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7.3k · Dec 2014
L Dec 2014
Send the ball through the orange hoop,
   another "nothing but net" shot.
Quick hands and even quicker feet.
"Yes! Do it again!"
Again and again and again...
The wing,
      top of the key.
Every spot on the court.
Remember the elbow.
Follow through with the fingertips.
Run left, run right.
**God, I missed this.
One of my biggest stress relievers was (is) basketball.
I miss being active.

L Jun 2014
Look into the mirror with me.

You see that girl?

No, not me, luv.
Look at yourself, for once?

Yes, that girl.

I love that girl.

I love everything about her.

Her body.
Her mind.
Her soul -- a touch of youth, but old at heart.

The way she talks.
The way she walks.
The way she breathes -- deeply at first, but softly as she sleeps on.

The way she writes.
The way she draws.
The way she creates -- with passion, but with a calmness unlike her.

But most of all,
I love the way she loves me.

I love the way she holds my hand.
I love the way she kisses my lips.
I love the way she loves -- cautiously as if I'll break, but then unbridled when she sees that I won't.

She holds my heart in her outstretched hands...
And I won't try to take it back.
For R, with so much love that I sometimes believe my heart will burst.


It's been a while since I've written anything so long and so repetitious.
Hope you enjoy.
3.5k · Jan 2015
Under The Microscope
L Jan 2015
I listen to music and I watch Netflix and go to work and laugh and love
and boy, do I ******* love.
I'm not some specimen in a Petri dish,
waiting to be examined.
with a heart and a mind
like every one of you.
I'm under the microscope...
Why do you still refuse to see?
"Oh my God did you know we have a gay couple at our school? Yeah two girls! One's a junior! But I think it's just a rumor..."

"The gay is calling me gay?"

"So you're dating that lesbian now?"

3.3k · Nov 2013
L Nov 2013
I didn't ask to be this way.
this curved.
this deformed.
this insecure.

but I like to believe You made me this way for a reason.
maybe to tell my story to others.
maybe to give others the strength to have surgery.
maybe to let others know that two metal rods in your back is normal for someone with scoliosis.

but maybe
there isn't a reason
at all.
L Mar 2014
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways...
I love you to the heavens and planets and stars
   my soul can reach, though they be out of sight
      for the ends of the sky and everlasting grace.
I love you to the level of everyday's
   most deafening want, by sun and candlelight.
I love you freely,
   as women seek Equality.
I love you purely,
   as they turn from Normality.
I love you with an unused passion,
   with my past, and with my ever-aging soul.
I love you with a love that I believed I had given away --
I love you with every smile, laugh, tear... all of my life! --
And if God willing,
I will love you until the last breath is drawn from my mouth.
"Let Me Count The Ways" by Yoko Ono was the inspiration for this rewrite :)
the original by Elizabeth Barrett Browning has a slight rhyme and meter, but I threw both out of the window...

2.6k · Jan 2014
L Jan 2014
Things I love about you:
your tan skin
the wrinkles next to your eyes when you smile
the green color of your eyes
the way you run
the way you walk
your ****** bag V-necks
every single line on your hands
your laugh
the way you dance
your love for St.Augustine, Florida
your addiction to Minecraft
your love of nature
your faith and trust in God
how easily you make me laugh
the way you stare when you think I don't notice
the way you scream at the spring fair
the way you relax when we ride the Ferris wheel
your obsession with lighting things on fire
the way you style your hair
how loving you are with kids
your need to spray paint EVERYTHING
the way you say my name
the way you hug me
your ability to do back flips
how fearless you are
the way you reach out to others
the way you stand up for your friends
the way you stand up for yourself
the brightness of your smile
the way you can instantly light up a room
the way you seem to draw people to you
your jokes
the way your lips purse when you become angry
how easy you are to forgive
how easily you accept others
the way you act with Buddy
the way you act with Chloe and Possum
the way you speak
how you're always there for me
how close you are to your mom
the way you always ask "Why?"
your love for architecture
your willingness to play dominoes over and over
your loving heart
how much you care for others
how unafraid you are to be yourself
your want to explore new houses
how intelligent you are
the way you never give up on me
the way you constantly persevere
how you don't know how attractive you are
the fact that you took all that time to read what
     I've just written
the way you think I don't know you love me.
written over a year ago... just found the paper while cleaning.
2.4k · Apr 2015
L Apr 2015
No electrons were shared between -- we were a nonbonding pair.
Am I honestly referencing chemistry?
**** you, Bri.

