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 May 2015 L
Carrina Hendricks
To the man who shouted his ignorance at my aunt and uncle in the parking lot.

Sir, you see, you must be mistaken
Your slur was not comedic,
yet you laughed
I want you to know your words have weight
Spreading hate seems to be in style
While I exercise compassion for you
Yes, I know you're wrong  
I've struggled with this for so long
You know, I'm sad you're missing out on life
Happiness in short supply
Love on the back burner as hope continues to die
You see, I can't help but feel pain
Your kids in the back seat watching your hate being displayed
Like a bad movie
Terrible quality, script repulsive
You chuckle
"One ******, two ******, three ******, four"
Out your drivers side window
I clutch firmly on the door
Hoping, I heard you wrong
If I could tell you one thing it would be this,
Life is to short to have hate in your heart
Part of me feels so dark
Anger welling up inside
I cried the whole car ride home
Unable to fathom how they must be feeling
Dealing with a world rooting against them
I never knew people could be like this
Our skin doesn't define us
Not its color, texture, or shade
You sir, may think you have it all figure out
But I can promise you this,
The day you stop being hateful of our differences,
you'll realize life is so much more than one color,
It's the incredibly indescribable combination of them all
 May 2015 L
E Series: Intellect
 May 2015 L
/'in(t)l, ekt/
“the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract or academic matters.”

the human mind
is such an utterly remarkable thing.
100 billion neurons
inside your skull.
axons and dendrites,
azaleas and daisies
the tide, and the shore
and every breaking
grey matter
that they'll ask you to share.
but if you keep it to yourself,
my God, you'll dissolve
into the nothingness of mist
and explode into a perfect array
of agony
and disappear, like
in the night.
“I know what it's like,” he said.
“What?” she whispered,
looking to him sharply
“I know what it's like,”
his haunted eyes glistened
in the darkness,
“to be afraid of your own mind.”

his word- intellect.
 May 2015 L
Breanna Smith
Heart beating fast
Pushing adrenaline through my vanes
Pupils dilating
Breath quickening
The monster is clowning it's way out
I can not keep it locked away anymore
It feels so good to let the chains containing it break away
It's so easy, the monster that lives within me is so strong
Black wings break through skin
Fingers elongate, sharp black nails form
My head wiping back unleashing a piercing scream
Red takes over the blue of my eyes, the slits that are now my pupils
Snap into focus on something
The growl turns into a howl as it rips it's way out of my throat
I'm not afraid of you anymore
Who do you think will win...
This time?
 May 2015 L
White shirts,
Chicken nuggets,
Kisses your brother,
Writes to your mother,
Reeks of stale cologne,
Always misplaces his keys.

Laughs like rain,
Fixes his tie,
Melts into your skin,
Drown in his eyes,
Golden as the sun,
Bitter as the night.

Drinks too much,
Watches you cry,
Ties knots in your hair,
Screams like dad,
Mismatches his socks,
Kisses you goodnight.

***** his teeth,
Rolls his eyes,
Corrects my typos,
Sleeps inconsistently,
Drives in reverse,
Cracks eggs with one hand.

Writes you poems,
Plays you guitar,
Traces your spine,
Kisses relentlessly,
Unzips your soul,
Keeps himself in a jar.
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