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Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Ripping, tearing,
Pulling my flesh away.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
To a host of which
They are unwelcome.

Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Lying, defying,
Numbing the realities.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
Whispering nothings to which
There are no meanings.

Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Confusing, undoing,
Ignoring all truths.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
Crafting lies which
Are filled with sin.

Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Mending, fixing,
Stitching the wounds.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
Making a home in which
They shouldn't be existing.

Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
I don't want smart.
I want spontaneous.

I don't want roses and a candle-lit dinner.
I want drunken nights by the campfire.

I don't want a boy that says 'I love you'
Because I don't believe in love
And, even if I did,
I'm not emotionally capable of feeling it.
I want a boy that's okay with that.

I don't want a boy that showers me with compliments
or a knight in shining armor.
I don't want mushy love letters or romantic get aways.
I don't want a boy who's looking for a wife
because I don't believe in marriage.
And I don't want a lover.
I want a partner in crime.

I want a boy with chaos flickering in his eyes.
I want a boy who smiles a lot.
I want contagious laughter.
I want loud.
I want steamy kisses where he presses my body into his and my skin tingles.

I don't want late night phone calls or 'Good morning' texts.
I want a boy that calls me out on my *******.
I want a boy that pushes my buttons.
I want a challenge.

I don't want a boy that makes me feel pretty.
I want a boy that makes me feel alive.

I want a boy that taps on my window in the middle of the night
And brings me on a starlit adventure.

I don't want a boy that makes love.
I want a boy that will **** me raw.
And I want a boy that will let me pass out on him afterwards.
And I want a boy that won't get offended if I move away in the middle of the night
Because cuddling hurts my neck and his heartbeat is keeping me awake.

I don't want a boy that holds hands.
I want a boy that drives too fast.
I don't want a boy that babies me.
And I don't want a shoulder to cry on
Because I'm not fragile
And I can take care of myself.
I want a boy that pushes me into oncoming sprinklers
And doesn't hold anything back.

I don't want a boy that's looking for forever
because forever seems like a really long time.
I want a boy that goes day by day.

I don't want safe.
I want to go fast.
I want to live on the edge.
I want exhilaration.

I don't want to be wanted.
I want to want.
word *****

Comment any advice you can think of that might make it a little more worth reading. I'd really appreciate it!
They say home is where the heart is
But what if you don't have a heart?
What if you don't have roots or walls or a spine?
What if you have nothing holding you together
And nothing tearing you apart?
What if you're a mere echo of a stray soul stuck in limbo?
A lump of atoms,
A burnt match,
A drifting vagabond,
Naked, lost, and numb in this cosmic paradox
Where satisfaction is but a distant memory
I like to think I'm content but I'm completely out of my comfort zone with nowhere to go but here.
 Feb 2014 Krista Richards
I'm gonna wait for a new love,
to scribble out the pain

the pain you left, inside my chest
here, where the ink from my heart pours
out your name.

My paper heart has lost it's beating
and I can't re write my past
so please just write the next few lines for me.
Please let our last moment last..


'Cause if love is communication,
and hearts are made of paper..
then let our mouths do the listening
and save the goodbyes 'til much, much later.

They say that fear's a bad thing
But I know some fear is good
It makes you change the way you think
From the way you usually would

It can make you run from danger
Or stop you in your tracks
Allow you to protect yourself
From what you know is bad

The fear that you will hurt someone
Is what makes you bite your toung
Knowing you can't take back the words
Once the damage has been done

You can fear the future or the past
And not allow your life to change
Or face your fear and understand
You choose the path you take

So the next time that you're feeling fear
Know it could be something good
Fear can be the best part of life
Once its understood

Carl Joseph  Roberts
One Good Day

Can you think of one good day
That you remember from your past
A day when everything went right
One you wish you could have back

That day you tell to others
When you talk about good times
The one that brings a smile
Makes you feel good deep inside

Can you think of one good day
That you wish you had again
One that was so perfect
That you hoped would never end

Take that day and share it
With someone you don't know
Give to them just one good day
And let the feeling grow

One good day can be enough
To change somebody's view
When you give someone one good day
It's one good day for you

Carl Joseph Roberts
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