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598 · Apr 2015
Gold Is Eternal
honora Apr 2015
All Aboard! The ship that can't sink.
This is what they’ve been taught to think.
Did anyone know what was in store,
When the titanic began to board?

Gamblers gather all around
Throwing money, pound by pound.
Young Jack, takes the gold,
Waiting for his life to unfold.

Poor Rose, already to be wed.
She’d rather be on her death bed.
On this journey she hopes to be free.
Independent, on the North Atlantic Sea.

The day of departure has arrived,
Jack is rushing, hypnotized.
Along trots Rose, holding her fiance's hand
She’s fiddling with her wedding band

Evening comes, the stars aligned.
Jack is sketching, perfectly timed.
Rose is weeping and running fast
To the railing, to be gone at last.

Jack rescues her and takes her hand,
Reminds her of love and beautiful lands.
She hears words shes never been told,
“Look Rose, you’re the Queen of the World”

Days pass by, and Jack is framed.
Theft of a necklace is what its been named.
Chained to a pole in the lower cellars
Despite all this he never was a beggar.

Smooth sailing, sudden crashing.
Every passenger confused, nervously laughing.
Rose hurries to Jack, finds him just in time
Up the ladders they italic climb, climb, climb. italic

They land on an iceberg, freezing cold
Jack, young like gold, shivers and spasms in the crisp sea
“I’ll never let go Jack, I’ll never let go”
But of course, she did.
this is a poem i had to do for school,,,, im not a poet,,,

— The End —