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4.7k · Jul 2011
Silly Underwear
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I hate you, big underwear
Why are you always the last pair
Staring at me from the drawer
Laughing cause you know for sure
Just how much I loathe to wear
You giant-sized underwear
2.5k · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
It doesn't really
matter when the rush is all
you've got to live for.
2.1k · Jul 2011
Verbal Abuser
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
This is degrading.
The names you shout destroy me.
Stop holding me back.
1.4k · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I'd ***** your mind
if I could get my hands on it

Your words are my pornographic video
with no subscription needed
1.4k · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
It's four in the morning
and I'm plagued by three words
They circle my mind and won't let me go



The first is whispered softly in the wee morning hours
Denial spreads quickly as the accusation falls

The second is a beautiful girl for whom I've never met
and yet I already sense a great deal of dread
No good can come of this

The last is simply put away
to only rear it's head
at 4am on Friday nights
while I'm alone in bed
1.2k · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
So this is the word you felt you had to write
This is the word you want etched on my skin
A badge to declare to the entire world
That I am The Number One *****

You've marked my mind
When you wish it was my body
Some how you feel I deserve this crime

Your wish was to wound me
To make tears flow
But your ignorance is funny
My smile is all I'll show
1.1k · Jul 2011
Selling Yourself
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Sell Sell Sell
I am a retail *****

Who cares what we are selling
as long as it gets sold
Shove aside your principles
and dignity
for the consumer that you are

Let them feed on our carefully laid truth
as they buy our smiles and false modesty
While we push our product forth

You want this, trust me
It's a steal!

Put it all on credit
Don't bother thinking
No one remembers
those little interest rates

You need to look at our new product,
it's just the thing that you've been craving

No one here will judge you

Buy Buy Buy

Retail makes for a faster living
You'll never be happy until it's yours
Claim it for your own
and I'll collect a percentage of the money
as any hustler should
1.1k · Jul 2011
The Little Death
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
******* make me cry
I feel dead inside

Nothing can touch me or make me shine
The light blows out before my cry
The buzz of pleasure only lasts so long
to leave me wanting that haunted warmth

The build up reminds me
of the days I used to sneeze
The excitement more amusing
than that final release

The first was still the best
none can match it's height
I'm left with shortened bursts
that don't last nearly all night

I'll rock my hips and shudder still
but tears will pour down
as I lift my head to yell
Your name on my lips
yet there's no one around

My lonely bought of endless searching
is led by my thrusts and nervous laughing
And ends when I crash the shoreline
to finally die
that little death
each ****** promises
988 · Sep 2012
Too Much Whiskey
Lestatmalfoy Sep 2012
Too much whiskey makes me miss you
and I’m trying to forget you,
but the way you look is tearing me apart.

This empty house is all I’m facing
and the drinks won’t keep me waiting,
but I miss you when the day is getting dark
Your love was never mine to borrow
and I’m sinking in my sorrows
I love you when the glass is in my hand

Too much whiskey makes me miss you
and I’m trying to forget you
but the way you left is tearing me apart
My only friends are in these bottles
and I’m not thinkin’ ‘bout tomorrow
cause too much whiskey keeps your memory alive

This broken life is all I’m facing
and the tears won’t be wasted
but I miss you while I’m alone in bed
Your time was never mine to borrow
and I’m drowning in my sorrows
I love you when the whiskey’s on my breath

Too much whiskey makes me miss you
and I’m trying to forget you
but this emptiness is tearing me apart
And now I’m too drunk to stand
but the phone is in my hand
It’s time to make a call that I will regret

Too much whiskey makes me miss you
and in the morning I’ll forget you
So why are you still tearing me apart?
a song I wrote for my cousin's country band.
976 · Sep 2012
I Watch You Blow Away
Lestatmalfoy Sep 2012
I just want to know you're there
To know your skin is still in sight
The way you rest your head in hand
and the way you smile goodnight

I need to see you happy
To breathe and know you're gone
The morning brings your droopy eyes
and I know you're not alone

You speak in riddles and secret grins
Your hair is just a mess
I see you in my dreams some nights
Though I hope for nothing less

Our whispered words have faded
Wounds all healed to scars
Though my life is just a little better
for once knowing everything was ours
915 · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
The point of the blade
is really just a statement;
a weak one at that
897 · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I wish my birthday was in December
So it would be gone by now

I wish my birthday was in June
So it would not be so close

I wish my birthday was not in February


I'm not ready
to turn
another page
in my book
of wasted memories
857 · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
The glacier ****** me
with uncertainty for life.
I am sunk beneath.
717 · Jul 2011
Artistic Abuse
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I color your words in shocking reds
with undertones of purple to show
the bruises they create

