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 Apr 2013 Leon Hart
Ann Beaver
I am as alone
When I am with you
As I am when I am not.
Fat tears
Invisibly streaking down my face
Whiskey and lace
Pills in the cabinet, just in case
I feel like taking all of them
Because I can't look at men
Without thinking of the tricks
Slithering up their sleeves
The hearts they collect and break just for kicks
Whiskey and lace
Whimsy and taste
All the contents of me in this jar
Here, take it, I can't stand it anymore.
 Apr 2013 Leon Hart
Ann Beaver
Slanted cold rain
each drop a sharp pain
bending below umbrellas' shade
Not personally made
Paid in full-bodied wine
He drinks her away, line after line
But she is a stain
Wash, shoot, scrub, rub, remain
Slanted cold rain
Pain turns into cleansing pleasure
 Apr 2013 Leon Hart
Ann Beaver
All the girls dress
to ****.
So do I but in a far less
pleasurable way.
Holding perfectly still.
Hey, maybe you'll stay.

All the girls are in high heels.
I stopped wearing them
On the same day I quit caring if
I was the right kind of *****.

Shimmery sparkles, clean lace,
Silk, and leather
Weave them in a quivering case
Create their invisible tether.

Whiskey and wine
Bubbling up
Numbing up
Coming right up!
Girls dress to ****
And they will.
 Apr 2013 Leon Hart
Ann Beaver
You want to cut
out your tongue
because your tongue seems too large
and your jaw has stretched
to a loud hammer of a feature
this makes it hard to speak.
You think to yourself,
"What good is a person who cannot speak?"
When you really want to say,
"What good is a person who cannot say anything?"
 Apr 2013 Leon Hart
Funny how we woke up in the morning
and pretended that tomorrow never happened—
strutted naked in mirrors celebrating our youth,
laughing, knowing suns and moons couldn’t do the same.

We borrowed our arms from the fridge
and peddled bicycles with bad breath—
trading war stories ‘cause we knew
if we came back alive
life would still be the death of us.
 Apr 2013 Leon Hart
I stared at you in that cage
and our eyes met. I imagined a world with you.
We had as much fun as young pups growling
at each other playfully.

You were a super nova in my life,
lighting the path before me. That was
all until your light finally faded away
like it was always meant to be.

A normal day like any other.
I went to school.
Came home.
The news delivered to me on my arrival
changed this normal day into a scar.
I went to school.
Came home.
Chased the dumb mutt with a broken mop stick.
Ran screaming and crying to a now empty room.

I wanted you back.
You were gone.
Vanished away like the carrots
you used to eat.
The carrot was suddenly gone.

Memories came flooding back
as I banged against my bed thrashing,  
crying, PAWS, DON'T LEAVE ME!!
Screams turned into quiet whispers.
please, don't go...

It was finally the memory of
your moist nose touching mine
and your grey fur against my skin
that brought me back to reality.
You were gone and
I couldn't change that.

At least I had one thing that
will help me remember you
forever. The holes in my shirt.
A shirt that now sits folded neatly,
in the back of my sock drawer.
 Apr 2013 Leon Hart
Emylie G
Who am I to question your story? Who are you to ask about mine? I don't want your future. I don't need your past. Your stories to be continued. This paragraph is not the last. Flick your wrist. Move your pen. Write of love, lost, and sin. Sinners are all. We always end the same. Jesus is our only savior, from the endless internal pain. Wish apon the stars, tell me when they fall. Twickle, twickle, little speck. All for one and one for all. Stand together, make them crawl. PICK a rose from a bush. WATCH the thorns and PULL the weeds. SMELL the essence, LISTEN... to me. Take a step back. Think about yourself. Memories flashing by yet? Good, now - Let. Go.... Start with a new clean slate. Dont play with your conscience, that'll have to wait. Surrender your wings. Better yet, take flight. The world is waiting, so prove yourself right. All alone, its always freezing. Lost, with no believing. Its not much of a life that you're living. Its not what you take thats killing. Yes Im the broken one but you're the one in need of saving. Something deep inside of you is calling out and craving. Craving to be.. Set. Free. The diamonds in the sky are all that make you sane. Watch the darkness pass. Don't run from the rain. Its polite not to ask about ones life. So I didnt. Instead I sat and told you what you thought you had hidden. Fear? Shame? No. The AMBITION to hide the pain. But use your pencil, flick your brush. Create your emotions on paper, there really is no rush. Find yourself. Craft who YOU want to be. Flash a smile. For EVERYONE too see. Now.. with that be said, I hope you do. So when I come back Ill see your work and see the REAL you.
 Apr 2013 Leon Hart
Emylie G
Sweet little baby all safe and sound
Soon will the whispers start to surround.

Calm little children, huddled in a bunch
Will begin to hear a crunch, crunch, crunch.

Lovestruck teenagers, caressing with soft hands
Never meeting up to the devilish demands.

One lonely soldier, striking with great force
Never thinking twice, never feeling remorce.

Two vibrant lovers, on their wedding day
One a penny, two a penny, slay, slay, slay.

One child, two child, three child, four
Crazy happens often when evil is at your door.

Kindergarten, highschool, college all the same
Once their kids are old enough they'll be out of their way.

Grandkids, grandkids, running through the door
Courage starts amoung the weak, young hearts take hold the sword.

Now a quiet graying man, sitting all alone
Saddness seeping through his eyes, his face still hard as bone.

Wife has recently passed, the funeral is today
Death has been a longing part, a dreadful part we ALL must play.

Evil was lurking, through all of their past
But never did he give up hope, the only thing that lasts.

"Keep your head up, darling." Words hed always say.
She would giggle but still turn to look away.

Tears would flash through her eyes, he forever knew the truth
Years were in fact gaining up on her, she was losing hold of her youth.

He knew her time was coming, he knew the hurt and pain
She was slowly dieing, going full insane.
 Apr 2013 Leon Hart
Ann Beaver
Cutting up wood
Smells sweet
Sawdust falling like snow
The foul vinegar of decay
Starts on its work
Chewing at the arsenic
Right from the moment of creation
Destruction sets in.
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