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leona chaput Feb 2016
Here is my prayer to the
Glory of Jesus
Here are my hopes
Shared with Jesus
I thank Him for the
Mercy He is in me
The glory of power
The victory claimed
Restored, forgiven
Led in hope, never forsaken
Here is my prayer to Jesus
Praising His glory, the power
The joy that comes from Him
Sharing the joy that always
Fills me when I think of God
Here is my prayer to remember
The pain and the suffering
There is in this world'
The need we have to offer up
Heartfelt thoughts of blessings
To fill this world
Reaching to those who are
Constantly searching
Praying they are touched and
Met with the grace that comes
From Jesus
Praying for faith that comes
Mightly with the power of praying
Believing in Jesus and thanking Him
Every time I pray
For countless blessings and peace
Through the miracle of reaching
Up to the place where Jesus hears
Sinners and saints who come to pray
Seeking forgiveness and hope all
Through the wonder and power
Of prayer

                     BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
Here we are sinners
Standing before you  
Longing in sorrow
To be  one with you
Here we are standing
In joy we are rejoicing
You are our help, mercy
Forgiveness and hope
Too live with you, Jesus
Forever in heaven with you
Here we are praying
To Jesus to help us
Find mercy to show the way
For redemption from sins
Following Jesus every day
Here we are, here we are, Jesus
There you are with us
Healing and guiding us
Every step of the way

                   BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jul 2016
Jesus knows us by our name
He knows us and loves us
He doesn't blame
The way we are in our lives
He wants to help and hold us
In arms of tenderness with His love
We are His children, longing to hear
When we call on His name to heal
To forgive in mercy to bring us
To the throne of power
He's always with us, always
Walking beside us to heal
Every sorrow that comes
Every heartache that lingers
Before His mercy, His love for us
He's always Jesus, majesty, glory

                     BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
His glory is the wonder of mercy
His glory reaches out to the sinners
Who cry out to Jesus
Who pray to Jesus
To come in His glory
And redeem our souls
His glory reaches the world
In His beauty
Touching and holding His
Children of all creation
Proud of His splendor
Victory rising to claim
With power
Children of God who
Love their Lord
His glory, His awesome,
Precious and wonderful glory
Majestic in all that sustains
And redeems us
Proclaiming His glory
Above all the nations
And the universe revealed
His glory, His power, holy
His glory is known for the
Hope we have  living inside us
With everlasting peace
We look up receiving Him
Rejoicing in praise for His
Majestic glory forever in God

                               BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Dec 2015
His greatness, His glory
Hope for the wonder of
Jesus hears us when
We call His name

His mercy to find us
His joy overwhelming
With peace rejoicing
Jesus is all I need

No storm of life lasts
No worries take hold
Life can be bold
Jesus is all I need

His power if greater
He is the victory
Jesus is holding the power
Of His wonders and glory

His greatness to follow
His life is a promise
Of taking us home to
Live in heaven with Him

                  By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput May 2016
His love is God's way
Of letting me know
How much He cares
To care for me
His love conquers sin
Moves mountains as well
His love is all that I need

       BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Holy, almighty, goodness abounding
Standing to praise the Lord of all glory
Holy, holy and mighty God of all nations
The universe bows at the thought of your
Awesome and precious
Glorious to hold me
Within Your hands for
All eternity
Holy, holy and joyous forever
Dancing and singing
Holy is Jesus, holy and glorious
Awesome before your throne
Jesus, almighty and precious
To me

            BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2016
Holy and precious God
Almighty and beautiful
Claiming the glory, the
Wonder of victory, His is
The power to hold us forever
In arms precious, loving
Claiming us for His own
Holy and awesome God
More wonderful than I
Can begin to explain
Holy and loving God
Watching over His own
Forever and ever we have
His promise of mercy, forgiveness
And life forever with Him
Where He rules with His justice
And love forever
We are sanctified in His name

                BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Down from the lightening
All around comes
Flashes of fire, heavenly fire
Lightening up my soul
With glory He finds me

Great wonders and meanings
Come through the day
When we know that Jesus
Is waiting to say

Flashes of mercy stir inside me
Love is the glory from God's
Holy Son
With thunder and flashes
Of awesome fire

Revealing the truth
The power to find us
Restoring our soul
To burn with His Spirit
And holy fire

