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Jun 2015 · 267
L Jun 2015
Hidden away from the wind and rain
Block them out, we're alone again
what am I even saying
Jun 2015 · 182
L Jun 2015
Maybe God has a plan for me
but she sells me out like my skin's for free
Jun 2015 · 123
L Jun 2015
I wish I was enough I wish I was enough I wish I was enough I wish I was enough I wish I was enough I wish I was enough I wish I was enough I wish I was enough
then maybe things would be different
Jun 2015 · 219
L Jun 2015
Take a knife to my heart
Rip through until it bleeds
Maybe then you'll understand
Maybe then you'll really see
Jun 2015 · 130
L Jun 2015
I'm trying so hard to be everything you need
Jun 2015 · 158
L Jun 2015
I am prone to failure, a disappointment in the making
Jun 2015 · 287
L Jun 2015
Don't say that you're in love with me
I can't handle that just yet
I know that you're tired  
You only say it in your exhaustion
But don't mean it
Please don't mean it
I'm cruel and I hurt and I sting
So don't say you're in love with me
Because when morning comes
You won't be
Sleep now, sweetness
Your mind is playing tricks on you

Jun 2015 · 227
Teenage Talk
L Jun 2015
You know I never loved you more
Than when we were running from those sirens
St. Vincent

Jun 2015 · 206
L Jun 2015
I've kept to myself
Never showing too much
But you've picked at the scabs
Pried into my head
And now you're trapped

How will you get out?
Jun 2015 · 124
Teenagers (12w)
L Jun 2015
We're just a bunch of children
wanting so desperately to be grown
Jun 2015 · 191
L Jun 2015
I'll spend the rest of my life blaming myself for something you did
Jun 2015 · 199
L Jun 2015
We fell in love on front porch steps
and didn't care if the neighbors saw

Jun 2015 · 185
L Jun 2015
I spent countless nights in your bed,
shedding tears and wishing for death
Jun 2015 · 153
L Jun 2015
I hate my life
God, hold onto me
Jun 2015 · 296
Should Have Known Better
L Jun 2015
I should have known better
To see what I could see
My black shroud
Holding down my feelings
A pillar for my enemies

I should have wrote a letter
And grieve what I happen to grieve
My black shroud
I never trust my feelings
I waited for the remedy


I’m light as a feather
I’m bright as the Oregon breeze
My black shroud
Frightened by my feelings
I only wanna be a relief
Sufjan Stevens

Bits and pieces

Jun 2015 · 153
L Jun 2015
Reckless is fun when you're not the one that gets hurt
Jun 2015 · 188
L Jun 2015
I'm tired of staying awake for nothing I'm tired of spending nights counting ******* sheep I'm tired of being tired I'm tired of living lies I'm tired of hiding how I feel I'm tired I'm tired I'm dead
Jun 2015 · 130
L Jun 2015
you won't let it
Jun 2015 · 207
L Jun 2015
I only wear waterproof mascara now, just in case a song plays or a smell drifts through the air and I can't stop the tears from spilling out
Jun 2015 · 271
L Jun 2015
I wake up every morning
wishing I could fall back asleep
and never greet the sun again
Jun 2015 · 438
L Jun 2015
I spend my days loving him
and my nights apologizing to her
And I fall asleep in a puddle of tears

Jun 2015 · 281
L Jun 2015
Your bones shift under tanned skin
and I want to melt into you, to morph our bodies together until neither of us know who is who
I love you I love you I love you
You make me so happy, I could explode

Jun 2015 · 206
L Jun 2015
The first night without you, I cried like an abandoned child and bit my fingernails for the first time in years. I drank straight from a bottle of wine I snuck from the pantry. I spun violently around my room, letting an angry record spin. Later, I hit my fist against the wall of the shower as I washed off all my shame and anger in ice cold water. Then I spent the rest of that godawful night shivering in my bed like the shattered heart that I was, my skin shaking and rising over my fragile bones. And no one knew, and no one knew...
Three months later and my heart is still breaking

Jun 2015 · 167
Don't Try Suicide
L Jun 2015
Don't try suicide
Nobody's worth it
Don't try suicide
Nobody cares
Don't try suicide
You are just going to hate it
Don't try suicide
**Nobody gives a ****

Jun 2015 · 151
L Jun 2015
I feel sick and exhausted and done
I'm done and I don't know how much more I can handle before I try to ease the pain the only way I know how
Jun 2015 · 367
Unlucky 13w
L Jun 2015
You still make me lose my breath
but for all the wrong reasons
Jun 2015 · 257
L Jun 2015
My fingertips have grazed every inch of your skin, but I just can't get enough
come over

Jun 2015 · 243
L Jun 2015
I am broken, bruised, scarred, and bleeding -- I do not deserve the love you give to me on a silver platter.
Jun 2015 · 326
L Jun 2015
He traveled downward
and kissed every scar she left.
Reaching the ones I left,
he glanced up.
Leigh... what is this?
I lost my breath.
Inhale, exhale.
He shook his head, disbelieving.
Look at me... What is this?
How do you explain that
your tears are flammable
and that it isn't too painful
to set them ablaze?
Nothing. Please, just kiss me.
So he did.
Again and again and again...
Until all was forgiven,
but not forgotten.

