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Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
Breath counts our days and nights like God.

Breath during twilight laid into blissful sleep,
breath of newborn welcoming the world,
breath during considerations on storm of frozen years,
breath of mortally terrified man thrown into abyss,
breath of memories creeping into oblivion,
breath during ecstatic experience of union with beloved,
breath of bard in sanctuary,
breath of soul while symphony plays in it,
breath during interference of God's message,
breath during observation of visible signs of what is performed in soul,
breath while you are overwhelmed by primal instincts,
breath during kiss affecting the sphere of sensuous ,
breath during awakening of images of love sick from excess of words,
breath during the intervention of God in life,
breath on the path of recognition of the idea of ​​good,
breath during  maturity examination in the field of theological virtues,
breath during reward of unrighteousness,
breath during arrangement of feelings.

Breath releases emotions without need of Katarsis.
Breath strengthens internal sense of security.
Breath makes soul your guide and teacher.
Breath makes possible
connection of mind,body and soul,
deliverance from the darkness of ignorance,
release from bonds of illusion,
separation of the spiritual needs and ****** needs,
to experience spectrum of human feelings,
to be a man distinguishing good from evil,
to celebrate life in all its glory,
to get rid of belifes limitating mind,
to enter into spiritual and physical world,
to study cosmological issues,
to hipothesize and recive answers,  
to experience fulfillment in the field of love,  
to overcome chaotic desires of our soul,  
to use the knowledge gained before entering the body,
to become an expression of divinity,
to imitate order of nature,
to dry out unusual flowers under a pile of books,
to experience God's Providence,
to prove that justice is worthy of having,
to exploit  days and nights in conformity with destiny,
to avoid venial sins in the future,
to exceed usual consiousness,
to dance in lake with stony bottom,
to think about something we never experienced,
to avoid the loss of sensitivity of the moral conscience,
to cry in defense of the poor,
to express  respect and love for fellow beings.

Breath is the hourglass measuring time grain by grain.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
I am too close for him to dream about me.
I'm not flying over him, not fleeing him
under the roots of trees. I am too close.
Not with my voice sings the fish in the net.
Not from my finger rolls the ring.
I am too close. A large house is on fire
without my calling for help. Too close
for a bell dangling from my hair to chime.
Too close for me to enter as a guest
before whom the walls part.
Never again will I die so readily,
so far beyond the flesh, so inadvertently
as once in his dream. I am too close,
too close—I hear the hiss
and see the glittering husk of that word,
as I lie immobilized in his embrace. He sleeps,
more available at this moment
to the ticket lady of a one-lion traveling circus
seen but once in his life
than to me lying beside him.
Now a valley grows for her in him, ochre-leaved,
closed off by a snowy mountain
in the azure air. I am too close
to fall out of the sky for him. My scream
might only awaken him. Poor me,
limited to my own form,
but I was a birch tree, I was a lizard,
I emerged from satins and sundials
my skins shimmering in different colors. I possessed
the grace to disappear from astonished eyes,
and that is the rich man's riches. I am too close,
too close for him to dream about me.
I slip my arm out from under his sleeping head.
It's numb, full of imaginary pins and needles.
And on the head of each, ready to be counted,
dance the fallen angels.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
Love gives wings to fly.
I find myself beyond reach of gravitation .

Is it a bird released from a cage,
colorful wings of a butterfly
or moth following the light?

When I say your name aloud,
I feel as if all the stars twinkling just for me.
In the spirit I whisper to them my longings .
I wish to look at them through ages.

Love is exquisite flyer,
although she met a routine.

Intricate hours are peering into us
through the windows of our house
but like everything in life they will pass away.

Embodied we will rise in the air in unison,
although we are different rays of the sun.
You are the one that broke through the clouds,
I am the one which remained behind.

Hot or cold, dry or moist
I will fly over seas,
over tropical rainforests.
I will migrate thousands of miles to discover
clearings dotted with romantic desires,
   garden thirsty of your admiration,
uplands of your filigree body,
oceans overfilled with affection,
aurora of your thoughts enchanted with my poetry,
oranges tasting like your lips,
violets with the scent of your body.
Love gives wings to fly.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
Stop for a moment.
Imagine that one day you will embrace silence.
You will look backwards and you will recognize
that this silence always rocked you to dream
about  boy who gave a falling leaf,
about nights longer than day,
about lost years,
about not ending talks at dusk ,
about stormy wind which lifts up the waves of the sea,
about warm summer like a desert wind,
about  fire of dancing bodies,
about horizon of fulfilled fantasy,
about  soul brave as a lion,
about forgiveness of inequitable sins,
about harvest of ripe apples,
about fresh bread in the morning.

Stop for a moment.
Imagine that one day you will pass away.
You will look bakwards and you will recognize
that everything on earth has deeper meaning
boundless despair,
fulfilled promise,
sense of hopelessness,
carefree laughter,
overwhelming piece of art,
passionate kiss,
poetry before bedtime,
long walks in forest,
thick fog in the morning,
birth of a child,
glittering stars in the sky,
wild dance of the senses,
sweet flavor of peach,
God's wisdom,
even your name.

Stop for the moment.
Imagine that one day you will be permeated by thougt
that the beauty in others is not ethereal.
You will look backwards and you will recognize
that you didn't  appreciate significance of invisible treasures
of  heart filled with hope,
of  hand given for goodbay,
of  secret of eyes in love,
of  soul as particle of divinity,
of  faith in another human being,
of   prayer of child,
of  warmth of awaited touch,
of  taste of shed tears,
of  burden of sacrifice,
of  joy from happy ending,
of undying values,
of delight in the sun,
of  love larger than life.

Stop for a moment.
Look backwards as long as you have time.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
"A kiss on the beach when there is a full moon is the closest thing to heaven."
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
Our common cards are written down by fate.
You gone away with dubious relief
as closests leaving  a few times in life.
I dried out memories in atlas of eternal moments
to preserve the view of your eyes tinged with doubt.
I am at my wits' end.
I don't belive in destiny.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
In the depths of the soul
I would like to be a better man
for ants,
for passer-by,
for daisies.

In the depths of the soul
I would like to be the brightest beacon
for my astray soul,
for my troubled mind,
for my amblyopic eyes.

In the depths of the soul
I would like to be the purest form of love
to appreciate the beauty of the world,
to reconcile with an old friend,
to awaken in others simple needs of the heart.

In the depths of the soul
I would like to become a ray of hope
to discover the meaning of forgiveness,
to have a better taste of coffee in the morning,
to experience a long farewell.

In the depths of the soul
I would like to find answers to your questions
about love,
about God,
about Universe.

In the depths of the soul
I would like to get far away from here
to find myself amidst worries,
to subdue my own weakness,
to breathe a sigh of relief.

In the depths of the soul
I would like to become everything
that's admirable for your eyes
to possess Unity,
to possess your soul
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