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344 · May 2013
KM May 2013
Have you ever found a spark
In the oddest of places,
A positive mark
By some familiar faces.

Subtle and quiet
But not missed by the heart,
Such a peaceful riot
Begins to start.
339 · Jul 2014
White Wine
KM Jul 2014
Some of the sweetest wine
Softly rolls over my tongue
And I can barely taste
The flavor it offers
337 · Oct 2013
KM Oct 2013
You saved me once
But where are you now,
Now that I'm bleeding.
Is it true that
I need you more,
More than you need me?
337 · Mar 2014
In Between
KM Mar 2014
Stuck between the moment
Of reality and make believe
If I could grab a hold
I wonder which side would set me free

A gravitational pull
Keeping me locked between
A choice within myself
To others it remains unseen
Real quick collab with Mike Hauser :)
333 · Aug 2013
From My Father
KM Aug 2013
My darling child
You've given your heart away
A few too many times
But I'm here to tell you
I will make your heart anew
For the man I made specifically
To have all of you
8/17/2013 00:14
318 · Apr 2013
I Will, While I'm With You
KM Apr 2013
I will taste the sunshine
While I'm with you
It'll eat us up
And make us new.

I will yell to the thunder
While I'm with you
Hold me close
So I know it's true.

I will dance with the trees
While I'm with you
And when we're old
We'll see we grew.

I will climb mountains
While I'm with you
We can reach the top
The most beautiful view.

I will swim the ocean
While I'm with you
We won't have much
But we'll make-do.

I will become transparent
While I'm with you
Inside and out
You'll see me through.

I will be myself
While I'm with you
We won't be perfect
And we'll argue.

I will grow old
While I'm with you
We'll travel the world
If you want, us two.
Something a fellow poet wrote inspired this, vaguely. It was a trail of thoughts spun off a couple words I briefly read. 2/25/13
317 · Aug 2014
An Honest Inquiry
KM Aug 2014
And oh, I've learned
What I do
What I cause
That these things
At the very root
Are my cause

I do not show you
Proper love
Or respect
Or how incredible
Your worth is

And because of this
These things remain
These struggles
This pain you feel
I'm so sorry I do this
To you
My love

Would it be so much better
If I were just

I love you
315 · May 2014
KM May 2014
I've written so many unfinished poems the last two days
And it's starting to make my skin crawl
But I keep desperately coming back
I need to finish a poem I need to get it out
But what am I trying to get out
I can't find words anymore
No longer do they gracefully slip out
Stuttering and stumbling
These poems are a sad excuse for art
309 · Jul 2013
KM Jul 2013
Sometimes I see things
Out of the corners of my eyes
But when I look to them
They are gone, to my surprise
But once in a great while
They decide to show their faces
In the most unusual places
306 · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
My flowing words
My stumbling pen
A poem that never ends
Unsteady hand
Constantly at work
Drawing painting
Creating things for you
Just to desperately grasp
At showing you
How much you mean
Though words and gifts
Will always fail
My Love My Sky
Every breath in these lungs
Every beat of this heart
Is for you
305 · Jul 2014
In My Eyes
KM Jul 2014
All these things I've said I'd do
I don't see at all how I'll make it through
These trials these challenges
To be a better me
I can't seem to improve
The slightest of these
I pick and scrape
And barely get by
Though maybe that's only
In my eyes
302 · Aug 2014
KM Aug 2014
And I nearly drank to my limit of beer
And as I sat there on the toilet and peed
I realized my life is not nearly as hard
As one may think or so it may seem
For what are my challenges
When others have had so much worse
Writing whilst touching a buzz
Is so much more fulfilling, it hurts
I'll edit in the morn, when I'm dry and when I wake
For then my thoughts will be gathered
For goodness and poetic sake
299 · May 2014
KM May 2014
I can't sing anyone's songs right
I guess I should just sing our own
Create my own harmonies with you
The kind that fit my voice and yours
Blending us completely
298 · May 2014
Passion (pt.1)
KM May 2014
When I think of the word passion
I think of him
And the look that shines in his eyes
When our lips barely touch
And we begin to kiss
The glimmer he shares
For just me to see
A look between lovers
His passion for me
293 · Aug 2014
A Musical
KM Aug 2014
Oh these agonizing questions
Tormenting my mind
Ripping my thoughts to shreds
Just leave me alone
Get out get out burn away
Leave me to my own devices
I'll find my peace
I'll find my way
289 · May 2014
How To Love (pt.2)
KM May 2014
Selfless love
For my love is not mine
It's for you my dear
To be selfless and kind
An act I can't master
Though I'm trying I swear
My selfless love
I apparently can't share
Because love is not always smooth and easy to maneuver.
288 · Jul 2014
A Week With You
KM Jul 2014
A week passes by
Like a flood
Sweeping through
Collecting it all
Memories, laughter,
Tears, photographs
And now
I know you
Just a little better
Just a little more
A week passes by
Like a flood
Like the streets in this city
As the rain keep pouring
And the wind
Keeps howling
A week passes by
Like a flood
Of the tears
Down our cheeks
283 · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
My eyes won't stay open
            I stare
                any longer
10w by accident
I feel accomplished
269 · Jul 2014
Yours Truly
KM Jul 2014
I like knowing everything about you
The sad thing is you don't know everything too
You say it's alright, you say that it's fine
To me it just feels like your lying
I'm glad I do all the things for you, you say I do
I just really hope I start to feel them too....
257 · Jul 2013
My Only Haiku
KM Jul 2013
"You must love haikus
Because you are a poet"
I do not like them
I've only once or twice ran across a haiku that I thoroughly enjoyed
257 · Jul 2014
Sea of Love
KM Jul 2014
I always though the world was lying
When they'd rehearse the words
Speaking about how this thing called 'love'
Was the most beautifully tragic thing
I never understood how something like that
Something so powerful
Could exist and be attainable

But now I know
That love
True love

Is so painfully beautiful
If you ever dip your toes
Into the sea of love
Don't hesitate for a moment
To throw yourself fully in
For it's better to love fully
Than wade in the shallow
And risk never understanding
The most painful beauty the world offers
Love is deeper than most the world knows
255 · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
I'm afraid to sleep
And I can barely breathe

— The End —