   By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
Bright and warm alive
Burning in joy with
The fire from God
Sanctify me with fire
To burn bright
Revealing His power
The light of God
Surrounding my life
Bright and alive
Glowing forever
Fire of love and
God's mercy on me
Holy, holy fire of light
Burning, burning bright
Come and feel
The wonder and hope
Of joy forever
Burning bright fire
Resounding in power
leona chaput Apr 2016
Holy above His kingdom
He comes to survey
How we obey  Him
Holy, gracious God
Of all wonder and beauty
Everywhere on this world
He is the God of all joy
He is the God of peace
And of splendor
Being all we need
Holy, glorious God
Walking within in my soul
Revealing the world provided
To keep us before we
Are called to heaven
To live forever with God
Holy and sanctified
Purified to be worthy
To be our Father our God
Holy, He's holy
He's all I need

            By:   Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jun 2016
Holy is the Lord, the Lord God Almighty
Holy is the one who walks among us
Holy is the Father of justice and love
Praise to Jesus above all others
Holy is the glory of the Father of all mercy
Holy above all else and glorious among us
Holy to be  praised and rejoice to Jesus

                       BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jun 2016
Holy, holy is the Lord
The Lord God Almighty
Holy is His name
Holy is the beauty of
The world He has created
Holy is the splendor of the
Majesty surrounding Him
Holy is the way He reaches
To the one's in need of Him
Holy, holy is the Lord
Holy, Father, blessing us
In every way

                         BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
Come to the throne of God
Come in His mercy, justice
His glory
Kneel down and pray
Stay there for all eternity
Raptured in praise to the
Awesome and holy God

Honor forever with joy
Never ending
Praising forever
The greatness of God

He is almighty, gracious
Always forgiving
He holds us in the
Palm of His Hands

Honor forever with
Praises to worship God
Honoring Him with love
To worship God up above

                          By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput May 2016
Hope is the feeling of good things to come
Hope is a brightness that shines in the sun
Revealing that there is always a way to see
The world being better, people coming to
Bow at the throne of God
Hope that our Savior has mercy to heal
Blessing and leading us every day

           BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jul 2016
How awesome is Jesus
How awesome the glory
The beauty and majesty
How pure is the word
That is given to us
Be firm and be strong
Know that Jesus abides
Over all of this world
He claims the wonder
Of all the universe
How awesome created
Made good by His blood
To be raised up to heaven
When we leave this world
How awesome is that
How wonder, beautiful
Awesome to me

                       BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Dec 2017
How great, how great is my God
How great is the wonder and beauty
The awesome glory that my God
Is power to shine in glorious majesty
Reigning purity,  justified through mercy
My God, My God greater than any power
Showing the way we should follow and live
Resplended in the way that God reigns
Proofing that He is the only God for me
How great, how great is my God to me

   By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Nov 2017
How great is the wonder that I
Believe in the greatness that
There is in God
How gentle and touching
There is in God
With mercy to cover the world
Proclaiming we are the one's
He adores
How great is my God
How great is the universe
How awesome to be
A part of His choice
Walking in greatness
Deep in the channels
Of my heart and my soul
Whispering how much
He cares for the way I live
Preparing a place in His heaven
For all eternity, being one with God

      By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Aug 2016
Humbled and transformed to be
More like the person Jesus would have
Me be
Longing and praying in my heart to be heard
Jesus knows all that I say and all that I am
He is the power living inside my soul
Drawing me closer every day I'm alive
To the wonder of heaven and joy I have found
While calling to Jesus every day here on earth
Sharing my sorrows, my joys and my hopes
To be more like Jesus in all that I do
Sharing the joy of being alive in the praise
To my worship in the presence of God
Humbled to think I am loved by Jesus
Who cares for His flock

                   BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
Forever I'm claimed
By the power of God
With mercy forgiven
Redeemed by the Lord
Living in peace to be
Here where there's
Goodness to hold me
In His arms to know
I am one with God
I am cleansed, sanctified
Redeemed and forever
Made worthy to be
One with God
I've been claimed
And I'm cherished
I am one with God

                BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
I belong to Jesus
Every word I say
Everything I do
I come to glorify Jesus
His name is holy
Trusted and faithful
Beautiful to me
Telling me I am
One with Jesus
One with my Savior
My God of salvation
One with Jesus
My friend to me

    By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Dec 2015
I am so humbled, so honored
I am so thankful that Jesus
Is my friend
In all this world there is no one
Like Jesus
No one who cares and has
Power to help us
No one pours love
That overwhelms the hurting
The lonely and everyone
Calling in faith to the Lord
I am so humbled, so grateful
To be in the number of
Children claimed by God
Walking in faith and trust
In His precious and holy name