Each syllable like a stab in my chest
I know you meant for them to hurt me
but the physical wounds are brightly colored
In mocking tones of lively colors

They pain me
even though I catch myself staring
unable to look away from the mutilated beauty

Mark me
Beat me
Paint me green, blue, black
Hurt Me

Scathing words thrown at me like rocks
Bouncing off my flesh

And all I can do is beg you to paint me
No matter how much it wounds me
because I am your canvas
And you are a master artist
708 · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
If I push this button you'll just disappear
It'll be as if you never were

Wiping my hard drive of all traces of you will bring me relief
"Pics or it didn't happen," so they say,
and so I erase you from my life

No longer able to sift through our past
and see the lies I now know them to be
Watching us pile up in the Recycle Bin
knowing once I hit "empty" all the hurt will be gone
I won't restore even if it means being empty for the rest of my life

My background will no longer show me your face,
reminding me of when we thought we were happy

The computer always played a part with us
and it only seems fitting
that the final nail be slammed in
with my delete button
686 · Jul 2011
Savage Delirium
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
March me into madness
and steal my soul
I'd gladly offer it up
to ease your boredom

Grab at my earlobe and make me listen
A little force is always needed
There's no fun without a little blood
Make me beg you to get away
Then take my life as I let it go
684 · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I cause a lot of
trouble, but I sit back and
watch it all unfold.
658 · Aug 2011
Switch Off Robot
Lestatmalfoy Aug 2011
Turn it off,
the lies you weave
You've become the bot,
who spits out streams
Consciousness is not with me
Turn off this narrative
and let me be
633 · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Chug in and wash it down
Don't choke
Just get it right

He'll only love you
if you're a bird

Don't let him down
You need to get ahead
of all the other swallows
perched atop his bed
617 · Jul 2011
Trapped in a Rhyme
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
My little box of empty dreams is filling up too fast
The more I put away for later
the less this feeling lasts

My story is but naught at all
from the world so swift
I collapse into the fall
searching for that upper-lift

I wish I knew the color-scheme for a tale of gold
You think the answer wouldn’t be
quite so very bold

My eye will twitch as I swallow down
the pills that stifle me
I don’t make a sound
but I’ve yet to be let free
611 · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
She roams the land in
Hectic pursuit of a faceless love
Everyone tries to hold her back
Looking on as she runs past
Lies unspoken as they cling to her
Yelling from the pain of being left behind
607 · Sep 2012
My Morning Cup
Lestatmalfoy Sep 2012
Oh sweet, sweet coffee,
the gentle nectar of life and beauty.
Sonnets should be written in your name,
though if I were to pen them
I would need a couple more cups of you.
604 · Jul 2011
Beginnings Are Sweet
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Tentative starts are very thrilling
We don't know where it goes
Or where it ends
Will it end?
Talking too much is never a problem
Breathing can be though
595 · Jul 2011
Follow the Leader
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Your lust for success is contagious
I get caught up in the wake and buried by mistakes
A hundred steps behind you
Yet still I see your face

Happiness is a factor
One of many goals
You lost it in the battle
And won it back when the time arose

I always saw you as a warrior
Defending your beliefs
Overflowing with sorrow
Yet you kept away the grief

I strive to follow closely
The example that you've set
To go on fighting bravely
And learn with every regret
589 · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Weakness is a fickle thing
it grows inside me and causes pain
It makes me fear the openness
of which you seem so fond of

I hide behind this attitude,
pretending I do not care
While you slowly fade away

I'll push and shove you,
all the while wishing you could see
That I really want you never to leave

I grow so cold with longing for you,
but can never find my voice
To tell you that I love you more than my own life
So I'll keep on telling you to go away
And silently I'll pray
that you can see past my anger
to the fear that keeps me at bay
589 · Jul 2011
Art, You Tease
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
You are that piece of art
The one stuck in our minds

Your body is the empty canvas
That sits there taunting artists
"Paint me into being, color in my heart.
Bring this dream to life,
don't let this work stay white."

You want attention constantly
Demanding that you're there

The haunting blankness of your page
Makes us hide in fear
"I am what you make of me.
Take up the pen and mark my lines,
Fill me with your song."

And one day when we're not looking
Suddenly you're gone.
583 · Jul 2011
The Story
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I'm afraid to open this book,
to start this story.
For once I'm unsure of how it all will end.
I grow weary of being mislead
and falling for characters that never make the final page.

Misconceived and thrown aside,
the pages all unfold with no remorse.
Steadily falling away faster and faster
with no one there to make it stop.

He came along with such sweetness
and an interesting line,
but was unobtainable and left the tale much too soon.

I waited, hoping he'd be written back in
and when he was I held my breath.

I'd never imagined someone so endearing and beautiful.
It was almost like his soul shown through the pages,
burning so brightly my eyes would water at every word.

