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 Aug 2015 Knight86
 Aug 2015 Knight86
I said goodbye
to my wheelchair

My leg
is touching the ground
it has to carry me
it has to carry me

I said goodbye to my wheelchair today
from now on, nobody can push me
from now on,
I'll walk
 Aug 2015 Knight86
Just a few more meters
she tells herself, she has to
no one else will tell her what to do
this time, it's just her, lying on the floor

Just a few more meters
her leg immobolised
she has to lift it with her arms
but she has to get there soon

Just a few more meters
but every centimeter hurts
her tiny appartement suddenly grows
her phone is a thousand miles away

Just a few more centimeters
stretching as far as she can
her phone just out of reach
but she has to reach it soon

Just a few more minutes
when she reaches the table
and finally grabs her phone
the ambulance will finally
be here very soon
 Jul 2015 Knight86
Hoog daarboven
het vliegtuig
neemt mij niet mee

Ik blijf achter
staar in de verte
reis een jaar terug in mijn hoofd

Toen vlak voor me
een vliegtuig
want nieuw leven
begon vandaag
 Jul 2015 Knight86
 Jul 2015 Knight86
Kiss the floorboards
hug the curtains
be happy about the neighbour sounds

Lay on the couch
or take a shower
make your own **** tea

Kiss the windows
hug your table
read all the books you own at once

Turn on candles
make your own rules


you're finally

 Jul 2015 Knight86
 Jul 2015 Knight86
We had nothing
only sun and heat
fights and love
a basement, in the hottest country
the only 2 people anyone knew that were still eating
it was Ramadan

We were strangers
poor and lonely
not familiar with their language
just relying on each other

We were eating
but the country loved us anyway
countless strangers
smiling at our non-arabic skin colours
every single person we met did everything to welcome us

It was my birthday, but also Eid al-Fitr
the strangers started eating
big smiles, and bigger hearts
a country I may never see again
gave me
and you
the best july I ever saw
 Jun 2015 Knight86
They all want sunshine
long summers on the beach
and think we're crazy
because we're longing for rain

But you and I
would take a walk in the rain
untill our skins are soaking
and we're one in with the storm

You and I
don't care about the cold
want the wind to touch us
blow our souls away

You and I
would walk through any storm
and when we hear the sound of thunder
we will feel so so warm
 Jun 2015 Knight86
the knight
 Jun 2015 Knight86
it wasn't in the middle ages
but in the era of technology
the knight wasn't a knight
but his heart was warm and loyal and honest
and he found a princess he needed to save

the princess lived in a castle
he couldn't get in without a visa
nor pay the money to fly to her tower
but it was the era of technology
princess and knight could meet online

'some day',  the knight thought
'some day, she'll be my princess
but at least today
she'll be the queen of my dreams'
 Jun 2015 Knight86
 Jun 2015 Knight86
The best rain
Is the rain touching somebody
who's been stuck in bed for over a month
pouring through the open window

pouring right into her heart
 Jun 2015 Knight86
I don't know
how much I mean to you
just that you didn't even bother
to answer that question

But I also know
I care enough about you
to want you to be
the happiest boy alife
 Jun 2015 Knight86
 Jun 2015 Knight86
inside my heart
I must be careful
after every corner may be something
I don't want to know about

Don't go there
it hurts
I can't have myself thinking about this
Lock the door
of this particular section
But my heart is so heavy with locks

I wipe my own memory
Every day
just do I don't remember lying
about almost everything
that could have been real
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