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296 · Mar 2021
More Life Then Death
Kaitlyn Rhine Mar 2021
I watch onto a big parade
The marching band swing and sways
and as I crouch in a float below
I hear the whistles ring with blow
I’ve always known this day would come
T’was so excited
but now am numb
I now want to fade away
but why do I feel this way
I get to walk the golden ground
but it feels gray as we turn the round

Life was well, momentary
but it sure does beat the cemetery
I feel the gold turn to black
and in a moment I am back

Back in the white covered bed
back from the gravely golden
coffin bed
I am now so excited
that me and life are reunited
but as I look all around
I realize what a terrible sound
you make when you are
alive and 10 feet underground
151 · Mar 2021
Dark Cobbled Streets
Kaitlyn Rhine Mar 2021
It was a dark night in who knows were
in a time of who knows when
I took a deep breath in
The hot sticky sweet humidity kissed my skin
I raised my eyes to the skies and all I saw was
A Starry Night
and looming dark buildings with embers of light
glooming from the panes

Through the cobblestone streets
there was one building that caused strain
a small restaurant patio
seated on the corner of a street
where the buzzing and humming could be heard from about fifteen feet
The quiet buzzing and mummering cut through the stale air
the soft swing of Jazz gently floated towards me without a care
I stood across the street
feeling the unevenness of cobble beneath my feet
and watching the patio

and I realized I had to go
such a place of serenity was not for me

As I walked away I could hear the buzz of lights
calling my name
But alas
I continued through the dark cobbled streets
Based on a dream I had about the paintings Starry Night and Café Terrace by Van Gogh
144 · Mar 2021
Didn't Make finals
Kaitlyn Rhine Mar 2021
Isn’t it rich?
We spent 4 months working and all for this?
We endured weather, trials, and hardship
But the band still marched regardless.

We endured rain!
“On with the show!”
We endured Can-Can!
“On with the show!”
We endured cancellation!
“On with the show!
We endured heartache.
“I’m so sorry, I hope you know.”

For me,
Marching band was a battleground.
Any time I tried I felt like I’d drown.
Four weeks after surgery
I marched through feeling weary.
I have two beautiful scars from where I healed perfectly
And I have one that will be ugly for eternity.

I marched through the pain and I said on with the show.
134 · Mar 2021
Kaitlyn Rhine Mar 2021
I had a dream
my teeth fell out
five to be exact

When I looked up
what my dream meant
I had to reflect back.

I lost a tooth a year ago
To poor choices, on his behalf

Another tooth to childhood cancer
She always glowed like amber

And one more to a lung disorder
Known as a Potterhead, former

But what I knew did not vex me
It was what I did not that did

Who were the two other teeth
In which I had stared at in my hand

And so I thought and I thought
And finally knew who they were
But didn’t dare say it, defer

How do you tell the man you
love that sometimes the roots
That we think are mighty strong
Cannot hold the weight for long

How do you tell the man you
Have shared secrets and stories
Good times and bad times
Loving kisses and ***** lies
That he, in fact, is the tooth

The tooth that fell out and broke into two

Because to lose him would also be to lose a part of me too.

But sometimes teeth fall out.
May that be growing pains or pains from growing a part


Teeth fall out.

And all we can do is pick them up off the ground and restart.

— The End —