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I am becoming something else.
That is not to say that I am different
Than before.
Still, I feel it inside,
Like a benign tumor
Applying pressure against my heart,
Forcing my mind to work
So that my center might remain balanced
For the duration of its growth
Which is guiding me to become better;
An upgraded version
Where my decisions are in line
With the philosophy I've always kept
Yet never to completely follow
But now is not then
And then is not now
I'm evolving
All thanks to love
Across the horizon a long dark grew
Faster than a rainstorm
Out of the blue
The gloom, the doom, and pale
Countered the fading luminescence
To the point that the dawn
Was nothing but quiet reminiscence
And its sad to see
But beyond that darkness
Rests a tragedy
That is tragically tied to the suns
Bringing the day to an end
That dawns the beginning
The Solitude of the Moon
Sometimes I find myself lost
In your eyes
My thoughts speeding away
As I attempt to comprehend
Your smile
So hypnotic you are,
That every breath I take
Is one less than before
Until the whole world halts,
And existence begins to skip
Like a record stuck in a groove
That attempts to do your beauty
To no avail
And there are no words to describe,
Or define,
Every intricate feature
Which so captivates my mind
Body and soul
So completely
As to make me wonder if time
Was ever really real
Or if it was just an illusion
Alluding to your alluring
The mind can be a powerful tool
One used for the good
As it can be turned evil
Like a Vader syndrome
We can become compelled
To do the wrong thing
For the right reasons
Because when faced with love
No decision can be easy
It takes work
And risk to trust another
With your darkest weaknesses
As well as your brightest
Which can yield foresight
Into a future dimmer,
In contrast,
Than the slightly lighter road
That can lead you down a path
Of happiness for those
To whom which all burdens
Are shared
Leaving but one option
To which only the night
Can see
Nothing feels like never
In the grand scheme of things.
We wait and we want for those beautiful events
That cause our hearts to sing;
Such is the product of the two
That it is always greater than the one
Where every freckle, dimple, brow and tooth
Equals every individual sum

Yet never lives in the now
And the ever is most prominent
No matter which equation you design for life
The math is always eminent;
So no matter how bad
You add or subtract
A fraction of the whole may be divided
But at least its still intact
Never useless is the way you think
The way you move and the way you blink

Never useless are the moments saved
For the problems solved to the decisions made

Never useless is our sense of time always in the right as I'm writing your rhyme

Never useless I'll always say because what matters to me is hearing that you'll always stay
Uncertainty is painful when coupled with Certainty
Like a storm building in the distance with no way of knowing when or where
It might fall
Sometimes I feel like the lightning
Racing towards the ground at a pace faster than light
Only to be accompanied by the boom of thunder...
Then finally the shock;
The realization that the divisions I feel inside myself
Are manifestations of time paired with love
That carries on its shoulders, like Atlas,
A ticking clock
Counting down the seconds to when my heart explodes...
And Atlas shrugs
All thanks to Certain Uncertainty
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