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Lefa Mzondi Apr 2018
Things might be sour now
Things might've not worked out the way
Tears might be running down my cheeks
Heart might be broken into pieces
Rains might cease to pour
Sun might rise West set to East
Days might not be the same

We might not be the same people who fell in love but I'm a better person better because I got to know love, I got to know you

We might someday move on
You might someday be independent
Even after all the "might's"
One thing will forever remain

...You still the one I think about before I sleep.
You still the woman I think about when I wake.
You still the person I'd smile for no reason when I hear Ur name.
You still the most beautiful woman I've ever known.
You still the woman I'd marry in a blink of an eye;
Runaway with and live "happily ever after”, wait, this is no Fairy Tale.
..But, you still the woman I'd risk everything to be with.
You still the woman I'd want my babies to have her eyes.

You still the one for me
You'll still forever in my heart remain
And I'm still in love with you...
Lefa Mzondi Apr 2018
Dearly beloved,
We are here today for a bit of bad news
This is one of the hardest goodbyes
Oh, death not be proud

Here rests our beloved
He was the most spirited
The funniest
The bravest

We had a good run you and I
We have some great deal of memories
All the good times we shared,
I will forever cherish
The laughs, smiles,
The chats and the arguments
The games we playes together
The ice creams we shared
All the advices you've given me
I will forever appreciate them

Unfortunately, this is not a Eulogy, but more of an apology
I am sorry, but I gotta let you go

See, It wasn't my intention to **** you,
but it had to be done
It wasn't easy for me either
Murdering you was not my proudest moment
But I just had to **** you

Even though we had a good run,
Made friends, even enemies
Made money
We still broke a lot of relationships
We broke a lot of hearts
A lot of trusts
You even made me a murderer now
I can't even gaze upon myself
My reflection frightens me
Because of you, I can't recognise myself no more
So, again, I am truly sorry
But I'm letting you go..

You will surely be missed.
My Ego, Jealousy, Envy, Hate

Forever yours
Lefa Mzondi Mar 2018
Don't be fooled by my looks
My great fashion sense, my breathtaking smile, my clean shave
Like any borrowed piece of clothing, I just wear it sometimes, and doesn't mean I own it.
I sometimes wear it to just to fit in,
It is my Mask

I sometimes just wear it to avoid endless questions
Sometimes to avoid having to explain myself
I avoid having to deal with your false pretense
The very same fake smile and concern you'd wear pretending you care
And that small excitement in your heart when you find out I ain't doing well
I wear this mask to avoid you feeling sorry for me
I wear it to protect my pride
I wear it to protect my heart
So allow me to take my "happy Mask," and put it on

It's great for a while because oftentimes I forget it's just a mask,
and actually feel like I'm genuinely happy
But like they say, "Nothing Gold Can Stay"
The very second I leave, the mask fall away
Reality confronts me
My 2 second happiness fades
Just like a hired Prom suit, I take it back to the shop
And I don't look like a Prince Charming no more
I go back to being a Toad
I need my Mask

Wouldn't it be better if I stopped pretending?
Wouldn't it be better if I didn't wear a mask no more?
Wouldn't it be better if I wore my heart on a sleeve?
Wouldn't it be better if I could just say what I feel, how I feel?
Wouldn't it be better if I could just shed a tear without holding back?
Without being judged?
Wouldn't it also be better if I could just trust wholeheartedly without worrying?
Without worrying you gonna judge me?
It would, wouldn't it?

