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leona chaput Feb 2016
I count the blessings
The mercy and goodness
The beauty and wonder
All in this world
It's all from Jesus
It's the wonder, the joy
The endless blessings
We enjoy while living
In this world
That comes from the Lord
The peace and tranquility
Beauty and joy unsurpassed
Comes as a blessing
From Jesus, Jesus our Lord

                    BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput May 2016
Give God the glory
The praise He deserves
Give God the honor
To heaven above
God is the power that rules
Heaven and earth
He is the majesty
The victory is all in His power
Showing the way we should live
While we are here on this world
That God created for all to be here
Walking in goodness to all mankind
Give God the praise and worship
His holiness
Believing and trusting in all that
He says
Give God the worship and praise
His holy name
Adoring the God of all glory

                        BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput May 2016
Give God the praise, give Him the glory
Give God the praise, tell Him He's worthy
Give God the praise for the mercy He gives us
For all the wonders and beauty that are in our God
Give God the worship that flows from our souls
For all the songs and times we sing
With everlasting hope and joy that we
Have received from the Lord
Give Him His dues for all the power
Sufficient to overcome fears that are in us
Give Him our hearts that we may be filled
With endless praise and joy from within
Give God words we use to tell others
How wonderful our God is to us
He is the power we rely on to find
Our way in this world every day
Give God all praise and songs
To find their way to thoughts
So that He may know how much
We need Him

                          BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Oct 2017
Glory and mercy, the righteousness
With goodness and praise
To worship our Lord
Lifting our hearts and our souls
To be the way of the Lord
Believing and trusting the words
That reveal
Truth and mercy for every believer
Who kneels in humbleness before the Lord
Glory, glory the righteousness
The majesty from the God of our souls

By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Aug 2014
Praise to honor a God of greatness
A God who created a world
That needs to cry out and worship
God of mercy and God of glory
And God who cares for us
Give God the glory with praise
Never ceasing
For He alone is holding us in His hands
Wanting to hear when we pray
Healing this broken world
Walking amongst us
He alone is worthy
Holding eternity when we come to be
In heaven with Him
leona chaput Oct 2017
Glory, glory, glory to God
Glory to God
Who captured me
Rescued and holds me
Secure in arms protecting me

Glory, glory, glory to God
Praise God for all He's done
Rejoice and praise God
Holy and awesome in every way
Holy and worthy of all our praise

Gracious, merciful in His grace
God of mercy reigns over me
Providing salvation to save my soul
God of all goodness and joy
Greater than all there is in this world

   By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
God of the universe rules
Over us
God of all creatures watches
Over us
God of the truth that He
Alone is Power and glory
He watches over us
Protecting and caring
For lost sheep
God is the leader of all
Who call on Him
leona chaput Oct 2017
God help us know how much we need you
God help us pray and share our love for you
God help us grow and know that your power
Heals and comforts those sorrowing pain
Through storms and terror and danger and fear
Help us to turn and call on your name
Knowing and trusting you alone, Lord
We stand in awe at the victory claimed
In you alone, Jesus
Make us like you to claiming our call
Rejoicing and praising the glory of God

By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Above all else I believe
In the way that this world
Was created for me
Is how God  holds the power
And claims the victory

He holds the power to build
Great and small nations
Putting together flowers
Created in the tradition
Of welcoming spring

God holds the glory
In majesty holy
Resplendent to show
Our God really cares
With glorious peace

God holds the answer
The message He gives
The promise of living
Forever in heaven
With Him

God needs our prayers
Our faith and our trust
He alone knows
Every heartache within us
We need to pray

God is the wonder of what
There is and there is so much
We have from our God
If we just come to Him
To offer our savior all our praise

God in His majesty looks
Down at us
With tears He cries for us
When we go astray
He loves us so much

                      BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
God in my heart walks silently
Leading me to be more like Him
God in my soul has captured me