                    BY: Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
I believe, I believe in the glory
The power and wonder of God
I believe He has promised a place
For me in heaven
leona chaput Jan 2016
I believe, I believe it is true
I believe in the bible, I believe
In God
I believe in heaven
I believe in love
I believe that it's true
That there is hope, there
Is mercy and with faith
We can rise up to Jesus
To His open arms
Where angels are singing
And heaven is praising
To the glory of God
Rejoicing because we've been
Blessed, we've been given
The hope that we so much need
To be where we can
Find perfect peace
With hearts that know
To believe is to be
Walking with Jesus
Through storms of night
And believing in knowing
We are protected and helped
By Jesus, who believes in us
I believe, I believe in God

                         BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Oct 2017
I believe there is hope for my soul
I believe in the mercy that comes from God
I believe and rejoice God is living in me
Leading me daily in His glorious ways
I believe and trust in the word that comes
From the Lord to show the way
He is my hope and all my worth
Giving  me reason to believe in God

    By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2016
I believe, I believe with a faith
That comes from my Savior
Who is Lord and He reigns
Over the world and it's people
I confirm  there is hope, there is joy
I believe there is peace in the way
Of the Lord
Who reigns in all glory
In all majesty
Come worship with joy
Come bow at His throne
Believing in Jesus, believing
In the power that come from God

                      BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Oct 2017
I believe in the one true God
The God that rules and reigns
With mercy and love
The God that sees the sinners
And waits for them to call on His name
The God who protects the fallen
The lost and the weary
Those who are walking through storms
That try to overwhelm them
Sheep who have strayed
Who call out to Jesus
Are those who are loved
Who are carried in His arms
I believe in the power, the glory
The hope we have in the awesome
Wonder and victory we have in God
I believe and will forever believe
In the beauty and holiness
We have in God

     BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2017
Every day I awake I think of God
I think of my faith in my awesome God
Every day is a wonder, a blessing to me
That Jesus would give me another day
Giving me time to rejoice, to be free
Grateful for all that He's done for me
Being my Father, God of all beauty
Revealing His splendor to me
Every time I call out to Jesus
He always answers me
In the most wonderful, glorious
Meaningful ways
Telling me how mch He loves me
I believe in the miracles that come
From the power and mercy we have in
I believe, I believe in glory
All that He sends out to me
I believe and am so grateful, too

               By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Nov 2017
I believe, I believe my God is the
Only God for me
I believe, I believe my God watches
Over me
With power and mercy to cover
My sorrows
He'll be with me for all
My tomorrows
I believe in the majesty that
Reigns in glory from my God
Capturing all the heartaches
That follow
He rules with mercy, He is
The God of all healing
Reminding followers He has
Prepared a place in heaven
To praise Him there for eternity
I believe and I trust in the beauty
The purity of my Savior

          By: Leona Chaput
leona chaput Oct 2017
I believe, I believe in the power of Jesus
I believe, I believe in the mercy from God
I believe the world and the universe
Were created and made by the wonder
The power and majesty
That is revealed in beauty of God
I believe Jesus is our hope for eternity
I believe Jesus is the comforter
Everyone needs
He is the one God to save and to
Hold us
Gently in hands that lovingly
Cares for us
I believe that praises are a way
Tell Jesus how much we love Him
How precious He is for everything
We are
I believe in the way that Jesus is Lord
Over us
I want to worship and praise my Savior

    By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Sep 2017
I bow down, bow down before my God
Before my awesome, majestic, holy God
I praise God, praise my God from within
My soulG
Praise and adore the only God
Ruling in power and mercy throughout
This world
I rejoice that Jesus is Lord over me
Lord who seeks to save and restore
Sinners who are in need of His love
Giving us hope to be forever in heaven
Adoring his name
I thank God, thank God for mercy
For the wonder that He is all glory
Forever and ever our God

By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Dec 2015
I hear you, Jesus, I hear you
I know you call me by my name

I trust you Jesus, I love you, Jesus
You are the glory and hope

You are the answer this world
Is in need of

Trusting and looking boldly
With prayers to you, Jesus

Sufficient in every day
That I live

I hear you, Jesus
I long for you

I look up to Jesus
With faith and with pride

No other one is a power
To goodness and mercy

Walking in trust with Jesus
Confident of His arms holding me

       BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Through out my day
And every where
I hear you, my heart
Hears you Jesus
I walk in a way that
Lets me know you are
Calling my name
And telling me
You are Savior
My God, my precious
Holy God of all
I hear you, Jesus
Through storms,
Through every dark night
Every time I need you
I hear you, Jesus
Majestic in wonderful ways
Creating a world to behold
The power and glory of
Who you are
My heart hears you
When I am in trouble
And my world is so
Upside down
I hear you, I look up to you, Jesus
With praise I receive your love
And your mercy for me
I hear you, you're my Savior
God for all times

