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 Nov 2013 KB
andrea hundt
I remember clearly all the times I felt the beat of your heart slow to a steady sleepy hum,
and how I'd rest against your beautiful chest,
mesmerized by the moment.

You probably don't remember at all, the way I worked my way closer to your body
because I couldn't stand being even an inch away,
not even for a moment.

I'm left with the sands of time slipping through my fingers, and you haven't missed a beat.
Losing me was the best inconvenience you ever had,
although it hurt you for a moment.

But if you ever lay your head to rest again beside my longing heart,
you'll find me with all my same sentiments,
but I'll be different for a moment.

So if I stir in the night,
Know that it's you I'm dreaming of.
I'm remembering what it's like to lose you.
Because no matter how many times you come back to me,
I know you're only in it
for the moment.
 Nov 2013 KB
Elsbeth Poe
Damn It
 Nov 2013 KB
Elsbeth Poe
It takes a special person
To awaken me inside

For years I've been designing
a maze to where I hide

Potential partners
Pass the gate
A test of morals
And grime

With flying colors you came through
But now is the wrong time

I need no prince to save the day
Alone I am just fine

Guardian angels
Friends true blue
They stay here by my side

But meeting you
That rang so true
Was a taste

A potential so sublime

*Nov. 2013
 Nov 2013 KB
Guess Who
 Nov 2013 KB
Putting her in front of anyone and everything
She promises love ever lasting but blink and then she's missing
Giving you the cold shoulder her mood swings only make you lust for her more
Find out her core she's not perfect, aborted before she could be reborn
Torn away before you want her to go, do some blow to help you cope but she will come back and show you its not just the snow outside that's causing your bad connection
Her complexion will send you in the wrong direction
She knows her imperfections hurt your reflection
Natural selection she is an infection in the section of you that no surgeon can remove
Parents disapprove and refuse that she is right for you thinking you can improve
Seduces you so you stay Knight in shinning armor you make her your bride so it's till death do you two part
Playing poker only to find that she holds more than your heart
She reminds you that's what behind you has designed you inclined to rewind to the unkind but you realize you have a blind spot for her
Unable to see your past without her in it any way you spin it there she is
Wake up from the car wreck only to see the way you spun it didn't turn out right
You try to fight to stay alive but
On your deathbed you lie and once again there she is, holding your hand in a tight clasp
You gasp as you grasp that all along she was the forecast
As you bask in the sun and dry up you look at her and she's more beautiful than ever
No light cast upon her could age her skin what so ever
Looking in her eyes you slowly begin to realize that because of death you two will part and your time is about to end
Spending your last few moments thinking about her wishing you could make amends for everything you've done wrong
You try to speak but she just says not to worry
Starting to cry she says she's sorry
Apologizing for the night you wanted freedom from her, she says she just couldn't bare to see you leave
Right as you close your eyes for the final time
She says you know we never would have met if it wasn't for your parents, see they gave you to me
She is life
 Nov 2013 KB
Lord Byron
She walks in beauty, like the night
     Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
     Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
     Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
     Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
     Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
     How pure, how dear their dwelling place.

And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
     So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
     But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
     A heart whose love is innocent!
 Nov 2013 KB
i'm leaving
you have to travel, get out there, explore you said
so that's what i'll do
i'm on my way
to the underworld
i'll get there through the sea
the way you travel on a train
with a few differences, i suppose
i have rocks in my pockets
bricks chained to my ankles
no air in my lungs
but happiness in my heart
maybe because i have no thoughts in my mind
 Nov 2013 KB
Jeremy Bean
From Afar
 Nov 2013 KB
Jeremy Bean
You were once the sun
my world revolved around
but you left me shunned
and my orbit spiraled down

I suppose things wont transpire
the way I wish they had
and what I most desire
has slipped beyond my hands

So I will love you from afar
the way I always have
Even a universe apart
I just hope you know that

Animosity has faded
although disappointment still remains
I would rather feel this way
than replace it all with hate

All I put at stake
surpassed this mortal coil
but I'll leave it up to fate
to determine what is foiled
 Nov 2013 KB
Sean Yessayan
You stood there, probably cold,
in the frozen foods aisle.
Actually, you had a peacoat on.
When I first saw you,
I only saw your back.
Your hair looked wiry and blonde,
I thought you were aged and frail.

When you turned around with a gallon of milk
your face surprised me.
I was swept up in awe and stared too long.
Your eyes-- blue, kind, and calming--
rested on pillows of roseate cheeks
that looked recently swept by winter winds of New England.

You looked at me, too, but with an austere expression.
I said, "I hope the tempest of your mind
soon finds peaceful resolution in tranquil waters,"
in my head.
She walked past me
her audible rhythmic steps
made with untied,

A beatnik
simply keeping a beat.
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