To be among His own
God of all creatures and
God so glorious who cares

To help us be willing and
Looking towards the way
He leads us with constant joy

God in this world is power
To heal with compassion
To know how much we

Need Him to be the only
God who watches out for us
God in my heart gives me

Kindness to be the one who
Cares for those who are
In need of tenderness

Help for to day
That is the way of the
God who lives in my heart

Revealing truth, mercy
Forgiveness for every day
God in my heart, God in my soul
God walking lovingly in my life

Day after day and every day
For all eternity to be one with God
In heaven for ever and ever

                       BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Oct 2017
We have a promise that we are held
In the arms of our Savior, our hope
For eternity in the arms of Jesus
God is our Savior, our redeemer
Our help and our comfort rejoicing
Praising the one God who cares for me
Great is the glory and awesome His power
While ruling in justice over this world
Praise is the song that I offer to God
To praise Him forever for all He has done

By:  Leona Chspuy
leona chaput May 2016
God is the beauty of peace in this world
God is the hope for all eternity
God is the joy and love that I have
God is the wonder and all that I am
God reigns in beauty sufficient for me
God is the mercy that fills my soul
God is the overwhelming trust to be
God is the majesty over me

                       BY:   Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
God is the answer in all our lives
He comes with glory to help us
Every trouble that descend on
The weary
God is the glory, the hope we
All need
Come to the foot of His throne
Bow down and humble yourself
Where God alone knows
All our troubles and needs
God is the glory, majestic in joy
Power and hope for a trouble world
God is the glory, praise God for mercy
For being our King
God is the glory, the hope and for mercy

                   BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Nov 2017
Call out to God
He answers every call
He is all and all
The greatest of Kings
Walking greatly among us
With comfort and peace
Coming with His fire
Thunder to speak
Words of rejoicing
Sending to all the earth
Hope for redemption
Love to forgive us
Be still and know
God is with us
God who cares for
The ones who come to Him
Humbled and contrite
Open to receive Him
God is with us
Forever to hold us

     By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput May 2016
God so all awesome
So gracious and wonderful
God of all glory
Reigning in power
Reigning in mercy
To set me free
Reigning in glory
Holiness in all mercy
Holding me in the
Palm of His hands
Revealing His glory
Throughout this land

                   By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
God is the perfect and glorious One
Walking in majesty in all the world
God is the one who is power to heal
Protecting us from the storms we encounter
Showing us He is our heavenly Father
Forever and ever we can trust God
To hold us in powerful hands of love
God of all glory, God of all mercy
Walks with me when I call on Him
He leads me where peace flows like
A river
Where He alone is God of all wonders
Revealing the glory of my awesome Father
He is the God of all glory, God of all power
Coming to earth in majestic wonder
Claiming the hearts of the one's who
Look for Him
Being our Father, holy Father
Here on earth and in heaven as well
God of all glory, God of all peace
Bringing salvation to a longing world
Looking for hope from our
God of all glory
God is the answer
There's no other one

                           BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Sep 2016
God of all mercy, God of all goodness
God so wonderful, always beside me
Watching and waiting to answer my prayers
God of all mercy, and goodness too
leona chaput Oct 2017
God of all glory, God of beauty, my God of mercy
God watches over me while walking beside me
Lifting me in the palm of His hands
Comforting me with love and with purity
God who cares for the smallest of children
Lovingly watches over me where I go

God of majesty, God of Power, God of comfort
My God is the greatest of all Gods, the only God
My God created the world and all in it
Providing a world that offers a place of peace
Rising above all the storms raging around me
Being the power, the wonder, the hope for me

