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 Nov 2014 Elipsis
He sent me
 Nov 2014 Elipsis

I prayed for light, He sent me sun
I prayed for moisture, He sent me dew
I prayed for beauty, He sent me flowers
I prayed for love, He sent me you
 May 2014 Elipsis
Tap tap tap
was the sound of their heartbeats.
Tap tap tap
was the song of their love.
Tap tap tap
was the way that they showed it.
Tap tap tap
was just not good enough.

Tap tap tap
was a sign of affection
Tap tap tap
in a world full of hate.
Tap tap tap
Will this love find acceptance?
Tap tap tap
Well for Tom, it's too late.

Tap tap tap
Why are people so ugly?
Tap tap tap
Why are people so cruel?
Tap tap tap
Why must love be forbidden?
Tap tap tap
Is that really the rule?

Tap tap tap
And now Tom's gone forever.
Tap tap tap
And poor Shane is a mess.
Tap tap tap
And he isn't allowed to
Tap tap tap
see his love laid to rest.

Tap tap tap
How much bile they were spitting!
Tap tap tap
I'm surprised they don't choke.
Tap tap tap
Is it shameful to mention
Tap tap tap
that they're church-going folks?

Tap tap tap
Now that Shane has gone viral
Tap tap tap
He's out screaming it loud
Tap tap tap
that this “God given” hatred
Tap tap tap
must no more be allowed.

Tap tap tap
was the sound of their heartbeats.
Tap tap tap
was the song of their love.
Tap tap tap
was the way that they showed it.
Tap tap tap
might just be good enough.
For Shane Bitney Crone and Tom Bridegroom. Your (albeit tragic) love story has inspired millions!
 May 2014 Elipsis
If I took a gun to school
what would the people say?
Would they try to fight with me
or would they run away?

Would someone try to speak with me
and find out why I'm mad?
Or would they wait till I was dead
and then say I was bad?

Would someone there give me a hug
and tell me it's okay?
All I want is just one friend.
It needn't be this way.

If I took a gun to school
and shot a bunch of kids
would they blame my mom and dad
for something that I did?

I never thought it'd come to this
I'm not evil or cold.
I just can't stand the bullying.
It's constant, truth be told.

They push me down, they spit on me,
they tell me I'm a ***.
We'll see how much you're laughing
when you see what's in my bag.

I took a gun to school today
and now I'm on the news.
Please don't blame my family.
The blame, it lies with you.
 May 2014 Elipsis
My Sunshine
 May 2014 Elipsis
You are my sunshine
You brought light to my world
My only sunshine
and made my sails unfurl
You make me happy
and now that I can ride the wind
when skies are gray
I feel my heart grow warm again

You'll never know dear
My precious, precious, sacred one
how much I love you
You radiate just like the sun
Please don't take
And when our too-short lives are done
my sunshine away
You'll know that you were always... loved.
For someone special. You know who you are. Love you.
 May 2014 Elipsis
Duplicate Virus
I am more than just regurgitated knowledge.
I am more than a statistic.
I am more than just a book worm.
I am more than a nerd.
I am more than just a tough little girl.
I am more than a rebel.
I am more than just the clothes I wear.
I am more than makeup on a face.
I am more than just my father's daughter.
I am more than a sister.
I am more than just a face in the morning.
I am more than a lover.
I am more than just someone.
I am more than nothing.
 May 2014 Elipsis
I'm being devoured by lions.
The whole pride is here for a taste.
And whatever they leave of my carcass
hyenas and vultures won't waste.

I'm being devoured by lions.
They tore out my throat with a snap.
And it's really depressing to think that
I'll end up a big pile of crap.
 May 2014 Elipsis
 May 2014 Elipsis
My day in court was just no fun.
They sentenced me to life.
Cause I stuffed buckshot in my gun
and blew away my wife.
 Mar 2014 Elipsis
Duplicate Virus
If only I could tell you,
I love you so dearly,
I'm afraid of letting you close,
I live so fearfully.
I know I'm breaking you up,
I'm killing you inside,
I would absorb your love,
But I'm scared I'll fly.
A poem from 2011

— The End —