1.8k · Apr 2015
Jealous Guy // John Lennon
L Apr 2015
I was dreaming of the past
and my heart was beating fast
I began to lose control
I began to lose control
I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh my I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy

I was feeling insecure
You might not love me anymore
I was shivering inside
I was shivering inside
Oh I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh my I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy

I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh my I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy

I was trying to catch your eyes
I thought that you were trying to hide
I was swallowing my pain
I was swallowing my pain
I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh my I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy
watch out baby I'm just a jealous guy
Look out baby I'm just a jealous guy
I cry every time this song makes its way to the needle

1.6k · Apr 2014
Heaven - Hell
L Apr 2014
"God is love."
Is He?
Because according to God,
the love I feel is a sin.
It's wrong to feel so loved.
Is God love when I write love poems for another woman?
When she holds my hand,
is He love then?
An understanding God accepts all love.
Is God love?
theology makes a muse

1.5k · Aug 2014
L Aug 2014
I dreamt of you again last night
God, just leave me be
You had no privelege, no right
I don't want to see
Walking in, oh, what a sight
Please, don't make me plea
These nightmares  become trite
*But remember... You no longer own me
"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds"

1.5k · Apr 2016
L Apr 2016
You tap the vein and push love into my bloodstream
1.4k · Mar 2016
L Mar 2016
Lord, fill my heart with Your love
Allow me to see You with open eyes
Forgive me for my transgressions
Take my hand and lead me home
1.4k · Apr 2015
L Apr 2015
If *** is all you wanted, you could have gotten it from your hand.
L Dec 2013
why do you do the things you do?
your body says,
"Come hither."
but your eyes say
"Why bother?"

so which is it, boy?
if you didn't want me in the slightest,
you would have left me years ago...
just like the others.

yet here you stand,
as beautiful as ever.

I call you Beatiful Boy...
but those are just
do you believe you are beautiful?

your hazel eyes full of insecurity say
they are full of memories and
taunts from bullies of the past...
but they aren't here anymore, Beauitful Boy.
they're long gone.
the only one that remains is me.

can you see me?
1.4k · Aug 2015
L Aug 2015
When men cheat, it's below the belt. When women cheat, it's above the neck.
1.3k · Sep 2015
L Sep 2015
I've been split open
Sewn up and made new
But even the finest surgeon
Couldn't get rid of you
and all the pain you left behind

I think I had a few repressed memories and lately, they've been flooding back.

1.3k · Nov 2013
a letter to John Lennon
L Nov 2013
To John Lennon, wherever you and your twisted mind are now...*

I like to think that we're connected somehow.
Your music makes me think, makes me second guess things, makes me live.
It's amazing what your words do to me.
No one will ever understand what you mean to me.
Quite honestly, I'm not sure I want them to.

So thanks, Johnny.  
For everything you've done for me, my music taste, my mind, and my heart.
I love you and all your imperfections.
1.3k · Jan 2016
L Jan 2016
Lavender makes me sick
Vanilla makes me cringe
Set me free from olfactory memory
The smell is much too thick
I don't know
it worked in my head

1.3k · Feb 2014
Living in the past
L Feb 2014
Have you ever thought about your past lives?
Well, do it now.
So who were you?

Were you a brave soldier in Washington's army?
Were you a conniving lawyer twisted in a complicated trial?
Were you a stay-at-home mother in a house full of young children?

Some say that it's impossible to know who you were...
Others do not believe in reincarnation at all.
Do you?
I do.

