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Nov 2016 · 409
The turning my life
Kritika dubey Nov 2016
My life is about to turn ,my life is about rough ,never fail never let me down ,when ever my life is about to turn,my life is about to turn
My poetry
Sep 2016 · 470
Bitter but better
Kritika dubey Sep 2016
human behaviour besicaly we cought to know evry thing but there are some point which is indivisiualy hide from us, here i am to inform that points ,,,,,
1- if we want to get sucess over the world then we have to be a perfect on to setup becouse sucess is to be need honest nd pation to a man,
2-it is said that when our heart beaten then is only behalf of some one is liking prson is front of us,but there are one reason behind that small truth that our heart is work with our eyes when we look some one which one we love or like our blood cerculation has been run fast nd heart working fast thats why is happing ,on the other hand it is also a truth that we look some one we dont lyk or love our heart would be beaten more fast at the same time,.. its rediculas but fact,,,
3-if u want share ur happieness than u have to be sprate the happieness ,nd if u want to be happy than before u made sure to make a smile to some one which need happiness,,
4-its said that ur pain could understand by who tolrated it,but i said own pain said to which person who had never tolrate it becouse ur shared ur pain experinced nd other one shred thier happieness experience,both things are xchenge becouse u got to know the real happiness nd fornt of ur got to know the real pain ,,share ur feeling with contrast feeling person ,do it trust me its amazing xperience..
5-our mind always observerd which things those our wanting to observerd nd the thing is the another unwanted observattion has been dissiperasd from the unconsious mind ,becouse mind and both are work with opposite direction,heart goes only which things that we love by us nd mind always goes with perfect which observed perfection ,,
6-there are the points of success,one is, god is always with me and second is, i am the best nd the last third is ,dont give up wather whatevr is situation is front of us, feel confident nd be  honest,,
7-it happen that,when we do love someone or hate to someone than it  possible to the same feeling for u becouse if we love someone than it is nessacery he/she loves u as well
8- Never give-up if someone humilating u becouse every person has been strong that kind of humilating,its gives us some energetic power to fought with sucesses of life.
9-sucesses has been comes to us as slinking and spread lots of happiness :) :) so we has to be patince and do hard work..
10-it is said that a man can do everything and that is 100% truth but for that we know the depth knowlege for the man"s capacity ...a man can do which things that he realy want to do not get only fun way.....but if man decide to get victory he must be dedicate his fully enargy his passion.....
so guyz thats the life 's fact which is unkown for us,,,,,,
Kritika dubey.....
Aug 2016 · 486
Cloud aplozise
Kritika dubey Aug 2016
Ohh God ,,my god,,
why u cruel ,why you so angry upon me
back my power oh dear god ,back my power oh dear god,,
all session are emptiness,without my rain power,,,

without a one droop water,Birds as without wings flying over the sky,,
animals feel pain without water,worlds empty without rain,,,
back to power god ,back to my power God,,
ohh Almighty God ,,,
God say,,,dear cloud,,,
u do not have to worry my child about emptyness,when u had that power what you do?
you do unxpected things ,having proud,prejudice nd lazyness ,,
why u thinking about it,,have to keep it ,,truth..
purity nd chestity is above to all..
cloud  answed ,,knowing wrong way choosed i had,,
not soon know about falut of mine , but soon i get realized about flult,,
apolizise my wrong path,give me pardan,my Almighty god ,,i come on my keck,,,
once let me right to proof..
ohh god,,,,,,,,, my dear god,,,,

nd God said,,,God thinks deeply nd had final decision,,
nd give to back power of cloud,,,,said just be pure nd faire
nd let'the hold ur setuation on ur solder,,becomes preety answer get you in ur way
just put it hold ur dignity along  with innocecence,,,dear my watery cloud proofd that thou might be fair,,
power is power,nd make to right it....

nd then finaly cloud get their power from The Almighty God,,,
nd bottom of the line is we dont have right to done anything about nature becouse lots of things are influenced by this wrong way...
which wehave to missused to though having so called FUN..........
Clouds aplozisation

— The End —