My God, God of glory, God of joy for every day
My God is greater than all there is here on earth
Proving that there is no other God for me
I bow down to offer myself as a sacrifice
To follow and honor all that my God is
Offering my praises every day worshipping my God
leona chaput Dec 2015
God's gift to a hurting world
Is the birth of His Son, His Son Jesus
God's love for us is His presence
Among us
Sending His Son to be born
Born human
Born to be a Savior to love us
To help us and care to carry
His flock to His place called heaven
Jesus is the greatest of deities
Who ever lived among us
He walks silently in the places
Of channels within our hearts
Leading and watching over us
God knew we longed for closer walk
Drawn into joy of our saviour
Being the power and the righteousness
Being called Majestic and glorious
Rising with angels to rule us
In victory, hearing our praises
This is God's gift, God's choice of love
Conquering fears and troubles of this world
With a saviour who is the Son of God
Mighty and merciful, beautiful awesome
Perfect in every way
Jesus, Son of God
He is His gift to the world
He is God's precious gift to us
Jesus, Jesus the  saviour for all the world

               BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2016
God is so true, He is true to
Everyone calling on His name
God so true, He is to everyone
Looking for hope and for comfort
For healing and trusting with joy
Knowing that Jesus has endless love
For the ones who  are suffering
and in need of hope
It's a better world, a peaceful
It's a comfort and healing to be one
With Cod
God so true, God so true to me
With endless faith He can
Restore and calm the longing
I feel when I reach and call out
Bow down before the throne of God
God is the power to hold me throughout
Every storm I encounter
Every tear I may shed is a time to
God is so righteous and awesome
In all His power
Proving that He is the only one
Sho has the power to lift us above storms
Bringing hope to everyone
God is so pure, so merciful, too
So awesome and glorious
Our one precious God

                         BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
God's only Son is here among us
His Son came to pay the price of
Knowing how much we need Him
God's Son for us is mercy and love

Hope and forgiveness in the
Name of our Father
There is truth hope
If we put our faith

In the hands of our savior
Who cares for us
God's only Son is the
Answer to peace and hope
We come to praise
The glory of Jesus
God's Son, Jesus is for us

Sharing His love
Holding us in
His hands for eternity
God's Son for us
Suffered and took our
Shame and our pride
To the cross

Where He took the shame
With forgiveness to hold us
Trust Him with all that
We are
Believe in His power

Call on His name
He'll bring us to where
His Father knows and
He will forgive and bring us
To the throne of grace

God's son for us is mercy
A power to love and redeem
The souls of those
Who call out to His perfect name

                      BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2016
Trust and He'll send goodness

His mercy forever

I'll know Him, He,s walking in

Love overwhelming my ways

Walking in power in the depths

Of my soul

Living with mercy within the

Chambers of my heart to lead me

I'll know that Jesus is always

With me

Hear the songs of the heart

Seeking Jesus

Lifting up hearts to the beat

Of His power giving me hope

For eternity praising the name

The awesome and precious name

Glorifying the name of Jesus
Praise to Jesus, praise and glory

To honor Jesus

Living in goodness and mercy

Believing the promise that comes

From Jesus

How precious to know

We are captured and held

In the tenderness of Jesus

In the power to walk in victory

Claiming His justice for sinners

And all who follow His name

                             BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
Greater than all the wonders
We have before us
Greater than earthly kings
And those who claim power
In this world
Greater than words that come
From the leaders
The ones who proclaim they
Are the wonders of earth
Greater, greater to come to be
Lord among us
Glorified, glorious in awesome majesty
Greater than any one else could be
You have created and given us
Hope to be like you, Jesus
Precious in your sight
Wonderful to come to you
To behold your greatness
And all that you are
Is more than the world
Of sinners and those stand
In power can begin to claim
leona chaput Jan 2016
The greatest of wonders, the
Greatest of hope for a world
That is hurting and seeking
Their Savior to heal them
The greatest  of love is the love
From our King of all Kings
Our God  and our mercy
Bringing us hope for a time of
Forgiveness and peace
Witnessing power that rides
On the winds of victory
Revealing the greatness
We seek in our God
Greatest of all is the
Hope within us
Believing in faith
Trusting our God
Who cares to receive us
Greatest of all is our Helper
Ours Savior in the sweet
Name of Jesus
Ruler of heaven
King of the world
and of the universe
He alone reigns as
God, greatest of all