Here's the thing:
Either my mind is far more imaginative than I thought
or the images in my head are glimpses of who I was.
From what I've seen (and felt), I was many things...

An abolitionist, fighting against slavery.
A women's rights activist, trying to gain equal rights for all sexes.
A teenage Beatlemaniac, habitually listening to the Beatles's albums.
A peace activist, using flowers to end the war in Vietnam.

How odd.

All of these lives make up who I am today...
A lover of peace, a strong believer in equality, a melomaniac.

It's strange, how much influence the past has over a person.
I really should be paying more attention in class...
1.2k · Jan 2014
your mirror
L Jan 2014
Do you see yourself the way I see you?
No, of course not.
You see yourself as many things...
awkward. lanky. unattractive.

After all, who could ever love a man like you?

I could.
And I do, luv.

I see you as many things...
intelligent. beautiful. attractive beyond belief.

Tell me, good Brutus, can you see your face?
No, Cassius; for the eye sees not itself,
*But by reflection, by some other things.
inspired by the last lines, taken from "Julius Caesar"
1.2k · Jan 2016
L Jan 2016
I am glad I lived to love you.
1.2k · Sep 2015
L Sep 2015
For you I'd climb the highest mountain
I'd sail the roughest sea
But when the sun sets in the west
I'm not sure you'd do the same for me
This is an old draft
Guess I was right

1.2k · Dec 2013
L Dec 2013
sometimes I think my dad knows.
sees the lifelessness in my eyes,
sees the pain inside of me.

but how do I ask?

"daddy, do you see me?"

he'd probably say something like
"sure, possum, I see you.
you're beautiful and smarter than most people I know, even adults."


he'd never understand the depth of the question.
too naive, too oblivious.
not like me at all.
so I wait.
one day he'll bring it up.
one day, I'll deny it again.
but this time,
to my own blood.
1.2k · Jul 2015
Mississippi Goddam
L Jul 2015
The name of this tune is Mississippi ******
And I mean every word of it

Alabama's gotten me so upset
Tennessee made me lose my rest
And everybody knows about Mississippi ******

Alabama's gotten me so upset
Tennessee made me lose my rest
And everybody knows about Mississippi ******

Can't you see it
Can't you feel it
It's all in the air
I can't stand the pressure much longer
Somebody say a prayer

Alabama's gotten me so upset
Tennessee made me lose my rest
And everybody knows about Mississippi ******

This is a show tune
But the show hasn't been written for it, yet

Hound dogs on my trail
School children sitting in jail
Black cat cross my path
I think every day's gonna be my last

Lord have mercy on this land of mine
We all gonna get it in due time
I don't belong here
I don't belong there
I've even stopped believing in prayer

Don't tell me
I tell you
Me and my people just about due
I've been there so I know
They keep on saying "Go slow!"

But that's just the trouble
"do it slow"
Washing the windows
"do it slow"
Picking the cotton
"do it slow"
You're just plain rotten
"do it slow"
You're too **** lazy
"do it slow"
The thinking's crazy
"do it slow"
Where am I going
What am I doing
I don't know
I don't know

Just try to do your very best
Stand up be counted with all the rest
For everybody knows about Mississippi ******

I made you thought I was kiddin'

Picket lines
School boy cots
They try to say it's a communist plot
All I want is equality
for my sister my brother my people and me

Yes you lied to me all these years
You told me to wash and clean my ears
And talk real fine just like a lady
And you'd stop calling me Sister Sadie

Oh but this whole country is full of lies
You're all gonna die and die like flies
I don't trust you any more
You keep on saying "Go slow!"
"Go slow!"

