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470 · Apr 2013
People of Hello Poetry!
KM Apr 2013
Hello friends and fellow artists,
I was sitting here (my room) the other night and I had a thought about all my peers that are or have gone through self harm. It dawned on me that warm weather is coming up and a lot of you/us feel like you can’t wear shorts or short sleeves. I've noticed that there is a lot of poems about that on here, probably because us silly poets are always so emotional and feel things so strongly. I had the idea of making a video on how to cover up your scars with makeup for summer time. Though I am at a place in my life where I no longer feel the need to hide them, I know a lot of people still do (and there’s nothing wrong with that). If I could get some feedback on this I’d be really thankful! :) Much love and good vibes to you all!
I don't know why I'm posting this.. I just want to help..
469 · Nov 2013
Happiness (10w)
KM Nov 2013
I don't think I've ever actually purposely did a 10 word Tuesday so here's mine :)
(I think I counted the words a minimum of 20 times just to make sure)
467 · Aug 2013
Based On A Book
KM Aug 2013
I saw you turning and quickly leaving
As you did, I was sure my heart should quit beating.
For if you leave me, I don't quite know why,
But I think all my hopes and dreams shall die.

Ah, I think I have found the reason.
For if you leave I will be freezin'
'cause when I'm alone or without you,
I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

You're my better half, don't you see?
Sit down, promise to never leave me.
For I love you, and you love me.
Forever and ever we shall be.
And the award for most uncreative title goes to this poem. This is something I wrote in like 08 that was based off a book that my parents were playing while we were on a roadtrip.
461 · Oct 2013
Beautiful Love
KM Oct 2013
Everything I want
All that I could need
You love me true
Even when I bleed

You're my best
Even if you don't agree
We'll watch the sun set
Over the sea

Hold me close
Hold me tight
In my heart
I know this is right

I love you much
With all my soul
My darling one
You make me whole
461 · Sep 2014
KM Sep 2014
Why am I
Such a monster
Destroying and breaking
All that is in my path

Too selfish to give
The pure love
That I so eagerly
460 · Sep 2013
KM Sep 2013
Lots of times
I tend to
Everything is real.
458 · Jul 2014
Coffee Tears
KM Jul 2014
I can't eat
I barely sleep
This coffees drawing me
As I dribble words
More words
About coffee
And label it poetry
457 · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
It's not that bad
I promise
You can get through the day
Chin up
Look to the sky
Whatever's going wrong
It's so small
So temporary
Hold strong
Hope that number wasn't taken
454 · Dec 2013
KM Dec 2013
You hear the quiet echos
The words that I faintly speak
That claw, grasp and fight
To get out
To scream
Asking desperately for help
In the oddest of ways
This actually wasn't written today just edited it a bit
453 · Apr 2014
KM Apr 2014
Submerged is the art of the water rushing over
The stinging bite of the frozen waves
The numbing shake of the boiling embrace
The turning of the rushing sea
Trying desperately to swallow me
452 · Jan 2014
KM Jan 2014
Single sentences
That haunt your dreams
and rattle that cage in your soul
shaking your nerves from their roots
451 · May 2013
Saving Grace
KM May 2013
My Father my Lord
Hold me close to your heart
I cannot do this life without you.

You hold me up
You love me purely
You are the greatest joy.

Remind me of you
In your grace do I thrive
Thank you for my beautiful life.

You are my strength
Looking after me constantly
You are my saving grace and my Lord.
I've been writing too many poems about other humans lately, so here's one for my Saviour.
446 · Apr 2013
When In Rome
KM Apr 2013
I’m surrounded by these people
Whose language I do not speak,
All of the sounds often make me weak,
A word I know, makes my nose crinkle.

Grey skies quite often sprinkle,
The apartment does have its leaks,
Wet furniture, oh but it reeks.
Finding my comfort, at the house with a steeple.

Praying, singing, dancing and love,
Your glory shines down on us from above.
We sing and praise your so Holy name,

Did you hear them ask me to play a game?
This foreign world, feeling like home,
You know what they say, “When in Rome!”
439 · Oct 2013
The Ending
KM Oct 2013
I'm not afraid of dying
I'm afraid of getting older
And the demons of my past
Never letting me find closure
437 · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
I feel so silly
So ridiculous
That I valued time
Now labled childish

I feel so alone
This night
As I toss and turn
As my mind and heart
Roughly fight

So I try to spew words
And label it a poem
But these words
Are meaningless dribble

And I'm not even tiredi
436 · May 2013
KM May 2013
But what is a kiss
Upon my lips
If not from you.