                             BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Sep 2016
Great is God, great is our God
Great is the power and the glory of God
Great is the creation made from His hands
Great how God created the universe
Making a world for us to live in
Keeping us safe in the palm of His hands
Being forever with us
Walking softly beside us
Healing our broken hearts
Carrying the pain for us
Great, greater than all else
He commands truth and brings
Mercy to give a hope for all
That sinners need for forgiveness
Great, greater than all the world
Great, greater the love that comes from God

By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Nov 2017
So great are the wonders
I see every day
So is the beauty that
Covers this world
So awesome the way
God loves me
So great, so great
Is my God to me
Come and rejoice
At the sound of His name
Come and sing praises
Worshiping our King
Who reigns with mercy
Over this world
So great, so great
Greater than any other
God to me
leona chaput Feb 2016
Great is the glory that is our God
Great is the power that flows
Through the universe
Greater than anything else
Is the way that He loves us
The way that He knows  our
Every need
Walking in silence within us to heal
Our broken hearts
Waiting to hear out prayers
Poured out to Him
In deep faith to pray
For help in times of storms
In times of troubles that never cease
Comes the peace and the
Promise of God being
With us
Holding us close in the palm
Of His awesome hands
Preparing a place in heaven
For us
Great, great and so much more
Is the praise and glory of God

               BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Sep 2016
Greater than all else in this world
Greater than all the places of glory
So great is God that we bow down
We are glorifying the God who
Created and made us like Him

By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
Great joy, great hope
Great is the God who
Has captured my soul
Who guides and protects me
Wherever I go
Great is His promise
For heaven I know
Great is His power
Throughout this world
In all His majesty
Glory bestowed
In all the universe
Jesus is watching
He's walking with us
Searching deep within
Our very hearts
Great joy, great hope
Greater still is the
Glory of God
All around us everywhere
In this world

By: Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jun 2016
Great things, greater things yet to come
Great thoughts, thoughts of Jesus
Holding us in His arms
Great is the way Jesus has covered this
World with His hope for all nations
Hope for the lost and the weary and for
Those who look to the Lord humbled
And contrite before Him
Great is His promise of mercy,
Salvation and hope for eternity
With our Savior
Greater, greater, much more and
Greater and greater the love from God

     By:  Leona Chhaput
leona chaput Oct 2017
Hallelujah, praise Jesus, praise God
Hallelujah, there mercy at the hands
Of God
Hallelujah, there's no other God
To care for us
With the power and goodness
The mercy we have in the holiness
There is in God
Hallelujah,  He rules my soul
Walking triumphantly restoring
Me where I go
Taking me gently to places of goodness
Beside still waters and green valleys
Providing the help I need
Making me aware how great my God is
He hears my prayers and comforts me constantly
Hallelujah praise Jesus, praise the God of
Heaven and earth and the universe
Praise the one true God who cares for us

   By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Dec 2017
We are like sheep going our way
We are like someone who hears
What you say
Have mercy, have mercy to
Save our souls
Have mercy, have mercy to
Show us the way
To seek and to believe just how
Much we need you, Lord
Have your way with us and help
Us each day

By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput May 2016
Hear the words our Lord tells us
Hear the beauty that comes from God
See the wonders and beauty surrounds us
He is the glory to help us find peace forever
While living in heaven with Jesus
Hear Jesus tell you how much He loves you
How much He cares for you
You are a child of the Lord
Hear Jesus, listen and He'll tell you
Meaningful things you wish to hear

             BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
Hear the song, the song to worship
The song to praise our Savior who
Reigns with power beautiful among
Those who call Jesus,  Lord of all
Jesus so wonderful, gracious and
Awesome to everyone who calls
On His name
Receiving the glory, the time to
Songs to praise Jesus forever more
Hear the song that means to worship
Jesus who walks silently with us
Carrying us through times of storms
Times of searching for healing from Jesus
Sing with a heart full of praise to Jesus
Time to praise and a time to pray
Faith is the power to reach out to Jesus
For faith is what brings us closer to God