But that's just the trouble
"do it slow"
"do it slow"
Mass participation
"do it slow"
"do it slow"
Do things gradually
"do it slow"
But bring more tragedy
"do it slow"
Why don't you see it
Why don't you feel it
I don't know
I don't know

You don't have to live next to me
Just give me my equality
Everybody knows about Mississippi
Everybody knows about Alabama
Everybody knows about Mississippi ******

That's it!
Nina Simone

1.2k · Sep 2015
Next Girl
L Sep 2015
The look of the cake
It ain't always the taste
My ex girl she had
Such a beautiful face

I wanted love
But not for myself
But for the girl
So she could love herself

My next girl
Will be nothing like my ex girl
I made mistakes back then
I'll never do it again
With my next girl
She'll be nothing like my ex girl
That was a painful dance
Now I got a second chance

A beautiful face
And a wicked way
And I'm paying for her
Beautiful face every day
All that work
Over so much time If I think too hard
I might lose my mind

My next girl
Will be nothing like my ex girl
I made mistakes back then
I'll never do it again
With my next girl
She'll be nothing like my ex girl
That was a painful dance
Now I got a second chance
The Black Keys

1.2k · May 2014
Prevail (10w)
L May 2014
Do you ever question why you are still alive?

...You'll forget to live.

1.2k · Feb 2014
A Distraction
L Feb 2014
My mind is occupied by you --
    you're always there, awaiting the dark nighttime to stir.
Flashes of your smile appear behind my eyes when they close.
Visions of your eyes haunt my thoughts.
Memories of your voice, reading your poems aloud...

I can't seem to focus anymore.
All I can ever think about is you.

    You've become quite the distraction.

But hey, who's complaining?
1.1k · Jan 2015
L Jan 2015
I see fire
burning in the eyes
of a gunman.
I see fire
burning in the smile
of a terrorist.
I see fire
burning in the fingertips
of a child molester.
I see fire
burning in the hearts
of the people who want to make a difference.
And we are emersed by the flames.
I hate seeing our world become hell.

1.1k · Mar 2014
L Mar 2014
I am slowly (but surely)
            for you...
1.1k · Dec 2013
not necessarily a poem
L Dec 2013
psychology is my favorite class.
not because I love studying about what makes people tick,
but because I am the only sophomore.
and since I am the only sophomore,
no one talks to me.
so I sit in my desk,
uncomfortable as hell,
and listen.
I listen to the gossip being told from ear to ear.
I listen to the lies being spread like wildfire.
I listen to the teacher telling the class to settle.
but most importantly,
**I listen to the words in my head.
1.0k · Apr 2015
L Apr 2015
What lies behind a question mark?
Wrong. There lies a chance to completely **** up.
1.0k · Apr 2015
L Apr 2015
For weeks, I watched you. You looked like ****. Still do, but it's better now. Your eyes aren't as dark, your face isn't as red. Yeah, you still look like ****. And it's obvious you're pretending to be alright. Unfortunately, everyone can see it. You're transparent and you don't even know it. It's painful to watch... so I decided not to.
I don't think I can help
1.0k · Feb 2014
What Is Love?
L Feb 2014
Is love the yellow roses you gave me for my birthday?
Is love the way my heart stops when you say my name?
Is love the smile you flash when I wink at you?
Is love the heartfelt letter you wrote me?
Is love the cheesy valentines from tumblr that we send?
Is love the way you curled around me in the night?
Is love the midnight FaceTime calls we've had?
Is love the heart shaped papers covering the school hallways?
Is love the thrill I get whenever you call me "baby"?
*Is love what I'm feeling?
there are so many types of love that I've been feeling lately...
love of friendship, love of lovers, and love of life.
happy valentines day, you lovely poets.
1.0k · Nov 2015
Rescue Me
L Nov 2015
Drag me down to the river and throw me in
Aint talkin bout the shallow but the deepest end
Take me down and hold me under
Don't let me breathe
Until you know i'm good and ready
For you to rescue me
Andrew Ripp

1.0k · Sep 2014
You Saved Me
L Sep 2014
"I'm so glad you're here."*

A sentence that holds more meaning than
you will ever know.

When I say it, I mean it two ways --
"I'm glad you're with me, someone so undeserving."
"I'm glad you're still with us, a world so undeserving."

