I sat on my bathroom floor, body shaking uncontrollably.
I had just thrown up another meal, I couldn't stop it from happening.
"Oh yes, dear mother, the food was delightful…"
Little did she know, that nothing I ever ate, stayed to be digested.
People might ask, why would she do this to herself?
Well, she might answer:
There once was a girl who wasn't the tiniest, the prettiest, or skinniest, who longed to be someone else.
She weighed 130 pounds, although one might not think this as heavy, all the other kids did.
She was bullied and called names: she was fat and ugly. Evenutally, there came a point to where she broke down.
Becoming what she is, was the best decision, she'd ever made…but laying there on the bathroom tile…she wasn't sure.