A coldness ran through
Toes to nose
It was from you.
I don't know why I put the title as 12 okay
I just couldn't think of a name
KM May 2013
Bury the pain till it drives you insane
Don't let them win don't forget your kin
It's eating you up darling good luck
They're calling you lazy but you're just going crazy
You sad little thing your bell will ring
It's coming to the end you can no longer pretend
The voices in your head bind you to your bed
The secrets your smile hides you are so full of lies
No one will want you your life is through
They tell you you're wrong but it's too late you're gone.
433 · May 2014
Emotions Like Touches
KM May 2014
Emotions flood my every inch
Swelling up from my painted toes
To my weakened knees
And my knotted stomach muscles
Tingling my bony fingers
Sending shivers up my pale arms
Emotions dance across my collar bones
Gently whispering up my graceful neck
Tugging on my pierced ears that are so
Sensitive to every word from your soft lips
That falls upon them with every moment
Moving up my rounded high cheek bones
Swelling in my bright eyes that glaze over
Intently looking onward at you and your
Every move, how peaceful you seem to me

Not meant to be negative or positive, it could encompass a variety of emotions.
424 · Aug 2013
Restoring Strength
KM Aug 2013
Thinking back I realize
The big mistake I made
Lending you my heart and soul
For more than just one day

You were so gentle
When we started out
But quickly turned sour
Towards such a bitter thing

The pain from the fights
The rough words you said
Now I can say I don't miss
Those rotten old days

Your words pierced my flesh
Your screams bled my heart
But I don't need your love
I'm learning strength, alone

So don't come crying
Back to the love we once shared
You just won't find it
It is not even there
A collab I did with Krusty Aranda, go check him out! :)
420 · May 2013
In Love
KM May 2013
Slow and steady, death consumes.
A sweet sweet kiss, passion blooms.
My heart you hold, poison me not.
Gaze in my eyes, I'm already caught.
A friend and I were discussing love and this spun out of the conversation
417 · May 2013
KM May 2013
Life falls away to the cracks and depths,
You can't look back and make amends.
Don't regret, live for your truth
Love and beauty is wasted on youth.
414 · Apr 2013
KM Apr 2013
Slow down, take a breath,
You don't have to push the words out religiously.
Each poem you write,
Is a delicate enchantment of your heart and soul.
Treat them with care.
Be gentle, be harsh, let your words flow out of you.
But never force.
Forced words end in corrupt ideals and rocky reading.
Slow down, take a breath,
You don't have to push the word out religiously.
Just a thought.
KM Jan 2014
I can easily recall the taste of your soft lips
And the way it felt when you softly bit

I secretly loved the way you messed up my hair
And the way we would sit squished in one chair

I enjoy how we solve things, when conflict does arise
And between your heart to mine, there are no lies

I can easily recall the sweet scent that lingers on your skin
And the way it left me intoxicated within
I secretly loved the way you lightly teased me
And the way you make me feel so free
I enjoy how safe and secure you are
And between your hear to mine, even from afar
410 · Apr 2013
An Unnamed Poem
KM Apr 2013
As the time keeps growing,
The pain keeps flowing,
I miss him so much,
I just want to feel his touch.

I dream of him,
Does he dream of me?
I can't wait till the day,
When his face again I shall see.

Promises are just words,
Unless the have actions.
Words so easy to say,
Things so hard to make happen.
Something I wrote in 2009.
407 · Apr 2013
This Ones For Edgar
KM Apr 2013
When I was fourteen years old I fell in love with a writer that could never be mine.
This is my love story for him*

Who wrote of love in a kingdom by the sea
Of a sweet sweet love named annabel lee
None other than Edgar Poe, was he
Who wrote of a kingdom by the sea

Quoth the raven, quoth the man
Who wrote in books and has so many fans
Quoth the man, quoth the raven
Who wrote of stories that broken the havens.

What a lonely spirit guiding you've become
To hold you in my arms I'll never have the pleasure
With you I wanted to turn into one
I wonder if you were ever treated like treasure.

My darling Edgar Allan Poe
My far away mystery man
You walked the earth so long ago
And they all thought you a madman.