My love, there would be no me without you.
You couldn't have come at a more perfect time.
Ending it would have been easy, simple.
I had it all planned out.
Hell, I had tried.
But the light you hold inside gave me hope.
Never have I been so grateful.

The only thing more deserving of you is the world itself --
Had you left us, you would not have touched so many hearts.
You have such a strength and a drive.
Put your mind to it, you could change the world.
You matter more than you think.

In all sincerity, I thank you.
Your love brought me out of the darkness.
I would not be where I am today without you.
I adore you completely and endlessly.
For R, who holds my heart in her generous hands.
I love you.

1.0k · Dec 2014
My Fears
L Dec 2014

993 · Feb 2016
L Feb 2016
I could've avoided falling in love
I could've saved myself the pain
992 · Feb 2014
L Feb 2014
I wouldn't use the word "bisexual" to describe me.

I'm not gay.
I'm not straight.

I don't like girls.
I don't like guys.

I don't even see gender.

I see the person -- everything that they are.
The body doesn't affect the way I see someone...
(though the physical aspect is definitely a bonus).
Personality attracts me.
The person themself is attractive to me.
I could fall in love with anyone.
I've found many guys attractive.
I've found one girl attractive.
End of story.
hope that sheds some light and brings a better understanding
L Jun 2014
At school
    This relationship is one to keep secret when you attend a catholic school. Two women (or men) aren't supposed to be together... but we're together. She's made me smile and cry and love like I never have before. People at school started to notice -- they started saying that I was a lesbian. When someone first told me that, I laughed. Laughed. Why were people spreading rumors like that? About me, a nobody? But then I realized that I can't always cover my heart with a sweater bearing the school crest. My heart is open, bleeding and spilling blood down my sleeve. It blends in with the crimson material. People are not blind.

2. Around our friends
     We didn't keep it a secret for long. I told my two best friends because I knew they'd accept me, no matter who I'm with. I was right. They welcomed our relationship with open arms. It was easier to love her then. We could hold hands and gaze at each other openly. With them, it feels like I'm home.

3. Around my family
     My family is tricky. My mom is accepting of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders...  
But I wonder if she's accept me.
     My dad is a homophobe. If you're gay, stay away! The stubborn man wouldn't even touch you with a stick... But what would he think if it were me?
     My brother is ok.
     My sister is... indecisive towards us, After all, I'm in love with her best friend. And I didn't even get to tell her myself.
     Hiding it amongst my family members has become rather difficult. Not being able to hold her hand is a stab to my heart. Not being able to flaunt her everything to them is maddening...
"Leigh, how do you not have a boyfriend?"
"Well um er..."
Do they notice the way I act around her?

4. Around her family
    The most difficult task of all. They're so unaccepting of who she really is, that she hides herself away. It pains me to see the hurt in her eyes when they poke fun at gay people. I've seen it happen. Anger wells up in my chest and fills a cavity long forgotten. I long to scream "Look. Your daughter/sister/aunt/cousin's heart currently belongs to me. Yeah, me. Another girl."
I wonder what they'd say to that.

5. In public
     Today, you never know what a person's views on homosexuals are. They could be completely disgusted or humbly accepting. You just don't know. So I (we) have to be especially careful. Someone could explode on us, saying that two women loving each other is wrong or sinful or damning. I'm afraid of that. She closes up when I don't hold her hand or reciprocate her advances in public... I'm just afraid. Sometimes I'll face my fears and I'll grab her hand. Other times, I'll sneak a kiss. Most of the time, I steal a glance and then cannot tear my eyes from her beauty. Do people see the love we have for each other? Do they understand? Do they accept? Do they believe that all love is beautiful? Probably not... But I'll love her anyway.
For R, who I love wholeheartedly.