Jun 2015 · 147
L Jun 2015
You sound like rain in the summertime
Jun 2015 · 220
L Jun 2015
I burn for you and you alone;
Your love lights a flame
that will not dim
nor extinguish.
I've been comparing you to fire...

Jun 2015 · 414
Growing Up
L Jun 2015
When did I trade in crayons for cigarettes? Barbies for whiskey? Dress up for dressing down?
Jun 2015 · 191
L Jun 2015
I spent hours in your arms
and realized that there was no place
I would rather be
Jun 2015 · 447
Wannabe Heartbreaker
L Jun 2015
You are a budding Casanova
A Brett Ashley in the making
Rhett Butler would be proud
Daisy Buchanan might bat her eyelashes
George Wickham would tip his hat
That's all you ever wanted
To be wanted
To be "loved"
You won't get it by chasing every person who enters your life
It doesn't work that way
It isn't that easy
But how would you know?
For a mayfly friend

Jun 2015 · 307
L Jun 2015
Cut me again
I triple dog dare you
Dig the blade in a little deeper
Push against my veins a little harder
Don't stop until my body is drained
And I don't feel anymore pain
You were good at it.
Doubt that's changed.

Jun 2015 · 330
L Jun 2015
Behind your eyes, shooting stars
I would make a wish, but what I would wish for is already in my arms
I love you

May 2015 · 466
L May 2015
If you can't treat her like royalty,
let someone else.
May 2015 · 285
L May 2015
Fingertips have memories
Mine can't forget you
The curve of your spine
The freckles across your nose
The veins that run along your arms
The firm muscles of your legs
The strength behind your hands
The love inside your soul
May 2015 · 315
L May 2015
You have my healing heart singing to the heavens above
For B, with so much adoration

L May 2015
But I do.
I feel the same way and God ******, I want to tell you.
But how would you feel about that?
Would you think that I'm saying it just to soothe your fears and vulnerability?
Would you think that I'm being sympathetic and saying it out of guilt?
I'm not.
I promise.
I love you.
I want to tell you

May 2015 · 437
L May 2015
You've set me aflame
Put out this raging fire
Before it consumes
May 2015 · 348
Words I Should've Said Then
L May 2015
You make me happy. Really happy. The kind of happiness I can feel in the center of my chest, a warmth that just sits there and grows whenever you call me baby or say that you love me. I always want to be with you, even when I'm on my period and don't even want to leave my house. There is nothing I enjoy more than just laying around with you and simply being with you. your smile makes me smile. I could listen to your laugh all day. I like everything that differentiates you from me. I like that you play video games and soccer and that you watch all these shows and movies on Netflix. I like that you listen to 90s alternative rock because I've never heard of 95% of the songs and artists you've introduced me to. With differences, there are similarities and I like them just as much. I like that our sense of humor is so alike. It's like we're always in an inside joke and no one else knows what the hell we're laughing at. I like that you say cheeky things at ten at night and seven in the morning and two in the afternoon.

God, I just... I like you. I might love you. I'm falling for you and ****, I hope you catch me.
For B

May 2015 · 422
L May 2015
My heart is bursting like a dam
and I'm not repairing it, no,
I will let the bombs detonate  
and watch as my love for you
seeps from the cracks in the cement
You make me unbelievably happy and I will thank you for every day you give me

May 2015 · 291
Leaps and Bounds
L May 2015
Why is moving forward
holding you back?

May 2015 · 288
What I Know
L May 2015
Water is wet
The sky is blue
You are beautiful
The earth is round
Gravity holds us to it
You are breathtaking
Oxygen fills our lungs
The ocean is deep
You are mine

May 2015 · 191
Sound Memory
L May 2015
I can listen to the storm outside without thinking of your eyes

I can listen to The Rain Song without thinking of your hands

I can listen to my own heartbeat without thinking of yours
The Rain Song // Led Zeppelin

May 2015 · 538
L May 2015
I watched the sun set
behind your eyes
and realized that
I wanted to end every day
like our yesterday.

May 2015 · 289
L May 2015
I can feel each of your ribs
and in between them
tears unshed  
pain unspoken
love unrequited
May 2015 · 247
L May 2015
I can't take back words I never said
May 2015 · 208
L May 2015
My heart is still cracked and you say you understand but you don't not really and I wish I could make you but I couldn't hurt anyone like that I wish you knew I wish I could tell you I wish I wasn't afraid I wish I wish I wish I loved you as much as you say you love me but I'm afraid to let you in and I'm afraid to give you the power to hurt me because last time I did that I was fatally wounded and I can't bleed out again my heart can't take it
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