                           BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jul 2016
I hold on to the word of truth
I hold on the mercy from Jesus
I behold He Lord of all glory
I rejoice in the name of the Lord
I love Jesus, precious and awesome
I love His name and the way of
All that He is
I hold on to the promise of Jesus
To be with Him in heaven
Where He is the Lord
And reigns in peace and in glory
Majesty, purity, wonder and hope

                    BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
I know I'm loved
I believe that the power
Of mercy lives within me
Healing and cleansing
My soul with love
Heart longing for
Oneness with God
I know that goodness is with me
Leading me through every day
That I live here on earth
I believe Jesus is here beside me
Hearing me when I pray
I know that peace is poured
Out into me
Filling me with hope for
Everything that I need
Nothing is greater or
Than God's assurance
To know one is loved
By the power, the greatness
The mercy of God

BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
I know whom I  worship
I know whom I follow
I know whom calls me
In the times of storms
Telling me He knows
How much I need Him
I know it's Jesus, One who
Alone knows every longing
We carry
He cares and holds us
He watches over us
He is our Father, our Savior
Holding on to us
More than we know
I know Jesus is worthy of praise
He's power and glory
Throughout this world
I believe in His name
Trusting in Jesus for all I am worth

              BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2018
I live in God's glory
I live in His mercy
I breath His love in me
I bow at His feet

I rejoice to the promise
I rejoice at His word
I rejoice and praise Him
I glorify God

I love my Savior who cares for me
I love my Lord and adore Him
I honor His power
I believe in God our awesome Father

By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
I look up, I look to the glory
The wonder and beauty
I see in my Savior, Jesus
I believe in His love for
His children, His people
Who will look to the glory
Of God
I look up, I praise God
I adore everything that
Is about Jesus
I look up and I can believe
In the joy of Jesus
The wonder and majesty
Surrounding His mercy
The promise He has
Given us
Who come to His throne
Who worship with joy
Knowing that Jesus is
Always with us
I look up, I see
Wonders that amaze me

                   BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2016
I'm, here, I'm going to follow
Every day of my life
Lead me to you
I'm here trusting in you
I'm ready to go with you, Jesus
Glorious Saviour so awesome
Glorious above the universe
Throughout this world
Holy and awesome One
Who is in heaven and
Here on earth hearing us
When we call
Protector and King
Of all creation
Walking within the
Halls of our hearts
I'm here to follow, to obey you, Lord
I'm ready and willing to be
Yours forever
Looking to your touch
Your mercy, your Spirit
To guide and to lead me
To peaceful waters
Where you are waiting
To hold me forever
I'm here, I'm willing and
I'm so very passionate
To hear your every word
Touching the threads of my heart
I'm here, forever I'm here
Precious Savior, here to give
You all that I am

                             By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput May 2016
I have fallen down and
Turned all around
Searching for hope and
Looking to see the way
To go each day
I got up and started to pray
Praying for mercy and guidance
To help me see the glory of Jesus
I'm lifted up, lifted up high above
Every burden I once had to carry
I'm longing to see
Jesus, my Savior who loves me
I'm trusting and praising
Worshiping the name of Jesus
Who has chosen me
He lifted me up, putting a
Promise of goodness and mercy
All around me
Setting me down on firm ground
Telling me He is my Savior
I'm lifted up, lifted up
To glorify and to honor
The name of Jesus

                                                  BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
In God there is
The hope
I look for
To find the peace
This world needs
To be in harmony
To live with joy
In gratitude
For what God's done
To help us find
The life well lived
In praise of God
In God there is
A love fulfilled
In perfect will
In God there is
What there should be
To be the people
Here on earth
Rejoicing at the
Throne of God
In God there is
And always will
Be one with God
Almighty God, in
Holy love
Transcending fears
He is and will prevail
At His throne
In God there is
And always will
Be hope for all
His glory and
For all eternity
Lifted up and
Always know
There always will
In God there is
The wonder and
The power of God

                BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
In praise of the One
Who is awesome and
Reigns with power
To heal
The pain and heartache
Giving them up to Jesus
In praise, praise to Jesus
His promise is true
His love is for all eternity
His glory is everywhere
With Him in victory
In praise, praise to the
God who claims those
Who cry out to Him
In faith and in need of
His radiance shining
Down on us
He is our hope
Our light and our destiny
Forgiving and holding us
For all of eternity with Him
He is our reason to praise
Praise Jesus

                 BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Oct 2017
I see your glory, I know your love
I know there's hope from heaven above
I know you reign in majesty
Walking among us in beauty and mercy
Revealing your power and the salvation
I trust in you
In righteousness proclaiming
You are the God we have on this earth
You are the God and we are your children
Praising and worshiping you Lord, God
In righteousness we surrender our lives
To be more like you
You are our God and we trust in you

By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Oct 2017
I praise with a heart that is praising
The one God for me and those wandering
Looking for hope and for eternity
With our Savior in heaven
Who is waiting to great us
With love and happiness
I praise, I praise you Jesus
I worship your awesome name
I glorify you with songs to worship
The majesty of your name
I worship the God of nations
Who calls me by name
When I bow in reverence
At His precious throne
I pray, I pray to Jesus
To help me and have mercy
To heal this hurting world
Only Jesus can help us
By showing the way to
A better place in this world
I praise the power and glory
I see in the beauty of Jesus

  By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
It's so true that Jesus
Comes in His glory
To help and restore
The sinners who call
On His precious name
It's so true, it's the wonder
Of Jesus loving us with His
Perfect love
It's so true the world is better
With Jesus surrounding each
Nation who looks for peace
It's so true and I thank God
I believe it's all true

                    By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Dec 2015
It's such a blessing to call out to Jesus
It's such a miracle there before God
At His throne of mercy
We have come in His name
Where we find peace
Where His love is forever
He is always the same
The power of justice
The glory of mercy
The love is so beautiful
It's all in His name
It's such a miracle
He cares and He knows
Each one of His children
Everyone by their name
Holding us gently in Holy hands
Keeping us close, precious beside Him
Holding us safely and tenderly
Lovingly looking into our eyes
With promises of His redemption
His mercy and offering eternal peace
His is Lord, He alone is Lord
Rising above in glorious majesty
Shining in all that He is to the world

                         By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Oct 2017
I will always, forever always
Praise Jesus, praise His name
I will always, always worship Jesus
I will worship and bow reverently
Bowing down before his throne
I will always glorify Him, glorify my Jesus
Holy and merciful, praising  Jesus
The name of Jesus gives me joy every day
His power and majesty is enough for me
To help me get through the day
Praising Jesus is a hope bringing joy
To my soul believing that Jesus
Is with me every day
Through the storms that come way
And the fears that never go away
Endless hope for my hurting life
Trusting Jesus is everything
I will always and forever
I will always praise the name of Jesus

  By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Dec 2015
Jesus, all holy and beautiful
Jesus, all glorious, awesome
Worthy of praise

Jesus, all holy and all I need
Jesus, you come in the darkest
The troubles of night

Jesus, my saviour, my needs
Are met in you
All that I need is found in you

Jesus, Jesus, merciful, greatness
Our hope for peace in this world
That is looking for hope

Jesus, all majesty, power
You are the victory in every trial
You are so wonderful, precious to me

Jesus, Jesus, praise your name
Praise you in every way, every day
Jesus, all majesty, glorious, merciful God

                      By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
Jesus all power, all glorious
Walking in majesty above all
The world and the universe too
Jesus, Jesus, hears when we pray
He knows our weakness, coming
With mercy, forgiveness and blessings
He is all power, Jesus, so glorious
Sitting at His throne where He
Comes to reign
Jesus is all victory and He's hope
Promises of places to be at His own
Where He alone rules with  power
To claim our souls
For goodness and love
From heaven above
Jesus, Jesus, power to heal
To be glorious among all
Others in this world

      BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2016
With truth and with power
His glory is everywhere
Shining in brilliance above
Yet He's so very near to us
Jesus, hears us when we pray
He knows our every need
Healing our broken hearts
When crying out to our
Saviour who hears us
Coming to the foot of His throne
Laying the things that hurt us
The most
Believing that Jesus will  touch and
Broken and hurting hearts
Looking to Jesus for His loving
He hears us, with tears in His eyes
Sharing our need for mercy and
He'll save every sinner who
Calls on His name
For forgiveness and healing
He hears us, He knows and
He cares
He loves us, He surrounds us
With endless joy
He knows, Jesus knows
He has power to see victory
He is greater than all that we
Could ever hope to be
Jesus hears us, and He loves us,
As well
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