But until then, let me be Zorro
I have people to impress....
Lefa Mzondi Oct 2017
Well...I thought it would be easier forgetting you as I think I was starting to
But now I'm here, in this empty apartment, nothing but four walls starring at me
I realize the apartment isn't the only thing empty,
but I feel empty inside
I feel like I lost a part of me, a part of my soul
There is a big aperture left in me and the only thing I can think about now,
the only person I think can feel that space,
it’s the person on the other side of this conversation; and I don't really know what to say to her
I don't know how to guide her back to arms
I really don't know what I'm gonna do with all this emptiness
I really don't even know if I know myself anymore
I feel everything is a blur and you took my lenses.
I'm blind...
I'm lost...
I can't feel, I can't think...
I don't know...
Tell me what to do.
It’s like you took all my thoughts, my memories,
my ability to think, ability to concentrate,
my ability to grasp reality, my ability to be
I know this feeling will pass or maybe it’s just this place making me miss you,
but whatever it is, God knows it hurts like hell
And I just can't move right along...
Lefa Mzondi Oct 2017
This is nothing new.
Kids are not the same, just as you and your neighbor or friend are not the same, so stop comparing us.
I'll admit it, generations have changed dramatically. I can try to blame technology or media or whatever the case may be, but we are not as strong as you guys were. Our physique and mental capacity are nowhere near strong as yours were.
Nowadays you can't simply chase your kid out and tell them to go defend themselves every time they get bullied. Bullying nowadays doesn't just end physically, it follows you on social media.
We die in silence because we got nobody to talk to, because we are scared of being judged by our own parents.
We not attention seekers, we just need you to get to know us. Know what we go through everyday, at home, school, work. Listen to us, dont judge. Give us motherly/fatherly love and advice.
Maybe yes, depression is a White People illness, but have you seen the stats? It's killing us too.

# DyingInSilence
Lefa Mzondi Sep 2017
Remember the first day I came to fetch you, had no idea what was on my mind.
I had no idea what I was doing. No idea whatsoever on what to expect.
I had only seen you once prior to that. But the only thing I knew is that I had to go see you.
Didn't know where on earth you were, I had never been before, but nothing was about to change my mind.
As I got on the driveway thoughts and thoughts and feelings came rushing through my mind with no regard whatsoever that I was driving.
My heart started beating, slowly and gradually increasing.
What was I thinking? It was late; but that was not just about to stop me.
Got lost on the way, found myself deep in a foreign place to me, with no GPS nothing, but I wasn't about to turn back when I was just a whisker away.
Eventually arrived, and the moment I gazed upon you, standing there at the gate waiting, I started to tremble.
This time it was not fear but excitement.
Like I was dreaming.
You just like that agreed to come with me home.
On our way to my place I tried my all not to show any emotion, tried acting normal, but **** it wasn't easy; your beauty could easily distract a conductor off the rails. But I managed.
I touched your hand, you didn't move it.
I held it, you held mine too.
Got our fingers intertwined and sent my fever to FIVE times normal temperature.
Sent my heart to heaven and back.
Because even though I didn't have you then, I knew heavens had found the lost piece of the puzzle to my heart.
I knew I had found a Queen to My Kingdom, Our Kingdom.
And I knew what I held right there and there, I was never gonna let go.
That's the day I had you...the day I found home...
Lefa Mzondi Aug 2017
It's in the way she moves her hips
It's in the way her lips touch
It's in the way she bites her lower lip,
Oh how my world turns inside out when she does that
It's the way she says my name
In the way she whispers it, "Lefa... "
Sends shivers all over my body, goosebumps all over again

Problem is, she is taken. Unavailable

It's in the way she looks at me
All the whole new universe inside those eyes I could just get lost in
It's in the way she smiles at me
Just can't help but shy away

It's in the way she wakes all the once buried feelings,
Back from the dead with no regard whatsoever what people might say
It's in the way she makes everything around just lose sense

I know its been years but I can still feel her touch,
Soft, warm feeling

One look at her and I find myslef in high school all over again
Can still remember the very first time I laid eyes on her
Priceless, all words needed to describe her
Short stature
German-cut hairstyle
Gold earrings
Furnished with a smile
Grasshopper shoes
Short grey skirt
One hand in the pocket
Complete with the swing of her small waist when she moves
Still takes my breath away

There is still one problem, she's a taken woman

Maybe I waited a little too long
Maybe it wasn't the right time then
Is it right now?
Maybe I need a hard slap to put some sense back into me
Because right now, I'm deeply in love with a married woman
The worst problem is, I think she's in love with me too..
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