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Alicia Jun 2014
It's funny how heartbreak can make me appreciate you even more.
It's as if you have permanently inked every moment a tear fell,
every time our lips touched and refused to part,
every heartfelt word that came from within
onto my soul.

My first true love,
my first true heartbreak.
I knew I had mature emotions at a young age,
and always wondered if I would ever meet the man most deserving.

To my surprise, you were the chosen one.
And to ours, you were the abuser.
The one who misused them,
trampled over them with ease.

I do not believe you are aware of the damage.
And I do not believe that if I even bothered to pour
my heart once more you'd understand.
You were given several opportunities to walk
a mile or two in my shoes.
But you swore there was no need because
you could already feel me.
You passed that up with no problem of passing me.

I slowly slipped away
without you realizing.
Fading into the background of what was once
our masterpiece.
My absence should never be the reason why
you give me the time of day.
You always had a bad habit
of coming around too late anyway.
Twitter: @the_monAlicia
Alicia Apr 2014
Love not forgotten, just placed on the back burner.
And one is reminded of a photograph with past lovers.

It never took much for you to make me weak.
The loving you gave sent chills down my spine,
made my soul do cartwheels,
and made my heart do back flips.
You felt the same. I know because I felt my energy
dance on your heart, and I could tell
when it got down to your bones.
I took the kinks out of your soul
and made life a smoother ride.
We were breaths of fresh air we both needed,
and we gave our spirits what they yearned for.

Ice cold winds beating against our faces.
Laughter so joyous it brought about permanent smiles.
You were contagious in the best way possible.
On the cloudiest day, the sun decided to break through
and make an appearance when we got closer to his space.
Knowing that you were the brightest star
that afternoon and he could never compare to you.
Gazing at each other and saying "I love you"
is what we did best that day. Moving my hands
so my fingers intertwined with yours,
with intentions of never letting go.
Placing kisses exactly where they belonged.
And our reciprocal love filled the air
Everyone could feel it. All eyes were on us.

Now we are strangers in different locations,
with hearts in different races
and minds in different places.
And we are left with a photograph
containing a love that ignited a fire in me
to create poetry.
Twitter: @the_monAlicia
Alicia Apr 2014
We must raise our daughters
to be better than us, to be
quiet forces. Moving swiftly
and making their presence known
wherever they go. We must
let them know that they were born,
into this world, queens. And that
their kings will be before them
when loved tenderly.
We must let our daughters know
that realistic wishes could never
be impossible, and that
their dreams are valid.
We must make known
to our daughters that
perfection is a desire that cannot
be achieved but, to us,
they are the most perfect work of art
that was ever created.
And we must protect our daughters
from harm and danger.
But we must not hold them back
when it is time for them
to spread their wings and fly.
Twitter: @the_monAlicia
Alicia Mar 2014
I still can't wrap my mind around the fact
that our bond is no longer as strong as it used to be.
To hell and back, we went.
And you chose to stay down there.
I knew you would rise above your demons.
But they convinced you to stay with those
persuasive words of theirs.
Your demons helped shape a falsehood
that soon became your truth.
They wanted to push us away
from each other. It seems you did, too.
I will never understand how you let
the negative you always avoided into your life.
You are much better than this.
I've lost hope in you rising above
this "phase" you are in.
And maybe one day you will.
Maybe one day you will search your
now festered soul and find that that is not
how you want it to be.
What I do know is that one day,
further down the path you travel,
you will realize that those demons
only wanted to break you down.
I wish you the best although there is
disappointment in you still in my heart.
And to a bond that once weathered
every storm encountered,
may you regain your strength.
Twitter: @the_monAlicia
Alicia Mar 2014
I remember you holding them
like it was yesterday.
Sweet, summer mornings
and cool, winter evenings
remind me of every time you took your lips
and kissed them as a sign of your adoration
for me. I remember you taking them
and guiding me to face one of my biggest fears.
Other people would have ran away,
but this was your way of reminding me
that things can't always be that way.
I remember
lying down with you,
and watching you gently lift them,
placing them upon your heart.
And to our surprise,
our heart beats were in sync --
a sign that our souls were one.
I remember your gentle touch,
your warm embrace.
Home is where the heart is,
and you were it.
Being with you made me believe
that dreams really can come true.
And when you were gone,
I was left with love as deep as the ocean,
with no one to give it to.
And a broken heart that bleeds red,
craving you.
Spaces between fingers,
filled with memories of you.
Reserved for my forever,
which I thought was you.
Twitter: @the_monAlicia.
Alicia Jan 2014
You say that fate is the reason why we met,
why we fell for each other, why we love.
I believe the separation was more fateful than anything.
I could never say that I never desired to be with you, see my future with you.
But as the lies increased, the meaning of the bond decreased.
You wanted me to be taken by you,
always and forever, but what we had was more so a game of play pretend.
Every time I decided to create the distance and seek something better,
that was when you made the existence of us suddenly appear.
The longer I stayed, the more your empty promises and make believe stories
seemed to become a routine and lacked genuinity.
The good you swore you did was foreign and unknown.
I had enough of the emotional roller coaster I chose to stay on.
The idea of my heart breaking is simply tiring.
So instead of beating around the bush,
I had to let you know that I had to do what was best for me.
You began searching for ways to get me back
when you realized that I was gone for good and doing better without you.
Trying to give my leaving your own meaning is still your way of coping.
The separation was fate.
I can't tell you if it's temporary or permanent.
For now, distance is necessary.
Twitter: @the_monAlicia
Alicia Jan 2014
As I watch these leaves fall,
I think about every pair of eyes
that have seen me shed tears.
I think about those
that I have let near.
I realize that my new journey
is about to begin.
The story has unfolded.
These people see pain,
but I am not broken.
I have let go physically,
I will spread my wings,
and move towards white clouds
above me.
I was definitely thinking about my Granddad when writing this.
May he rest in peace. I know he's looking down here with the biggest smile on his face.

Follow me on Twitter: @the_monAlicia
Audio version coming soon.
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