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  Aug 2019 Dominique
the dirty poet
you gotta do what you gotta do
and even if you DON'T gotta do it
you gotta do it anyway
it’s necessary
  Aug 2019 Dominique
the dirty poet
you think a rich twit
when he eats the banquet he calls supper
cares whether the peons are republican or democrat?
he just cares that the soup is served hot
  Aug 2019 Dominique
the dirty poet
once you're out of diapers

TV stars and pop singers don't compute
you look at a magazine
"my god, these people have no eyebrows"
you don't recognize them
you're not supposed to
they're not programmed for you
they're not singing to you
they're not designed for you
you're free
  Aug 2019 Dominique
the dirty poet
i’ve decided to know everything about everything
perhaps a tragic endeavor
but i’m optimistic
i’ll follow newton’s 1st law of motion
first a smidge of research
launching observation
floating on instinct
sailing on forever
that should do it
my mind is rippling with patterns revealed
i know about you
i know about the rain
i know about you and the rain
my secret knowledge
is that YOU have secret knowledge
and here’s good news
i will be charitable with my wisdom
  Aug 2019 Dominique
the dirty poet
i am a poem
with an inception and a finale
you’re the best stanza
making it whole and sublime
and now i snap shut
i float away, complete
  Aug 2019 Dominique
the dirty poet
waiting for the stars to align
there’s tacos, the kids, the cats
and us
and the stars loop de loop
to scoop us up
  Aug 2019 Dominique
the dirty poet
when you’ve seen the face of god
even if it was a hundred years ago
you obsess on that moment
i’ve never witnessed god
but i saw you
and that’s why i’ve been crazy
to this day
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