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 Feb 2014 Hui Zhen
Edward Coles
Oh, blessed eyes of infancy,
unknowable love of misery,
I will lend to you my fatherly face,
for your sleepy breath
and all sin erased.

Be still in sight, make a man of me,
let me tend to you, my mimicry.
I will lend to you mistakes of my past,
to devour a lesson
that is built to last.

Oh, brand new eyes of innocence,
Impatient love of my descent,
I will hold you with strength I’ve never possessed,
I will tend to your soul,
I will beat in your chest.
Stop talking

Stop crying whispers into beer glasses between the rasping grasp of other voices
of stars already fading out of memory

feeling eyes that don't exist resting on the backs of people that you have never been and so have no need to try
if badly to regurgitate a version of a day that is to much like the last to strangers that care less for the smell of your cheap cologne then I do

Please stop

Filling these peaceful moment stolen from amidst the rushing sound of air that chases blindly after trains it has ever yet to catch
Leaving it along with you to wait at platforms that are far to crowded
even when they are mostly empty of other people more frightened of what happens when there is nothing left to say then you are

Just leave

Until you can tell me the meaning written in between the rhythmic movements of the fish within the pond
Sleek bodies moving one beside the other like overlapping silver petals
tears drops shed into the water from the faceless willow tree

Until you like me no longer feel the need
to chatter endless and insistent in between the moments when nothing should be said at all
but instead just sit
in silence
 Feb 2014 Hui Zhen
Tom Cooney
 Feb 2014 Hui Zhen
Tom Cooney
the only constant,
always there,
just beneath the surface,
to pounce,
to maul,
to ****.
I don't let it.
I don't let it hurt OTHERS,
but energy is energy,
it has to be burned off,
so it pounces,
it mauls,
it kills,
the only one who suffers,
so that everyone else,
can live more happily,
it's a sacrifice,
one I make every day.
But...some days...
I wonder why I make that sacrifice.
And then I think,
about the charnel battlefields,
the rolling hills of men once living,
the terrors that are my birthright,
and I remember.
I will die from this someday.
I won't be able to contain it any more,
and I WILL die.
But I will not falter.
I may have a monster inside of me,
but I am NOT a monster.
 Feb 2014 Hui Zhen
Tom Cooney
 Feb 2014 Hui Zhen
Tom Cooney
we all wear them,
at least from time to time.
Don't try to deny it.
That girl who seems cheery all the time,
who always has a jacket on, or a sweater,
to hide the cuts,
and more importantly,
her Mask.
The little kid who sits alone at lunch,
who, "just isn't social",
because if he plays with others,
they'll see the bruises,
the beatings will show through.
Again, always wearing a jacket or somesuch,
but again,
more importantly,
his Mask.
me, who barely gets by,
without just exploding,
and hurting those he loves,
and wants to just be able to be STABLE,
just to see what it feels like.
I wear my faded jeans,
my gloves, to hide the bloodied knuckles,
from just punching whatever's at hand,
my boots,
to keep my toes breaking when I kick things,
but most importantly,
my Mask.
 Feb 2014 Hui Zhen
You told me how
your father never wanted you.

you feel as if
you have no real family.

he kneed you in
the face, over & over again.

for not doing
what he pleased.

as you explained you
laughed because, "after all this time, I have to."

I wept all
the tears you were never allowed to.
 Feb 2014 Hui Zhen
Daniel N
 Feb 2014 Hui Zhen
Daniel N
your smile is like a sunrise in my heart
it melts my frozen heart
into a pool of your words
where i drown in the soft sound of your voice
and i listen to the cries, my heart broken in two

i reach out my hand to hold your head
and instead lift a boulder
that has rolled through the darkest of caves
and has seen the deepest side of hell
but has found its way into my weak arms

i just want to see you smile
and forget that the world is spinning
and time is turning
because all i want to see
is your rising sun

- dan
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