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What is it that hurts the most?

Is it the fall we make or the risks we take
On this journey through the wild wilderness of love?

Or is it our deepest secrets breathed life when truth of the heart become paramount;
Like a mountain who's summit is so high that the very image brings dread of pain?

Maybe it is the unknown uncertainty that certainly drives our actions to be the best we can be,
While the possibility of failure adds the weight of the world to shoulders unaccustomed to the shared desire for success?

Am I Atlas?
Are you?

It would seem these fears have a home rooted deep within the doubt we allow to enslave us,
That the mind can play cruel tricks in order to achieve some semblance of balance
Not unlike a see-saw teetering on the brink of touching the heavens or reaping hell

Such is the challenge of completion.

It is this work in progress that yields great pleasure at the sacrifice of the greatest pain; a fight for happiness founded on the acceptance of our greatest faults
Fought in order to see the inherent perfection in such complexity.

My greatest pain?

It's the fear of loosing the 'I love you' because you might want more.
To be more is a thought that troubles my mind
Binding and steering a good natured heart to a desire
In a reality where less is the standard of affection
Leaving a hole both empty and wide like a trench
That divides and separates our paths down a similar road
While merging these differences might yield uncertainty
Ultimately life is full of crossroads and what's important
Is which direction you decide to turn
It was a cleansing
A grey washing of the soul
Like a sky drip dropping rain
On an otherwise sunny day
Where light fights the clouds
For supremacy of the season
That up until this moment
Had remained constant and steady
In its conviction and reason
That even a sodden thunderclap
Could not shake the changing tides
As the drop dripping increased
And the sky began to fall
A wall of obscurity
Obscuring the pall
Where all sight diminished
Leaving nothing but the sound
Of a pitter-pattering blackness
Smothering the pain just moments
Before you drown
The sound of chaos resounds
As the defeat settles in
Every nightmare we fear
Is a battle fought within
These scars paint a vivid field
Where loss reigns supreme
A stark absence of leadership
Burdened by the presence of greed
Awakened we are to this threat
A force called control
This power we have abdicated
Has weakened our goals
That We the People were promised
A deadly deal forged in blood
The war has never ended
It is just time for another flood
There are times when sound can seem empty
And the seams of our reality appear seamless
As they wind and twist upon themselves
Creating a multifaceted facade of perception
About the world
Both full of optimism, yet also very skeptical, and pessimistic
When it comes to life

It is within these moments that clarity can be found
Between the mores of an individuals foundation;
Where action speaks louder than words and time looses all relevance
Like the beat of your heart as I lean close to purge the monotony of the silence
That pumps


Not at all dissimilar to the steady eyes that stare back for long loving moments
Saying more than any cleverly designed line or stanza
Penned by a poet looking to quantify human expression
Into the rapid compression of words that can neither be proven
Nor disproven
Amongst the extreme variations or iterations
That reiterate the same base emotion that motivates the pen
As the paper runs out of lines to spin I begin
Again to listen to the empty air that, in my mind, has became paired
And aware of the natural connection that supercedes and transcends
My thoughts as I'm lying next to you
Though there may be a tear the moment will pass
Living within the chains between now and the past
It strangles and chokes you until you struggle to breath
A fear so great and mighty that gives you no reprieve
From the loss you've incurred to the tolls you've paid
Every single tear you have cried must also be forgave
Together we are towed downstream
On this powerful current of love
Always swaying but never stressing
The magical workings from above
Though this river may wander,
Meander and sway and flow
These feeling I have are far deeper
Than any ocean that I know
So dive with me my love
And then share my sight
Because no beach is too barren
Or stream too slight
Once love is true
It must always be right
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