976 · Mar 2016
L Mar 2016
Spinning around my room at 2 AM
Empty wine bottle in hand
Huge smile on my face
Cool breeze passing through the drapes
This is what it's like to be alive
This is what it's like to feel brand new
969 · May 2014
Trench Warfare (slam poem)
L May 2014
Explaining my life as a soldier can be summed up simply:
Covered in lice, starving for nourishment, and paralyzed by fear.
I have seen the dark side of this war from my position.
Life in the trenches...
It's a cycle.
A spell in the front line
A stint in the support lines
A period in reserve
It is a living hell.
Death is imminent --  
Death by enemy shelling.
Death by ******.
Or death by disease.
It hangs over our heads like clouds over the sun.
It is everywhere.
In the smell of rotting flesh, overflowing latrines.
The stench of humanity.
And the smell of battle
We know it's coming.
The question is...
When will I feel my own blood on my hands?
When will I see the face of God?
When will I feel no pain?
Written by a friend and I for world history class.
thought I'd share.

961 · Jun 2014
A Murder Mystery Love
L Jun 2014
Had this evening been a date
-- a real date, just the two of us --
I would've opened the door for you.
I would've pulled out your chair.
I would've showered you with compliments.
("You are so beautiful it hurts.")
I would've held your hand atop the table, who cares if people stared?
I would've kissed you when the lights went out.
I would've forced myself to look away from you, only to look back
again and again and again.
I would've solved the ****** because impressing you would've mattered.
I would've told you
"I love you"
a thousand times.
I would've told you
"I love you"
a thousand times more.
I would've pulled out your chair.
I would've held the door open for you.
I would've kissed you on that
Union Jack adorned porch.
**I wouldn't have cared about
the people around us.
Another wonderful night with R,
whose lips tasted of tea and sunlight.

948 · Aug 2015
For You
L Aug 2015
In love, there is a sacrifice:
Your happiness for your companion's happiness.
What they enjoy may not make you happy...
But isn't it worth seeing eyes light up?
Smiles stretch across cheeks?
Shoulders rise in anticipation?
*A thousand times *yes.
I have no idea
I just typed

938 · Mar 2016
L Mar 2016
Spacious galaxies  
Intense heat  
A flash of light in the dark corner of a distant world...
Dark matter
Glowing nebulae
Debris of time making something new and full of promise...

...Does it hurt when a new star is born?
938 · May 2014
L May 2014
Who do I cry for anymore?
Myself or lack thereof?
927 · Dec 2015
Unlucky 13w
L Dec 2015
If meeting you was lucky,
I am the unluckiest person in the world.
I wish I'd never met you

920 · Mar 2014
Mind Games (haiku)
L Mar 2014
Trying means nothing
My happiness is short-lived
The dark thoughts are back
882 · Apr 2016
L Apr 2016
I'm officially leaving HP. I'm about to graduate high school, go to college, start a new chapter of my life... And I feel that  leaving this site behind is what's best for me. I may join another site, who knows? But for now, I'm writing in my head. Everything sounds so much better there anyway.
Thank you.

With love,
878 · Nov 2014
Confessions, 10, 27
L Nov 2014
I have loved you too late,
Beauty so ancient and so new.
I have loved you too late.
You were with me but I was not with you.
I was away from you, running after the beauties which you have made.
The things which exist only through you kept me far away from you.
You have called, cried out and pierced my deafness.
You have enlightened me, and my blindness is
   banished by your brightness.
I have tasted you and I am hungry for you.
You have touched me and I am on fire with longing to embrace you.
Powerful words by the catholic saint, Augustine.
He was a sinful man who turned back to God in his later years.
Retrieved this from his Confessions and thought I would share it's beauty.

875 · Feb 2014
Think What You Will
L Feb 2014
You think of me as a walking libido,
as a person who only wishes to be touched...
A person without a heart.

How could you think that?

The audacity sickens me.

Do you not understand that I have a heart?
That I have the ability
to feel
to cherish
to love?

No, it isn't always on my sleeve...
I know that --
It's constantly shielded by my mind and the logic I so desperately cling to.

But you know me, don't you?

You should.

**By no means am I "heartless".
for whoever said it
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