His world quickly became the only place I wanted to be,
I read everyday.
I grew afraid of sharing myself with this character,
he was much too important to lose.
Surely if I left myself unguarded
he'd disappear at the end of the next chapter,
at the end of the page.

I saw the ending coming closer now,
but still not knowing the conclusion.
How would it end?
I grew mad with curiosity.
Impatient and frightened all at once for the same thing.

I knew I loved him but was unaware that I decided his fate.
Could I trust myself to see this to the end,
to finish this book and know
if he was capable of not letting me down.
That maybe he was able to redeem what little faith I had in fiction.
That perhaps it wasn't fiction at all.
Maybe, someone could love me
and it not be a fairy tale.
563 · Jul 2011
A Morbid Scene
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
His mouth was sickly twisted in an eternal smile
His upper limbs were disgustingly vile;
all torn up and lifeless
Just hanging about,
like two drunken men passed out

His upper torso was bare for all to see
It was misshapen and cut in slices from left to right
As if in punishment for some ill gotten deed

His eyes were open, looking about
Taking in his surroundings with an unforgetting gaze
His feet were crushed together in a strange way
His legs were covered by the maggots of death
that wriggled about him feasting on his flesh

He lay there were I had left him
In his eternal sleep
For I killed him, happily
Releasing my anguish on his youthful soul
As I look at him now
I can only, laughingly, think one thing:
What a morbid scene
562 · Jul 2011
The Ache You Crave
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
The words I lay upon a sheet are swifter than your own
Your pen is no match for me
The rhymes you try are dull

My sharpened verse is cutting you
Keep writing how you don't care
The scars my words will leave behind
Are something that you'll crave

Bitterness seeps from every syllable
They cry just like a child
Your work is but a warning
Of how much you need to grow

My interest in this is fleeting
And so
I let you go
561 · Jul 2011
Big Bad Love
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Love turned it's back, but
I was the one to cower
under it's bright gaze.
550 · Jul 2011
Defeated Melody
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I find I care less and less
as the days go by
The glimmer of hope
that was short lived will briefly haunt me
till it can be replaced
with something more painful

My frown will fade into oblivion
as soon as I find a distraction
The warnings were given
I knew my place
This sting is my reward for ignoring the rules
and kissing you anyway

The words you whispered tricked me
Spun around me and wrapped my hands in them
I breathed in deep
learning, too late, that I was caught

I'll pour the water over my head now
Rinse off this feeling of waste
My heart has stopped pounding
and my song is ending soon

The beat we shared was fleeting
You forgot the words with time
I'll walk away calmly
humming our once perfect rhyme
I wrote this about a stupid boy. I liked him for about a year, and waited for him to make a move. When he finally did I was elated, but he killed it shortly. After writing this I completely moved on from the slight hurt and no longer see him in a romantic way. It felt so good getting this out, but I do see what a waste it was. We could have been something really good.
537 · Jul 2011
Sharp Wit
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Hone your sword upon
my mind; the blade will sever
all false words in two.
530 · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I am a slave to pills
and the sound of alarms.
For both I jump through hoops at the time they set aside.
Take me now, at this time!
Get up now you've got things to do!
Neither have the desired effect.
I grow weary of them drowning me in their noise.
521 · Jul 2011
Cover Me, I'll Cover You
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Cover me up and watch me burn
The song of my sadness is soaring high

Your face is stone
And I am water
I run down you
Through your mind

Let me cleanse you as you cry
I'll give you the strength you'll need

Bunch me together with your hopes
And watch my fear float free
I'll cover you as you fly

I am moving
As you stand still
We push together
And fall down

I won't change you
You won't beg
In the end the fire
Will be
All that we have left
518 · Jul 2011
This Beast in My Chest
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Every time I'm near you all I can be is awkward

I desperately want to come off as affable and cool
But one look from you and I'm stuttering
Tripping over myself and falling down

You laugh and look away
I wonder if you see me at all
Your eyes are always averted
Though mine are usually on the floor

I want to grab your hair

I think about you deep into the night
Long after I should sleep
You create a cycle of insomnia
That I always regret tomorrow

When I speak to you I lose my nerve at the last second
and stumble away in tongue-tied disarray

You enter,
I panic,
the words get caught and I tell a stupid joke
Making fun of you always seems safe
I can be so harsh
I never meant to hurt you
Though you laugh it all away

In those moments I think
You actually get me

I grab at you only when I'm smashed
Apologizing profusely
While you calmly say, "it's okay"

I'm just waiting for the day
You tell me you know
And you feel the same
517 · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Defiled innocents lay stranded
We sleep with heavy limbs
Undisturbed by disturbing dreams

