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Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Weakness is a fickle thing
it grows inside me and causes pain
It makes me fear the openness
of which you seem so fond of

I hide behind this attitude,
pretending I do not care
While you slowly fade away

I'll push and shove you,
all the while wishing you could see
That I really want you never to leave

I grow so cold with longing for you,
but can never find my voice
To tell you that I love you more than my own life
So I'll keep on telling you to go away
And silently I'll pray
that you can see past my anger
to the fear that keeps me at bay
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
You hide behind your knight in shining armor who,
to be honest,
isn't all that shiny.
You think that you've been saved
while you forsake all those who helped you get there.
Taking for granted that we'll always love you,
no matter how much you mistreat us.

So look at your trees and don't be swayed.
You are the righteous one,
who never does any wrong.

Write your scathing words and smile to yourself,
pretending you're not lost.
It's not as if you have anything to lose;
you have all that you could ever want, right?
What else could you ever need?

It's not like I won't always be here waiting for your pity,
because pity is all you think I need.
I'm not some little girl who's lost in the woods without you.
Maybe if I walk a little further from you
you'll be able to get over yourself.

Go ahead and look down at me from your pedestal;
I won't be under your gaze anymore.
I can take responsibility for my actions,
maybe one day you can do the same.
Perhaps that's just expecting a little too much
from the child you show yourself to be.

This will be the last thing I write for you;
I won't waste one more word on you.
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
Don't ask me why
I want to make you smile
Let your tears dry
At least for awhile

Look at me
And be still
I can make you see
If only you will

Remember your dreams
How they make you feel
Bursting at the seams
Not believing it's all real

Don't be distressed
Just remember
That you are blessed
And you'll always have her
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
If I push this button you'll just disappear
It'll be as if you never were

Wiping my hard drive of all traces of you will bring me relief
"Pics or it didn't happen," so they say,
and so I erase you from my life

No longer able to sift through our past
and see the lies I now know them to be
Watching us pile up in the Recycle Bin
knowing once I hit "empty" all the hurt will be gone
I won't restore even if it means being empty for the rest of my life

My background will no longer show me your face,
reminding me of when we thought we were happy

The computer always played a part with us
and it only seems fitting
that the final nail be slammed in
with my delete button
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I am free, I am free
You cannot hold on to me
I'll fly away, I'll fly away
Just you see
I'll be so far, I'll be so far
Since you left my cage ajar
I'll stretch my wings, I'll stretch my wings
No longer bound by any strings
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I hate you, big underwear
Why are you always the last pair
Staring at me from the drawer
Laughing cause you know for sure
Just how much I loathe to wear
You giant-sized underwear
Lestatmalfoy Jul 2011
I'm afraid to open this book,
to start this story.
For once I'm unsure of how it all will end.
I grow weary of being mislead
and falling for characters that never make the final page.

Misconceived and thrown aside,
the pages all unfold with no remorse.
Steadily falling away faster and faster
with no one there to make it stop.

He came along with such sweetness
and an interesting line,
but was unobtainable and left the tale much too soon.

I waited, hoping he'd be written back in
and when he was I held my breath.

I'd never imagined someone so endearing and beautiful.
It was almost like his soul shown through the pages,
burning so brightly my eyes would water at every word.

His world quickly became the only place I wanted to be,
I read everyday.
I grew afraid of sharing myself with this character,
he was much too important to lose.
Surely if I left myself unguarded
he'd disappear at the end of the next chapter,
at the end of the page.

I saw the ending coming closer now,
but still not knowing the conclusion.
How would it end?
I grew mad with curiosity.
Impatient and frightened all at once for the same thing.

I knew I loved him but was unaware that I decided his fate.
Could I trust myself to see this to the end,
to finish this book and know
if he was capable of not letting me down.
That maybe he was able to redeem what little faith I had in fiction.
That perhaps it wasn't fiction at all.
Maybe, someone could love me
and it not be a fairy tale.
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