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Alicia Sep 2014
They tell me that I'm not going to make it.
That my dreams do not have the potential
to become realistic, and that I don't have
the power to do anything more than average.
They underestimate what I am so capable
of doing because I so desperately need to keep
my goodness locked up away from them.
To them, chasing my dreams is like chasing
after a train I'd never be able to catch.
Arriving just a minute too late, and my effort
to make it wasn't enough even if my all is
put forth. To them, they believe that dreams
are for the hopeless and I ain't never been that.
So I push forward and fight for what I have
always wanted, for what I know I deserve.
To me, dreams are for real and are the closest
things to sweet victory. Knowing that I've
made it and can live my life peacefully is
what I need. I deserve the world and everything
good that's in it. I've been to hell and back too
many times to not achieve glory. Too many
times being kicked and put down and shut out.
Too many times being told "no". Because
my dreams -- my dreams "aren't meant to be
real". According to many, dreaming is for
rookies that know what they believe will never
come true. I've never been that type. My
spirit is larger than life, and I will prove to my
doubters that dreams are more than real.
Thank you for inspiring me.
Twitter: @the_monAlicia
Alicia Aug 2014
I was born with an analytical mind.
Born to break down everything in my sight
until I discovered and learned the core
because what my eyes take in may be deceiving.
It was always that way until you came along.
For the heart knew what it wanted,
and it wanted to love you.
Every inch of you -- hair follicle to toenail.
Every part of your soul.
I wanted to turn it inside and out until you
became the greatest book I ever read.
I wanted to feel your skin on mine
because our bodies were meant to be one.
There was never a need to question anything
pertaining to you because you were the perfect fit.
The way you breathe became my favorite rhythm.
Your touch sent incredible sensations through my body.
The taste of you simply left me craving more.
And all that did was make the physical
separation harder to bear.
I knew we weren't moving too fast
because the burning desire and passion
was what you felt, too.
And your silence speaks volumes.
I want nothing more than to bask in such glory.
Your presence alone demands attention in the room.
Even if it is just us two.
You leave me filled with such wonder,
daydreaming about you.
The fact that you exist makes me
so **** proud to have you.
So it's safe to say the mark you've left
won't go anywhere. You are my escape,
my go-to when the world isn't doing so great.
You have broken me out of my shell.
I have embraced who I am even more than before.
All thanks to you.
And I thank you for this journey.
One like this wouldn't be the same without you.
Twitter: @the_monAlicia
Alicia Jun 2014
If you have ever worried about my presence
fading from your life, don't do it again.
I am somewhere on this earth,
starting over the count of my blessings and
praying for more.

I am at war with my soul.
She gives every obstacle that crosses our path
a home. She tends to push away from what
could possibly be a new beginning because
we've been told that we "ask for too much"
more than once.

I spend too much time being ******* at
people and the negativity they cause, and
the wrong that's in the world and how much
better it would be if positivity was what it
yearned for. And during those times,
I've noticed that the burdens I already carry
aren't as heavy anymore.

It's not easy living in a world where being
mentally imprisoned is socially okay, and
restricting yourself from the universe is
emotionally okay. That's not how it's
supposed to be.

It's not easy living in a world where love
struggles to find a home, and beings forget
that they are love. And showing
vulnerability is worse than not showing it
at all. That's not how it's supposed to be.

I've learned that the world can be a cold place,
and that it owes us nothing because it was
here first. So I have to keep on asking God for
the patience to get through these days, and to
gather the pieces to my puzzle at a steady pace.

I've learned that a big heart is a beautiful curse,
and that you are **** near lucky if you've been
blessed with one.  It can make it through the
darkest of nights and the brightest of days,
so many challenges and so much pain,
and remains in tact because of its strength.
The chances of giving are greater than receiving
because people have learned to be selfish and
stingy. I've asked God time and time again,
"Why did You give this to me?" And He
always replies and says that I need it for things
bigger than me. I need to show others that it is
okay to break down the concrete walls
surrounding their hearts and to let love in.

I've learned that you can't count on any and
every thing. For it all has their own seasons in
which they play a role in your life. But what
you gain from it is what will stay.
Have expectations but don't let them be too
high because others may walk away and
things may not be able to be what you want

No matter how great the distance may be,
no matter how many minutes pass each day,
no matter how far you think I have strayed,
I will always be here. Trials and tribulations
may come, but I enter lives and stay.

So don't ever question the roles we have in
each other's lives. Don't distance yourself
because "I'm fine." Don't ever believe I
love you any less than before. Because I
am simply somewhere on this earth,
starting over the count of how many blessings
I have and praying for more.
Twitter: @the_monAlicia

This is specifically for those that have said that I don't love/talk to them anymore and so on. That's never the case. I hate being a burden to people. I try my hardest not to be annoying. I fall back and stay lowkey, hoping that they miss me just as much as I miss them. This explains everything. I've just been trying to get my life.
Alicia Jun 2014
Sunflowers are filled with stories
and power that no individual discusses.
Therefore no one understand why
I love them so much.