                       BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Jesus watches our every move
Holding us for all eternity
He calls out, He alone cares
To hold and save us
From every temptation
That comes our way
We can be confident
Jesus is truth and the way
For mercy and goodness
Love everlasting
Jesus is power and majesty
Holding us for all eternity

                                    BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jun 2016
Jesus is always near and beside us
He comes to hold and to bless us
To pour out His love letting His glory
Shine down upon us
He comes with fire and thunder
He comes in glorious majesty
Proclaiming His power and all
His love for us
He comes when we bow down
When we acknowledge our sins
And begin to repent and ask for
His perfect forgiveness
We have His wonder and faithfulness
Perfecting us throughout our lives
His thoughts for us are always to
Bless us, holding us in the palm
Of His precious hands
Preparing and cleansing our lives
For eternity in heaven with Him

                       BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
Through the wonder and
Power of the resurrection
Suffering pain so
We would know
He gave up life so He could
Cover our sins
Washing us white
By the power and glory
Of His love for us
He covers our souls
With His love for us
His power and glory
He covers our sins
To bring us to heaven
For all eternity
Claiming His victory
Being with Jesus
Forever with God

        By: Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
Jesus reigns in power
And mercy
Being our God for
Ever and ever
He is the wonder
Who comes to free us
He promises great things
To help us
Through every storm
Every time we are feeling
Alone in this world
He comes with power and
Peace reassuring
That the glory of His name
Will shine brightly each day
He has promised wonders
To help us
Telling us we are His children
And He has place in heaven
To bring us
One day to live with Him there

By:  leona chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Jesus reigns on earth
He reigns beautifully
In glorious victory
Power to heal and
Love to restore us
Awesome and wonderful
Joy overwhelming
He is awesome in glory
He is holy in truth and love

                  BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput May 2016
Jesus so beautiful, wonderful to me
He is my Savior, all that I need
Jesus so gracious, loving and awesome
He is my Savior, all that I need
Over the mountains and through
Deep valleys
Places, wonderful, awesome to see
Every flower, ocean and meadow
Everything is a witness of power
Reminding the one's who love Jesus
To believe that He alone is creator
And God
Jesus is one with God
Precious power to shape
The glory of God
Jesus is here forever among us
Leading, protecting and
Holding us closer to Him

                  BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jun 2016
Whatever the need is, whatever are wishes
Whatever comes through the storm clouds
There is the promise that Jesus is power
He holds the key and hope for eternity
Being alive and wonderful in this world
Tho storm clouds linger and fears are nearby
There is a promise of comfort from Jesus
Jesus is with us to heal and bring the needs
Of a broken heart seeking healing
Whatever the times of our longing
We can lean on the promise of God
He is the answer, He is the only One
He is the King and Lord of all beings
Crying out to their God for their mercy
Look and hopeful there's truth in His message
Comfort and knowing that Jesus loves us

                          BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Help us find rest in a world
That is broken and hurting
Looking for hope in our
Precious Savior
Help us, Jesus
Help us to pray
And bow down before you
Repent of our sins
Praying and trusting
Glorifying the name
That is power over
This broken world
Help us, Jesus
Help us to be
More like you every day
Help us to make our way
To bow down  before your
Holy throne
We are the one's who are
Living in sin
Looking for your power
To heal and redeem us
And make us whole
Help us, help us,
Lord Jesus
To more like you
Every day

                             BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Here I stand, here I pray
Here I am before my God
Nowhere else is there
Peace like from heaven
Believing in Jesus is all
That it takes
Here is the mercy I seek
Flowing with joy
In the presence of God
Who carries me
In the palm of His hands
Providing hope to be strong
In the ways of God
Here before Him I long
To be counted and lifted
High above all
That would try to
Influence me
Here before God
Is praise forever
Praise to worship
To honor Jesus
He is the wonder
The glory of God