Do not fret to read me the bridal ballad
And I quote, Oh I am so happy now
Loving you had made me delighted
But to another I have promised my vow.
For a man that lived long before me
That I loved like a man of present.
403 · Sep 2013
Pathetic Love
KM Sep 2013
Tell me that you're always mine
I'll tell you that I'm always yours
I just need to hear you speak
That you want my pathetic love
I won't do everything right
But you have every bit of me
I want so badly to be with you
I hope you want so badly to be with me
I just need to hear you speak
That you want my pathetic love
You have your own problems
And you know I have mine
But we could do this together
We don't have to be alone
The weird kids can share a love
Just stick with me forever
I just need to hear you speak
That you want my pathetic love
403 · Apr 2013
Coming Home
KM Apr 2013
Something about the way you said
"When I get home from work"
Made me want to be that girl
That you kiss when you're home.

And one of my favorite things
Is when we just sit quietly,
Because we don't have to talk
To be content and happy.

We don't have to ask constantly
"How are you my darling dear"
Because if one of us is hurting
We know the other will listen.

The way you and I are together
Is just better than anything I've seen
And I wouldn't trade you for the world
You and I should stick with each other.
Just a  little ranting about a friend
401 · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
Sometimes when he calls me baby
I feel so safe and secure
From such a simple word
Sometimes when he speaks
I can almost feel it
The warmth of him pulling me close
When I draw away
Curling up
Closing off
Shutting out
The more I write poetry the more I hate my own words
400 · Jul 2014
A World
KM Jul 2014
How dare you
Limit the worlds experience
To what you know
To the struggles you've faced
To the hardships you've been dealt

How dare you
Diminish someones emotions
For lack of understanding
To the struggles they've faced
To the hardships they've been dealt

There isn't a single doubt
That your life is blessed
Though filled with struggles
Just I ask you please
Keep in mind
The entire world
Has their own battles
And they don't look like yours
399 · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
Silly girl
You're a disaster
A mess and a wreck
Be stronger be better
Look past yourself
Be better be stronger
Silly girl
You're a disaster
Reeking havoc
On all you touch
You twister you storm
Calm down
You chaotic mess
398 · Apr 2013
A Small Mistake
KM Apr 2013
I've done a bad thing my love
I've done a bad thing indeed.
I don't know what I've done
But I promise you it didn't bleed.
A scar shan't form
Save on our trust.
I'm so sorry my love
I'm so sorry I slipped up.
4 months of recovery down the drain.
397 · Jun 2014
Selfish and Mean
KM Jun 2014
And is it self hate
To say I feel
Like the worst partner
That's ever existed?
I promise I'm not
Trying to bash and spew
Just trying to understand
Why I'm not good to you
Just trying to love
To be good and to learn
But I can't seem to grow
No matter how hard I yearn
I should try harder
Work harder
Be better than me
But I doesn't seem
I can be anything else
But selfish and mean
I'm sorry my love
I'm sorry my friend
I'll love you till
Forever again
But I'm not good to you
I'm not good it seems
For anything but
Being selfish and mean
But I want so badly
So desperately to grow
To show you my love
How love should be shown
How do I do it
How can I be what I could
For the love of my life
I want to be what I should
396 · Aug 2013
Cold Embrace
KM Aug 2013
She just doesn't like uneven numbers.
That look in his eyes, terrified her.
She wanted it too but,
She felt so used.
It became another tendency,
To be pleasing to the men.
She doesn't know how to make it work,
Unless she works for them.
His intentions started pure,
But God knows it turned sour.
He just wanted to love her.
Stuck in a paradox,
not knowing what to do.
She gave up the only thing,
She was clinging tightly to.
390 · Aug 2014
I Could Never Leave
KM Aug 2014
And suddenly
the phrase
"the one whom
my soul loves"
has never felt
so strong
and so real
389 · Jun 2013
KM Jun 2013
If you've never tasted my tears as they stream across my lips
Don't tell me you've understood my pain
Tears lips and eyes tell stories words cannot
The stories deeply hidden in someones heart of hearts
The aching pain that stirs in them on the coldest days and warmest nights
The stinging in their throat and they lose all sense of up and down
When they clench their fist and squeeze their eye lids shut
And gently shake
When they don't understand why the tears chose to fall this day
But every pain is revealed to them at once and pilled upon another
Before you vanish out of this world and existence
Taste someones tears as they stream across their lips
Understand their pain as they cry for the world that has broken them
I cry for the pain of every human sometimes..
388 · Sep 2013
KM Sep 2013
And now the sun is gone away
Come here my lovely rain cloud
Fill my sky with your beauty
387 · Apr 2013
Old Friends; Familiar Days
KM Apr 2013
Do you ever feel so alone that you just cannot move?
And everyone you turn to
Is too busy doing this
Doing that
Too busy with their other friends
Their life
To help you when you're feeling dragged down
By the depth of your soul
And the voices in your head.
Your left to the comfort of an old friend
Whose name you forgot
Whose cold slicing embrace chills your soul.

