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75 · Feb 2021
Kelly Feb 2021
i still remember everything
as he fell short asleep
his patterned breathing echoed
in the ears of faded dreams

I'd wanted this
i'd wanted this
the moment came and went

why do i keep on giving in
to fleeting tests of skin?
74 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
i feel more sorry for the clothes i wear
and have dragged thoroughly deep

because I realize there's more life in them
than there is life in me
despair, my old familiar friend
73 · Feb 2021
Kelly Feb 2021
still sunlight stripped the bedroom
as the cold seeped through my bones
i turned to find it empty
i awoke, i was alone

no quiet stir
or soft murmur
no sleepy morning quips
no muffled sigh
or silken thigh
to hook over my hips

i laid my head upon no chest
i traced no collarbone,
and my back against no body
said this was no longer home.
childish, isn't it?
72 · Apr 2021
Kelly Apr 2021
pack up those ridged teeth
step outside your crooked heat

I'd have loved you

                if you'd wanted me to
i missed your absent touch
71 · Jun 2021
Kelly Jun 2021
we were, we are
a hurricane
a wayward train
torrential rain
scattered, scorched, and singed terrain
but we are NOT debris,

we're beautiful, and effervescent
caliginous, bold
eclipsed fluorescence
tapered in incessant lessons
and garnished in moments of

n­o longer in hiding.
march 2018
70 · Mar 2021
Kelly Mar 2021
I'm weak and scorched and slightly torched

                            didn't you do this?
look in the mirror.
69 · May 2021
Kelly May 2021
Please know I’m always working and know I, too, will Falter
Just remember what molds best the stone
Is soft, consistent water
be kind to me, I'm trying
67 · Mar 2020
Kelly Mar 2020
Do my words
                               my existence
                   my breath
                                                          ­    my hardship

the thud of my feet upon the flesh of the earth

                                      my thoughts of us
                                                              ­                   or lack thereof..

Carry explosives
                                 unruly power
                         ­                               demolition
                       ­      daggers

into the satin, slick clamshell center of your chest

The way yours do

                                       To me?
66 · Feb 2020
Kelly Feb 2020
Do you think of me

In New York City?
66 · Feb 2021
Kelly Feb 2021
the list of names grows longer in honor
of every night awake
They say it won't matter but everything shatters
and I'm fine to put it away.

You can say it any way,
but I'm playing games
still torn each time they walk
66 · May 2021
Kelly May 2021
The more you're gone, the less I've fought
I've reason less to breathe
I break their skin
in hopes of thin
reminders of your heat.

I've grown more quiet in this game
though actions play the same
I hold them hard and look away
Afraid I'll say your name.
i can barely remember
64 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
disheartening words left thoughtlessly in ears
i ripped open my chest where my heart
combats years
of sickening beats, craving something to love
you bared me to you
                                            and i wasn't enough

looked downward and careless
i now see i'm played
like strings long forgotten--your absence bandaid

using me should lose me but i'm weaker than that
for any taste of you
in any given act
                                     i cave to
                                                                   i crave you
lost clarity, turned dark

stop breathing me to life
with your heartless, cold remarks.
62 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
and when our bodies met in tandem
in the moments of your fire
i knew that i could not but bear
your lustrous, wrought desires
first in by your unyielding hand
blocked air, i couldn't say
once captured by the twisted way
you stole oxygen from my brain
the one day when the switch did flip
i saw your demons, bold
the first time when i truly thought
you wouldn't loosen your hold.
61 · Dec 2021
Kelly Dec 2021
I’m so in love with you
            but I feel like I’ve ruined it
and my fragile filthy mind
         replays my shortcomings
                       my embarrassments
                       my failure
                       my faults
                       my worthlessness
your tears.

Drained by my own hand,
pulled from your eyes
                                         by my ability to destroy

everything good            and
everything I want in this life
you feel so okay. And I am so not.
60 · Sep 2021
Kelly Sep 2021
without work i feel purposeless
without direction i feel aimless
without persistance i feel useless
without motivation I feel hopeless

but even with all i still feel like less.
who am i and where the **** am i going
59 · Mar 2020
Kelly Mar 2020
A comforting sigh in a sickening night

                             the ink of your arms on the satin of my sides
58 · Apr 2021
Kelly Apr 2021
It’s hilarious
How when it’s just you and me
Things are perfect

But insert an external muse
Of amusement
Something neither of us care for
Still some score
Is kept
Between and the tension sweeps
And I can’t keep clean

All I know is I wish it would stop
And I wish you would stop
Because it disgusts me
And thrusts me
Deeper into the *****
of something I never even cared for

Because it’s farther away from both of you
Because neither of you
Want me for me
And that is disgusting
does anybody want me for me?
53 · Jun 2021
Kelly Jun 2021
do you remember
holding me here?
do you remember pressing your face into my neck
and slipping your hands around my waist
Laughing in the face
of fear
My parents on the other side of the mirror

Unbeknownst to not just them
but the world beyond Us
Outside the reach of our fingertips
That grazed only the skin of each other

Do you remember holding me here
Laughing into my ear
and promising much more than our barren soil has reaped?

Do you remember holding me here
with no intention to leave?
how novel.
52 · Jul 2019
Kelly Jul 2019
You used to come to me
When you were happy

And now

From a corded line
At the end of the drive

I can’t say I need you

Because you’re happy
So you have to go

From a corded phone

Even when you know

But I’ll never tell you I’m alone
Or that it hurts
Or that I need you

Because you’re happy
And you have to go

So I’ll sit here.
Dead phone tone.

Because you’re happy now
So you have to go.
Does it have to have a title
52 · Oct 2021
Kelly Oct 2021
I'd spend days walking the line of your jaw
dipping between the ridges of your mouth
and skipping rocks along your shoulder blades

I'd spend hours on the bones in your hips
sliding below your skin,
form-fitting handles, molding like clay
to the shape of my hands

I'd paint the walls of my skull with your voice
filling the lonely rafters of my ribs,
rhythmic swells through the tides of my mind
following the contraction of your laugh

I'd lose my hopelessness in this  noise,
and from the labyrinth of you
never seek escape

                                  ­                as if i ever had a choice
i like you more than I planned.
26 · Dec 2021
Kelly Dec 2021
music is all i can fill my ears with
a constant immersion of avoidance
because the silence
is deafening

and there are so many songs
i wish i could send you
can you read my mind
8 · Dec 2021
Kelly Dec 2021
It hasn’t stopped raining since you left
And all I can think of is watching you running in it

To show how much you love me

— The End —