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Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
As I lay next to you
I smile constantly at what I see
You're laying on your back sleeping
Your brown hair is a mess
Your brown eyes are still at rest
My eyes start to peer down towards your chest
Your skin is bare
Your naked body is so wonderful
My fingers caress your skin
Those brown eyes make contact with mine
My hand touches your well defined jaw
The dimples on your cheeks leave me breathless when you smile
My lips fall in between yours
A perfect fit
That is only because you're my Chris
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
It is a fire that burns through my body
It shakes through my bones
My stomach turns, I begin to tremble
Thoughts begin to shoot around
  Why does she have to talk to him
  She is so much prettier than me
  Can't he see this is killing me
Thoughts continue to race
Taking a deep breath I close my eyes
  He is mine, forever and always
Jealousy is an omen
Beware, it will curse your body
Only bad can come
Let go and release to ease your sanity
For he is mine and I am his for all eternity
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Put down the guns
Set down your weapons
They aren't needed anymore
You've wounded enough
The innocent is in pain
Blood is all around from the people slain
Those images will never leave your brain
Soon you're home feeling sane
Warm love from friends and family
It makes you feel better again
As you lay alone and awake at night
It all comes back to you
The screams, the cries, the pain, the images, the blood
You slowly become insane
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Love is so often misunderstood
It is a feeling that is very rare
Love takes time
Time to create trust and to build walls
Walls of protection to keep out muggles
For love is magic and it must be kept safe
If it falls into the wrong hands
Love will fade
Between you and I, surrounded by our walls
I am happily in love with you
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Whispers are echoing through my wandering mind
As I lay my head full of voices down for slumber
My mind truly rejoices for rest is near
Every thought I had that day crawled back into my tired brain
They whisper
-everyone knows you're fat
-you're never going to fit in
-you're crazy Ky
-you're obsessed
STOP! I don't give in
My eyelids fall
The whispers fade until tomorrow night as I lay awake in bed

— The End —