Reminding me of early morning sunrises.
The moment when the sun is just
above the trees. With a hue so bright,
they instill happiness into my soul.
Growing so tall they could reach God,
they cannot get enough of His love.
They will never stop trying to reunite
with their Creator because no one
loves them like He.
Representing the incarnation of Clytie
over the loss of Apollo. They say
the grieving of his absence brought her
into her next life and now she only
faces the sun, waiting for his return.

I saw them as my sunshine.
Their rays giving my spirit a new life.
My source of nourishment, they were.
Restoring my soul of the negativity
I came across. The Apollo to my Clytie.
I stood by for their return with hopes of
their absence being make believe,
knowing that they would never come again.

According to most men,
I already ask for too much.
With efforts unnoticed and
potential overlooked, I knew
I was never appreciated enough
to receive flowers.
Twitter: @the_monAlicia
Alicia Jun 2014
He claimed to be a "one woman" kind of man
but he wasn't for relationships.
He believes in only having one lady by his side to
keep his head on straight and to help him avoid
the temptation Satan throws in his path.
He could never get enough of the scent of a woman
and all of her essence, her purest form, everything
good that she was willing to give to him
because she is his.
He could never get enough of the way a woman's
body felt against his, and the way their bodies
connected to perform the most glorious action
there is -- because she is the only one he wanted.
Don't let those smirks plastered on to one man's
face and the words that slip right through those lips
which seem to be genuine in their entirety make
you believe that he only wants you for you.
Believe me.
He will say and do anything he wants to get
the slightest glimpse of your figure and the
smallest taste of you.
He will tell you these stories about the ones that
overlooked and took advantage of him and the
fact that he can only see his future with you.
He will share with you falsehoods, words so
untrue that will make you question if him being
so good to you is too good to be true.
Don't fall for his games, baby.
He isn't worth any bit of your time.
He isn't deserving of anything you can give.
He isn't everything he made you believe
he's cracked up to be. What I can say is
that all fellas ain't like that, though.
There are good and bad and some in-between
because we are all human and **** ain't
always sweet but that's not an excuse when all
he wants to do is ******* and leave.
I promise your intuition will never fail you.
I promise that you are going to run into
those bad guys that only think with their ****
and don't know how to quit.
And those good guys turned bad guys that
don't have enough sense to steer away from
the wrong, and Satan got the best of them.
And the good guy that you will find the most
worthy. The man that will look forward to
going to sleep because all he's able to do is
dream about you. The man that will praise you
and your flaws because no other woman in the
world owns them like you. The man that will
appreciate your temple and show it tender
loving care because that is what you should
always be given. The man that will sweep you
off of your feet and make sure you never
touch the ground again because everything
around is not good enough. The man that
worships your spirit, is in love with your aura,
and survives off of your energy.
The man that kisses your hands and the ground
you walk on because he was lucky enough to
be picked by a goddess like you.
The queen to his king, an honor it shall be.
The man that will bring heaven to Mother Earth
for you because you don't deserve any less.
After all, you are God's greatest gift.
Twitter: @the_monAlicia
Alicia Jun 2014
All it took was bunch of words
and a heap of dates to get my clothes off.
The feeling he gave was more wonderful
than letters could ever express.
With his hands placed in the most
appropriate of places, he groped
my lady parts and gave them the attention
they deserved in the most ****** of ways
until I gave him my all. Soon,
he would realize what I am capable of.

They say love will hurt a little
when it's done right.
The deeper he went,
the faster I came.
I had never experienced such
beautiful pain. Round one
is finished. On to two, three.
Let's throw in one more.
"Baby, I can't take anymore tonight."

All it took was a bunch of words
and a heap of dates to get my clothes off.
I remember the feeling he gave me.
He sent chills through my body and
made me constantly scream his name.
I gave him my all. And with
a motionless face, I process my reality.
Living with what I had always feared,
an unexpected moment.
I carry life within me.
A result of rounds one and two,
three and four. I knew
I shouldn't have asked for more.
Twitter: @the_monAlicia
Alicia Jun 2014
I want you to know these people you have
known to believe are angels are truly
demons disguised in white cloth.
They scream and proclaim good to draw
others in, knowing how naive the
human race can truly be.
You don't know that behind those closed doors
that they lock so tightly are falsehoods
whispered so lowly and are much
more powerful than you'd ever
think they would be.
You look at them and believe they are your
equal because they say they will
guide you through pastures
that are green and along
waters that are steady.
You don't realize that they are slowly
corrupting the good instilled in
you, waiting for the right
moment to shatter your
fragile spirit.

These demons are bitter -- bitter because they
are incapable of releasing their demons
that consistently make them weaker
by the minute -- smashing their
feelings and feeding off
of their souls.
They don't believe in moving on and letting go.
Every regret is carried along with them
to this day so they prey.
Not everyone is bad but every body is
capable of being taken over by the
presence of a demon that was
once an angel.
Don't doubt that you'll never get greeted
by one. Don't you dare believe that
this is only a figment of one's
Forgive them, not for not knowing what they
do, but for the choices that they've made.
Pray that you may never become one.
Twitter: @the_monAlicia
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