****** without shame.
Through the body we can touch the soul.
This ****** was
acceptance of a man with his limitations,
tangible form of love,
devotion to each other without mystery,
boundless openness,
freedom from lust of flesh.
Bashfulness has its roots in this original innocence.
Discretion to the body is inscribed in man.
Let us follow with pure look at man.
Purity is trying to get access through the body to soul and inside.
The physicality brings us
childish joy,
communion of souls,
inner enrichment,
sharing a beautiful relationship,
exploration of mystery of love.
Pure look at man is unconventional symphony of his gift of life.
Such scrutinizing is necessary for genuine love.
Beloved should first  play simultaneously the same notes of feelings
before the symphony will flow with sexuality.
This presage will give your body speech.
Sexuality should not drown out the relationship with beloved,
it should build skyscrapers.
Sexuality is a gift, such as body and life.
Sexuality discovers endless wealth of lover.
****** expression of love is a confession of God's presence.
After all, God is love.
Only the perception of sexuality as gift saves from vulgarity.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
It is impossible to compass life without suffering harm
from loved ones.
Wrongs that take the ground from under the feet.
Wrongs that hurt heart through and through.
Wrongs that make us distraught victim.
Does forgiveness immunize us for further injustices?
Does forgiveness soothe suffering?
One thing is certain, everyone has been hurt in life
and everyone once inflicted wound:
unjust judgment,
bad word,
emotional abuse,
unfair reward.

Love that bears all things, and endures all things
shows the principle of overcoming evil with good.
We live in times where love is seen as pleasure.
When there is lack of fulfillment the connection ends
instead of support in moments of weakness,
jointly bearing burden,
willingness to give up the ego.
In relations underflow of virtues is worthless.
Every love at some point hurts.
The more we love the greater the suffering.
Remember, that you are also sometimes hard to bear.

One of the most important lessons in life
is non acceptance of evil.
Always we are entitled to protest and defense.
There is a difference between sagacious enduring of injustice
and permition for hard time and  humilitation.
Defense against evil should be free from desire
for revenge, hate, wrath, punishment and anger.
Leave vengeance to God.
The point is love. It is she who shows the right path.
The cure for the human pain of injustice is forgiveness.

Man needs time to forgive,
therefore necessary at times of touch of hurt is compassion.
Does forgiveness mean to forget?
No, forgiveness is an act of will not of forgetting.
Great injury can not be erased from memory.
Forgiveness is duty that gives hope and strength for the future.
Forgiveness is the transition from helplessness to peace of heart.
Forgiveness is overcoming anger and grief towards acceptance of reality.
Is forgiveness reconciliation?
No, although it is a quantum leap in the direction of reconciliation.
There is no way to force act of reconciliation.
Forgiveness is one thing,
and to be mature for reconciliation is another thing.
Most important in forgiveness is not to rely
on gesture of compensation.

Some believe that only weak people forgive.
Forgiveness requires tremendous effort and courage.
It is easier to sail away in anger
than creative dialogue which leads to remedy of the situation.
Without forgiveness you can not win
with guilt, abyss of past and human frailties.
Forgiveness is above all priceless gift for yourself.
Forgiveness frees you from inner poisons,
and also opens up new lands.
If we are able to injure,
we are also able to say the sorry and make amends.
Act of contrition allows for a true change of heart.
Act of forgiveness is the bud of heart at peace.
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