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 Mar 2014 Leah McGuire
they apologized
to clear their
not because
they were sorry.
 Mar 2014 Leah McGuire
i have not felt good in a long time
so i would like to rest, if that's alright
just rest until i feel better
and i want to rest alone,
because if i don't
i may be distracted or self-conscious
and i know i'm just asking
to be cold
but i thought perhaps
every few days
you could open the window
and kiss my forehead
to remind me what
warmth feels like
and that this is not
an eternal slumber.
"Keep running"
He whispers,
Clinging to her,
fragile bones.

"Keep running"
He mocks her,
Footsteps echo,
Kicking stones.

"Keep running"
He chokes her,
His voice screams,
her heart moans.

"You know you'll never catch me,
But run my darling,
 Mar 2014 Leah McGuire
meet me in the hazy
smoke filled room.
hold my hand
and guide me to the exit.
i'd much rather fill my lungs
with you instead.
 Mar 2014 Leah McGuire
Poetic T
Six feet under and no signal on
my phone, I was buried dead but
I just wanted to phone home.

The life of a corpse is no fun, there is
no air in this coffin, it has long since

I look around with the one eye left, my friend
earth worm tim, calls my other socket home,
now only my bad eye left. I would smile but
my lips are gone, they fell next to my ear
whispering sweet nothings for fun.

I wish I,d been cremated, just ash in the wind
think of the travelling I'd have done. But
no I'm six feet under, bored to death
for eternity, this is not the life i'd
want dead or alive this is just no fun.

— The End —