Hold close to me
I never left
You try to bury me
Just like the rest
I will not go
With you I shall stay
I will not go
For the end of your days.
It terrifies me when something takes over my own writing.. That last stanza was not in my voice..
385 · Aug 2013
Character Flaw
KM Aug 2013
Ready set go,
I don't always think things though.
But with you,
I want to take everything slow.

That's my weakness,
So much of my heart given so quick.
I want to feel purpose,
With you there was a click.

I don't know why,
I just couldn't get enough of you.
I hope you think so too,
Ours was the hardest goodbye.
380 · Dec 2013
KM Dec 2013
You are my sky
And I no longer fear flying
373 · Aug 2014
A Sigh
KM Aug 2014
A deep sigh exhales through the dense mist
A breathe containing all the secrets and stories
Pushing out the depths of ones heart and mind
Exhaling all these things that burden and bury
Letting go of things held tightly as one breathes
Release it all so your heart and soul may find rest
Peace and comfort will come I promise they will
First you must follow these directions quietly told
Let go of all these things you hold tightly on to
Exhale all these things that burden and bury you
Push out the painful depths of your heart and mind
With a breathe containing all your secrets and stories
A deep sigh exhaling through the dense mist
371 · Jun 2014
KM Jun 2014
Screaming out
Screaming now
It's all I have
I'm trying hard
I'm falling down
Tumbling now
I can't get out
I can't
The screams in my throat
Are itching now
Clawing out
Choking me down
I can't
370 · Oct 2013
The Middle
KM Oct 2013
Being a teens isn't fun
But it's worse being an adult
Our dreams start to fade
Life becomes more difficult
367 · Jun 2014
I Need
KM Jun 2014
I have these thoughts
That pop into my mind
"I just need..." Help?
"If I could get..." Stronger?
"But I..." Need?
"I.." Me.

How dare I utter words
That speak about my love
My so called selfless love
When on a bad day
I don't pour more
I just ask for filling
363 · Aug 2014
An Answer
KM Aug 2014
And I'll fade away
Into the dark
Into the depths
Slowly quietly
Fading out
For reasons
Seldom know
Fading away
With such quiet
No one will know
All of a sudden
I'll just be
362 · Dec 2013
Part of Me
KM Dec 2013
I'll spend the rest of my life
Trying to put into words
The love consuming my soul
For everything you are
357 · Aug 2014
KM Aug 2014
Oh my love what a passion we hold
Between the two of us
Spreading like a contained fire
Wild and so free
Burning insatiably hot
My love for thee
As we dance and embrace
354 · Oct 2013
KM Oct 2013
I think we could be
(you and I, we)
The most delicate harmony
352 · Jun 2014
KM Jun 2014
A child's whisper
A faint glimmer
We're never really alone
Are we?
349 · Oct 2013
The Beginning
KM Oct 2013
When we all start out
We all have extravagant dreams
Just can't wait for the day
When we become teens
347 · Mar 2013
Fearful Ladies
KM Mar 2013
We await in desperate silence for those to love us, that we first loved. Waiting for what we hope will be, what could be, and all that we've desired our entire lives. Compassion. Adoration. Comfort. Love.

She’s feeling your pressure
To get attention
In all the wrong places,
Don’t you see her?
She knows you’ll stop her
From making the wrong decision
One of the reasons she loves you,
Won't you stop her?
Stop her.
Save her.
Hold her.
Love her.
She’s getting attention
In all the wrong places.
I was just ranting one day.. For all the young women I know, and don't know, that are searching for love but getting burnt instead. Rather rough-draft-ish
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