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Lefa Mzondi Nov 2018
I'm not my eyes, not my face, not my smile. I'm not my legs, or my hips, or arms. I'm not my weight. I am not My Body.

And just like any vessel, I would one day leave this body, and I will live forever.

Because what I am, is far beyond appearance.
Lefa Mzondi Oct 2018
If there's ever one thing in this world that is not in sync, it would be a woman's brain and mouth. The mouth could say one thing, and mean a totally different thing
And the hardest job a man could have in this world is trying to decipher everything a woman says.
Believe you me I tried. Still couldn't get it right.
Algebra is way easy compared to this
Deciphering a mos code from the Russians is way easier.

See, I couldn't keep up with your actions and your words, believe you me I tried
You said one thing, and did the other
I'm sure you must understand when I say I don't really believe you when you say you still love me
When you say you still want to spend the rest of your life with me
When you say you need me back in your life
How can I trust anything you say
Because you keep on doing the exact opposite
You can't say you love me and entertain other ****** behind my back
You can't say you need me, when you have 4 other guys on your speed dial
You can't say you want me back, when you the one who gave up on us
When you the one who left
How do you expect me to believe you?

You leaving gave me an actual chance to go back and study every sign you gave and I ignored
And believe you me, it doesn't look good
It's like I was suffocating you
You told me to let you go, but when I actually did, you got mad at me, told me I never cared
Tell me, how was I supposed to stop you from leaving if I already done that 5 times before?
Why get mad at me, when all I did was abide by your instructions
Remember when I bought you that Jean jumpsuit form YDE, you told me I shouldn't because you never wear it, but you were all smiles, so u bought it anyway
And I was later to learn that you meant it when you said you weren't goona wear it, because you never did
So I learnt from that day that when you say something you mean it
See now why I did what you asked, and let you go?
Hope your next one understands you way better than I did

I thought maybe I owed you an explanation why I Can't come back to you
Why I won't be yours again
No, it isn't because I don't love you anymore
It isn't because I don't trust you no more
It isn't because you fell in love with another guy
It isn't because letting you go doesn't hurt
Because believe you me, this pain is unbearable
But the reason I'm letting you go,
The reason I'm doing what you asked
The reason I'm never coming back to you, is because you left.
You gave up on us.
It's because even after 4600 pictures and 3 years of being together, you still doubt my love for you.
You still don't know if you want to be with me.
Forgive me but I can't settle for unsure,
Hence it's why I gotta let you go..
Lefa Mzondi Aug 2018
She said she needed space
She needs some time to herself
To reflect, to think about things, to see
To see if she still needs you
To convince herself she still cares
To show herself she can live without you
She needed to explore other avenues
To see what she might be missing out
She doesn't need you, at least that's what she told herself
She doesn't wanna depend on you no more
She wants to test the waters outside, without you
She made up her mind
But did she even bother to consider your feelings?
All she seems to care is about her feelings
She played you again, didn't she?
And here you thought you are finally gonna get the courage to ask for her hand
It's okay, she will come back to you

I can't believe this!
She said she only needed time apart
She said she only needed some space to be herself
She didn't mention running towards any guys arms
She forgot to say "space's" real name is John
How could've you been so dumb?
How could she do this to you?
You trusted her
It's all okay, you have got to move on
Let the sun shine upon you once more

One day you will move on, and she'll get hurt outside
She'll run back to you with her tail between her legs saying she made a mistake
That she misses you,
That you are the one for her
She suddenly sees the value of you in her life

It's only because it didn't work out outside
Only because the grass wasn't greener
Only because she misses all the attention you gave her
All those long phone calls
All those play fights, and real fights
Only because her other guys don't see what you saw in her

It's only because someone else saw in you, what she didn't all those years
Only because you've healed form the heartache she caused
Only because you don't care no more
Only because you're happy again
Only because she is not the one saying "I do"
It's only because now she realize,
She played herself...
Lefa Mzondi Aug 2018
You know my name,
My background, my roots
You know my clan name
You know my family, my culture
You know my beliefs
You know my favourite colour
My favourite food
My favourite sport
My hobbies
My favourite music
My likes and dislikes
You know my goals, my dreams
You know what makes me tick
Yet, you don't know my Soul

You know all my allergies
You know all my so called flings
All my past relationships
You know all my friends
You know my favourite beer
You know what makes me smile
You know what makes me mad
And you even know my payslip

You know I don't like my pizza with pineapple
Lol, and you know I hate Amasi with sugar
You know my favourite soccer team
And you know I prefer Messi over Ronaldo
You know between left and right I'd go right
Between up and down I'd always look up and I won't go down
And you know between you and her I'd always choose you
But, you still don't know my Soul...
Lefa Mzondi Jul 2018
After all the times we spent together
All the memories we shared
The countless number of pictures we took
Making those funny faces
All those not so funny jokes we shared
All the movies we watched together
The ice cream we ate
The shopping we did
The kisses we shared
After all the fights and fun we had
The tears and smiles
All the intimate conversations we shared
The childhood stories
All the dark secrets about each other we revealed
And after all the love we made
You still never knew me...
Lefa Mzondi Apr 2018
I had a dream last night
I was in heaven
Found myself standing at the altar
Wearing my favourite suit, with my best friends beside me
And before I could figure out why
I heard heaven trumpets playing as everyone turned their heads
Guess what I saw?
Wow! I couldn't believe my eyes
As I look at you, waltzing down the Aisle,
looking perfect
Dress looking heavenly tailored
Smile pure as the clouds themselves
Eyes as bright as the stars themselves
Beauty as the rainbow itself
Skin, shape, perfect, like God crafted you Himself
The slow walk, like a Swan walking past a flock of males
Everything just Perfect

As my heart beats faster and slow at the same time, while everyone gaze upon you
You'd hear the oxygen around, as Awe falls upon everyone
My heart beating faster again
And silence
As it skips Three and Four forgetting that it has to beat
And Five and Six, preventing me to collapse
Feelings overwhelm me
Oh boy, I'm in heaven

I look up and whisper
"God I knew you love me, but I never thought that your only perfect creation would be for me"
Only one word out of everyone's lips, "WOW!"
I look back at you
I can't see clearly now, as tears starts flooding my eyes
Oh, I'm in heaven

And you slowly approach the altar.
One last glance at my best man
He starts to sound exactly like my mom
Shouting "Lefa wake up! Wake up, or you gonna be late
Late for what?"
"Wake your *** up dummy, time to go to work"

As I wake up,
"****!.. Couldn't the woman let me put a ring on it first?"

Back on Earth again
Lefa Mzondi Apr 2018
You hypnotized me with your words
Mesmerised me with your eyes
Paralysed me with your smile
Transfixed me with your charm
Enthralled me with your deception
Captivated me with your sweet nothings
****, you almost got me
I almost yielded  
But not this time LOVE
I will never be fooled by you again
Because I now know you for who you are..
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