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Finally, some ******* weather!
I know it's not good to tempt the Gods and Goddesses, but still, I must rejoice in this change of atmospheric scenery
One's mind affects what happens,
both directly and indirectly.
Both because the Mind drives
the vehicle of One's Body, and otherwise.
It can be constructive or corrosive or neither.
It's your choice.
Yet another of my earliest entries. Revisited.
I feel that Life is a gift that I don't deserve.
While there is abundant beauty and infinite wonder,
there is so much pain, suffering and despair.
While I wish the pain would subside,
I know such a desire is fruitless
as existence requires suffering, or it at least certainly seems that way.
Every action and non-action propagate ripples which may never calm.

Life is a paradox:
Why? Why not? How? How could it not?
Illusory, yet real. Constant, yet with cessation.
Joy, pain, excitement, dread, disappointment, elation, fear, birth, death, now, never

So much that seems wrong to one person
all done just because our circumstance binds us
to things we'd rather do without.

So frightening is the notion of death, yet so painful is the concept of life.
Sometimes death seems more comfortable and desirable than life.

Lost in thought, found in confusion;
I think my life would be a gift better utilized by someone else.
I feel like a failure. A plague. A source of disdain and pain. Confusion.
Mostly to myself, but I've seen the effects of it on others, as well.
Sometimes I hate life too much to live
but some flame yet burns within me
demanding that I feed it oxygen and inspiration
that causes me to yearn for yet another breath.

Besides, what if I were to die tomorrow?
I might as well live now, today,
while I still have the chance.
This probably sounds worse than it is.
It is only an expression of a transient and powerful feeling I'm sure we all get from time to time.

An old piece of mine from last summer. Revisited.
With good Music on the Speakers,
sipping Black Cherry Cider, eating 4 scrambled Eggs fried with butter
with Basil, Marjoram, Garlic, Onion, organic Milk, Oregano, Cholula hot sauce, Salt and Pepper
and reading from a list of fresh poems on this site from some of my favorite writers of all time;

Breakfast of Champions.
Different People regard Theatrics in different ways.
Theatrics, to me, are a celebration of mere existence, in ways.

Some people never seem to gain an appreciation for Theatrics.
Most save their Theatrics for special occasions, or vicariously bask in those of others.
Few embody their own Theatrics; identify with them, live through them.

The way I see it,
each day can be a reason to celebrate
with nicer than normal attire
for seemingly no good reason
or wearing some theatrical eyeliner
or to move with a bit of a dance from A to B
or to incorporate whatever combination of aspects
of theatrical expression.

You see, Theatrics, to me,
are a means for expression,
and, as an Artist,
nothing else can matter more
on a personal level
than expressing what it is
I have in my Mind.

needn't be restrained
merely to the Stage,
for the World is a Stage
and we're all playing our parts
so we may as well have a little fun
and celebrate each moment
with our own styles
of Theatrics.

that said,
everything in moderation.
Original, home-brewed instrumental Hard Rock/Metal Music:
Warning; exotic scales and time signatures abound!
 Dec 2013 Lewis
it is cold
my ******* are hard
I'm not fond enough of you
to care whether you think of me as appropriate or otherwise
I drink because I like it when my vision matches the blur of my mind
a boy I don't know came up to me at the gay bar
he caressed my face and walked away and then walked back
to apologize for not being able to contain himself
his friend also apologized on his behalf and assured me that
it is not his friends fault that I am so charming
naturally I smiled in comprehensive shyness
it has been a while since a touch has felt like home
it has been a while since home has felt like home
you will fall in love with all the wrong girls
you will ******* your way out of the responsibilities of growing up
you will catch the attention of strangers
and you will mean so much to them
so many things
so many thoughts
so many names left unknown
sit out with me in stormy weather
we're both naive, broken, and delirious
with not much else to do, do it with me
roaming poet of the night, give me your words
*oh, pour me another drink
and punch me in the face
you can call me Nancy
 Dec 2013 Lewis
 Dec 2013 Lewis
the ocean-floor in rainbow-lines
lilts over
                            heavy heat and surface-din

calm-vow under varied-waves
hums over
                       bustle of activity in *****

susurrous-bower on moving-sand
shades over
              clipped-voice in room

('I'd like to be in an octopus' garden.. under the sea..'      //

S T - 1 december 2013
sometimes, to be quiet and calm.. is best remedy, when seeking answers.

octopus' garden // excerpt from Beatles song

sub: chase

growl and rumble in feral-shakes
high-speed chase across hot terrain
can't find my feet
 Dec 2013 Lewis
 Dec 2013 Lewis
whatever is
planned, let
it happen
(c) Brooke Otto 2013
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