Love costs too much
We are too poor and broken
to pay its price

Scattered ashes take place of roses
where we step
No one moves to save us
Large eyes watch on as we scream

Stolen prayers are sent up
As we stare down
Always cupping our hands
Wanting more
Never earning what we seek

There is no middle ground
We walk unsteadily
And fall as often as we can
No one helps us up
We cry silent tears
No one cares

When did we lose that innocence?
505 · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I like to write my words down on post-it notes
in barely legible print.
Writing the words so closely together
that you hardly know where one word ends and the other begins.
Making each small page seem like a giant secret
that should be stored away in drawers and at the bottom of my purse.
Do not read these messy notes,
for they hold too much of me.
496 · Jul 2011
A Girl's Companion
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Round and round
your words do spin

You sit upon my wit's end

Don't go crashing over the edge
for my laughter will go chasing after

High upon your broken throne
you jeer and call me out

I'll bite and cry
but tis all for naught

This whole thing was just a joke

In the end you'll be my Lark,
sing to me your funny song
as you fly away too soon
496 · Jul 2011
Final Declaration
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
You hide behind your knight in shining armor who,
to be honest,
isn't all that shiny.
You think that you've been saved
while you forsake all those who helped you get there.
Taking for granted that we'll always love you,
no matter how much you mistreat us.

So look at your trees and don't be swayed.
You are the righteous one,
who never does any wrong.

Write your scathing words and smile to yourself,
pretending you're not lost.
It's not as if you have anything to lose;
you have all that you could ever want, right?
What else could you ever need?

It's not like I won't always be here waiting for your pity,
because pity is all you think I need.
I'm not some little girl who's lost in the woods without you.
Maybe if I walk a little further from you
you'll be able to get over yourself.

Go ahead and look down at me from your pedestal;
I won't be under your gaze anymore.
I can take responsibility for my actions,
maybe one day you can do the same.
Perhaps that's just expecting a little too much
from the child you show yourself to be.

This will be the last thing I write for you;
I won't waste one more word on you.
494 · Jul 2011
To Push Me Away
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I do still love you,
you crazy fool. For all your
lies were not enough.
480 · Jul 2011
Tame Me
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Please don't be in love
with someone else; you could be
the one to break me
476 · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
My mom bought some mirrors
She put them on all the walls of our house

You might think this to be cool
But it's not, you see

Cause everywhere I go
There's another one of me
474 · Jul 2011
I Love You
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Words are too easy
to say when I am with you.
Especially lies.
474 · Jul 2011
Bound and Doomed
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I wish I could tell you I loved you
without fear
without pain

I wish that I had the courage to hold you
and tell you everything
will be okay

There are times when it feels so close
I can hardly breathe
but the moments pass quickly
and I'm left here to bleed

I don't trust myself enough to admit how I feel
So lying is the only way I know
to keep everything real

You look at me
and I swear I can see the same feelings
staring back at me

It seems all an illusion
that can only lead to my destruction

I know now
as I have always known
that my love for you is doomed
And not because you love another
but simply because
it's you
466 · Jul 2011
18 Years Ago
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
18 years ago
you touched me
16 years ago
you stopped
14 years ago
I finally told on you
Too late
was all I heard

13 years
until I willingly was touched
1 more
till I was calm
I'm still waiting for a time
when I can truly let him love me

I never did confront you
for those 18 years of pain
And the years that are to follow
until I can really let someone in
462 · Jul 2011
No Longer a Home
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Guarded House with steel-tight gates
Hold yourself
Set away
Covered in vines, and broken dreams
Your paint once told of better days
No longer kept by those you sheltered
Forever weary of all new lovers
462 · Jul 2011
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I am free, I am free
You cannot hold on to me
I'll fly away, I'll fly away
Just you see
I'll be so far, I'll be so far
Since you left my cage ajar
I'll stretch my wings, I'll stretch my wings
No longer bound by any strings
460 · Jul 2011
Love Lives Under Pain
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
When you walk on water
I feel as though the blood in me is gone
Weakness makes me fall face first into your lonely sea
As I'm enveloped by the waves and take that first breath of ocean
I sense that maybe I am dreaming your beauty

Who can walk on water anyway?

You control my shaking
as a lion controls his roar
Pushing me into the side of this mountain you've built around us
Every time I try to rush past you
you break me down once more

Who wants to be free anyway?

Every time you cry
I taste grief in my mouth
It's bitterness tingles on my tongue

I bathe in your sadness, as it lingers over me
and wonder when it was you last said goodbye
I hunger for your tears
like you crave my forced words of love

When the taste is so satisfying
who needs to be happy anyway?
452 · Jul 2011
The Request
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
You invite me in
for tea, supper and some pain.
How can I say no?
450 · Jul 2011
War on Us
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
The battle cry fades
for our wasted memory
no longer remains
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