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Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
The battle cry fades
for our wasted memory
no longer remains
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Please don't be in love
with someone else; you could be
the one to break me
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I cause a lot of
trouble, but I sit back and
watch it all unfold.
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
The point of the blade
is really just a statement;
a weak one at that
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I do still love you,
you crazy fool. For all your
lies were not enough.
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Hone your sword upon
my mind; the blade will sever
all false words in two.
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
It doesn't really
matter when the rush is all
you've got to live for.
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