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Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
There she lay with her body uneven
she found comfort in the sunlight
sweet orange and brown fur a mess
from the playing the day before this
residing on the back of the couch
her favorite place to lay
mistake me not for she is not a cat
but a dog I can assure you that
the sweetest of pups that I know
I could never ever let her go
Bella Jane is my baby
absolute favorite lady
ears are floppy
snout so scruffy
eyes a beautiful brown with a touch of orange
she is my doggy in the window
my sweet young Bella Jane
is never ashamed
for she is unique
now that is what makes her so sweet
There might be quite a few poems about my favorite dog. She is just the greatest pup in the world. :)
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Her eyes green and so bold
she was peering out the window
watching, waiting
so majestically she sat with her tail hanging low
ears were ready to listen
fur was slightly flustered
as she was watching, waiting
the colors intertwined in her fur
gray, black, orange, beautiful
so old and yet so small
she surly is the best kitty of them all
Sassy Elizabeth is the meower I know
for she is my cat in the window
Watching my cat Sassy made me wanna write something for my cute kitty. :)
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
I painted my nails
my eyes were covered in blue
  did you notice
wearing my best dress
anxiously waiting for you
  did you notice
I try hard for you
to please every inch of you
  did you notice
next thing i knew
my face was covered in blue
tears roll down my cheeks without control
  did you notice
my heart dropped to the floor
I can't take this pain anymore
just writing.
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Nerves take control of my body
I begin to shake
the jitters are making me sick
my foot taps the ground steadily
I thought growing up would be easy
waiting patiently my name is called
it's my turn to go back
the questions are soon to come
in the blink of an eye its over
I step out of the building
now the waiting game begins
Super nervous for my interview in an hour!
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
As I lay here awaiting slumber
before my eyes lay to rest
I begin longing for your body warmth
your body spooning mine
I fit inside of yours so perfectly its insane
I want to feel your right arm around my waist
your left arm under my head
snuggling you as if one of us might blow away in the night
you hold me so tight I can feel the beat of your heart
I lay here longing for tomorrow night
Missing my boy.
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
It's about that time for a Midnight ****
to put my blistering thoughts at ease
to make this restless body rest
everything around me becomes more enjoyable to watch
laughter breaks through
I begin to think of you just like I always do
as I lean back dazed and confused
Led Zeppelin is pouring out sweet tunes
I hear "its on you"
my Bic torches the bowl
inhaling the feeling gets stronger
my eyes get heavier
sleep takes complete control
as I notice
Mr. Sandman stepping out the door
I lay there asleep in a room filled with smoke
After I took my midnight ****
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Butterflies flutter in my chest
My stomach begins to ache
A sickness overwhelms my body
With my head pounding
Thoughts race through my mind
My body begins to tremble
It becomes hard to see
Tears fall down my face
  Where is the one who will wipe them away
The one who will say,
  "I'll make all your pain fade"
I hold onto hope that it will get better
This unstoppable flow of emotions will never end
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