   By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Dec 2016
Come and bow down
Come and give praises
Come here before him
To worship and praise Him
Great is Jesus, great is His name
So great, great and awesome is He

Here before Jesus, here at His throne
There are the angels singing and more
Glorifying the name of God

          By.Leona Chaput
leona chaput Aug 2016
Here I am Jesus standing in prayer
Here I am Jesus to glorify your name
Here I am humbled and longing for you
To fill my soul with your Spirit of hope
Lifting me up with the power of your
Message to guide and fulfill every need
Your wonder a part of your way and your truth
Here I am Jesus, here I am bowed down
At the foot of your throne for forgiveness
Salvation and goodness all hope is in you
Here I am Jesus, here I am praising the glory
The beauty and power that is in you
leona chaput Jan 2018
Here I am Jesus, here I am
Resting within your glory and peace
Here I stand to rejoice and praise you
With everything I have within me
Reaching towards the place of salvation
Where you hold me for all of eternity
Within the peace and joy of your glory
Believing in you my God, my creator
Trusting the word that I have from you daily
Here I am Jesus, here I stand humble and contrite
Worshiping you, Jesus my Savior
Praising you every day I live

By: Leona Chaput
leona chaput Nov 2017
When I look at sunset beauty
I say here is Jesus
When I stare at mountains awesome
And the wonder that they are
I say here is Jesus
When an infant child is born
That's the beginning of hope in Jesus
Vast and great stars and galaxies
Shining endless in eternity
Reaching where no man could live
That's the greatness of Jesus
That's the power, the majesty
The witness of humanity
More than any man can say
But to behold and wonder
To rejoice and believe
In the meaning of the truth
We have in the holiness of Jesus

      By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Here is my prayer
Offered up to you, Lord
Here is my joy
Knowing you understand
Every tear, fear and all
That I hope for
Is brought before you
Lord of all ages

Here I am Jesus
Bowing before you
Bringing my sorrows
My joys and my fears
Laying them before you
Believing you care

Here is my pray, Jesus
Praying for nations
To settle their quarrels
Everything that would
Divide and hurt this world

We need you, Jesus
More than we know
Bringing out hopes
Before you throne
Praising you for your
Love and your mercy
Here is my prayer, Lord
Here I am too

                BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Here is my prayer, Lord
Here are my thoughts
My needs for to day
I believe you will heal
This hurting world
I ;believe in you, Jesus
I believe in your power
How you walk on water
And watch your lambs
You are majestic in all
This world
You come to save us
From harm and from worst
You are so glorious
Awesome and pure
Your promises come from
A place of truth and purity
Giving us hope for a live
With you in heaven for
All eternity

              BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
Lord, I stand before you
Melt my heart, mold me
To be more like you, Jesus
May I say to the God who cares
My heart is breaking for the
Pain in this world
Here I am Jesus, ready to share
The needs that are filling
My thoughts for this day
Here are my prayers, Jesus
I believe you hear what I say
In the form of a prayer to
You, on this day
There is hurting and sorrow
A need for compassion
To reach the ones who are in
Need of your touch for
Your healing
We are weak and we're sinful
Lost on our lonely way
Believing in Jesus and what
You hold in your hands for us
To day and each day
Filling the world with your
Spirit and love to touch us
With power to claim your victory
This is my prayer, Lord Jesus
You hold the power to heal
This broken and hurting world
You, and  you Father can help us
You know where we are
How much we need you
Help us, I pray, send your
Holy Spirit to guide and
To hold us through the storm
Of yet another day
Here is my prayer, Lord
Thank  you for being the
Power of mercy and goodness
So gracious to protect and be
The awesome God and wonder
You are, Jesus
Healing and holding us
Tenderly in your protecting
For being the God who cares
With power to turn things around
For the blessings you send us
They are more than we can being to count
Hear my praise, Jesus
Praise to worship and glorify you
Almighty and awesome God of the universe
And all that you have come to create
Is a miracle and great throughout the
Ages with you, Jesus

                 By:  Leona Chaput
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