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618 · Apr 2013
Before I Even Knew
KM Apr 2013
The soft sunlight began penetrating the lining of the green and white tent as the sweet smell of oatmeal cooking over the fire lingered towards her. He woke up early just so he could surprise her, which wasn't an easy feat since she was the girl that woke with the sun. Before climbing out of the tent, she bundled up in one of his grey hoodies. As she reached the morning air she closed her bright eyes and inhaled deeply. You could almost breathe in the fog that morning. In that moment of pure peace and silence, other than the crack of the fire, she looked down and it was as if that early autumn chill in the air was cut but the warmth of his smile and the love in his eyes, all dedicated to her. She sat down on the tie dye fleece blanket they made last summer. He had coffee ready, blankets, food, he thought of everything. She warmed her toes by the fire as he finished cooking breakfast. “Good morning princess” he laughed, but she zoned out, staring into the flames. Happy, content, home. That was it! She finally found her home, he was all she ever wanted and needed. Home. Something about “good morning” suddenly reached her ears and pushed through the softly buzzing thoughts. “I love you” she smiled back. Colors appeared more vibrant, the air felt fresher, and love finally seemed real.
I wrote this probably.. 6 months ago? Just a little something I whipped up. It's how I've always pictured my honeymoon. Camping for a while.
615 · Oct 2013
Lovers Eyes (Part two)
KM Oct 2013
And darling no doubt whispers
The distinct difference from others
Who filled my heart with lies
But there's love in your eyes
We support one another

Pouring rain, hiding under covers
Cuddling close and finding comfort
In the clouds, my heart flies
And darling no doubt whispers

A love that does not smother
I will never want another
To sit and watch the sun rise
With joy my heart cries
I love you beyond measure
And darling no doubt whispers
So there was a serious stretch with some of the rhyming here but I hope you guys like it :) 9/7/2013-10/4/2013
613 · Nov 2013
KM Nov 2013
My dreams often spill
Puddles and streams
Flowing into the real
As the reality I know
Rips at the seams
607 · May 2013
Finding Joy
KM May 2013
My hair is dull, my skin is pale.
The love in my eyes
Has gone all to hell.
My body is scarred, the insides a mess.
Exhausted and destroyed,
But what comes next?
A story of love, what an odd quirky dream.
The world is just falling
Steeper and deeper it seems.
A light gives you hope, just cling to the air.
You must learn to be a brothers loving keeper.
I do not know how
Or why
Or where
But humans should love, not enjoy watching each other die.
Let joy fill your heart and lift your smile to the sky.
A poem I wrote last year for my creative writing class.
602 · Nov 2013
KM Nov 2013
"Just friends"
I whisper as our lips touched
"Nothing more"
I told myself as you held my hand
"I miss you"
I spoke as you drove away
"I love you"
I cried as you found another girl
I wrote this August 12.
I was definitely scared of losing this one.
601 · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
Go away
You horrid voice
Go away
You wretched ache
I am not ugly
My body is not
A disgrace
597 · Aug 2013
Life of an Emotional Artist
KM Aug 2013
You know you start to believe them
All those lies
When you tell them
One too many times

How pretentious and atrocious
To write stories
Where you get to be the main character
And have the life you've always wanted

Why don't you try living
Like your temper controls the weather
And you anger
Destroys lives

A peaceful soul
Tender kind and loving
Will always be sought after
Above all other types

Regardless of recovery
You will always be your own worst enemy
Drown the voices in your head
You can make it out alive
Parts of this are from today, from April, some from last week, and some from years ago.
596 · Jan 2014
Tortured Soul
KM Jan 2014
The sharpest jagged nails
Sitting inside my mind
Like a jail cell with no clean air
I sit in the corner of my mind
***** and held by shackles
Dragging my jagged nails
Down the insides of my mind
And I feel it
I feel the nails on the inside of my skull
Clawing, digging, fighting
And now I know
The blinding screams
They were me all along
My very own prisoner
My little tortured soul
593 · Aug 2013
KM Aug 2013
I'm so vain
I think the words you say
Are about me
And you
I don't actually remember when I wrote this. I've been finding a lot of old poems lately and just editing them slightly.
589 · Sep 2013
KM Sep 2013
Stay strong
Little warrior
Hold fast
Brave soldier
It won't last,
The heavy pain
You won't break,
Though heavy weight
You're loved
Little warrior
And so worthwhile
Brave soldier
Sorry I've been so inactive lately.. 9/12/2013
589 · Aug 2013
Dear Father
KM Aug 2013
Thank you for the wind in the trees
Thank you for the sun and the breeze

The sound of the rushing waves
When you whisper, the sound the leaves make

The rain on my skin
The soil beneath my feet
The fragrance of flowers in spring

For the aches in my heart
But the peace in my soul

Thank you for the sun and the breeze
Thank you for the win in the trees
586 · Jul 2014
A Prayerful Poem
KM Jul 2014
Help me be patient
Help me be loving
Things I've prayed for
So many times
But something I forgot
Way to pray
For selflessness
Because I've always been told
I was never selfish
And that makes for a selfish girl
Lord I never prayed
For the ability to listen
And quiet my words
I was always told
Two ears
One mouth
But then I was told
I have good things to say
But what I really needed
Was someone to say
"just listen..
Don't speak.."
I need help
With so much
But I ask
For so much help
With being less of self
And more of you
And more listening
This is a mess of a poem
Barely counts as poetry...
580 · Sep 2013
My World
KM Sep 2013
My world is bigger than yours
And all the people I know
Somehow know each other
Your world is a single town
In a single state
In a single country
My world is vast
My world is deep
My world crosses oceans
My world is the beating hearts
The joyful smiles
Tear stained cheeks
From tear filled eyes
By every happy smile
And every breaking soul
My world is you
9/17/2013 I don't know.. This was weird and I just kept typing and this is what happened.. Sometimes my heart hurts for everyone on the planet at once and I just can't bare it..
579 · Jul 2013
Ashtray Kisses
KM Jul 2013
I simply adore when smoke is shared in a passionate embrace
See, when you share a cigarette you share more than nicotine
You share your breath
                                   your air
                                              your source of life.

I cannot get enough of the beautiful irony that the situation holds
When they tell you not to smoke because a cigarette a day keeps life away
But I ask you to share with me
                                             A carefree
                                                         painfully morbid
                                                                         life-threatening beauty.
578 · Sep 2013
The Voices That Mock
KM Sep 2013
The loneliness haunts me
And it never truly goes away
Only when I'm constantly chatting
Then I can deceive myself
For a while I forget how alone I am
But on the mornings when everyone
All my 'friends' whom I chat
Are gone doing this doing that
Only then do I feel the crushing burden
The heaviest weight I carry
Being alone
575 · Jan 2014
Feeling Tiny
KM Jan 2014
Sometimes I feel extra tiny
Like when he holds me tight
I love him more than jasmine tea
My sky is brighter than bright
He's deeper than the vast blue sea
And a rather pleasant sight
He's my pillar and makes me happy
And washes clear all my fright
568 · May 2014
Passion (pt. 2)
KM May 2014
His passion isn't just
A touch or a kiss
but the way he gently whispers
How badly he'll miss
my presence my love
if I ever walked away
But deep down my love knows
I never could stray

They way he explained
his pure hearts desire
Waiting for me
walking through fire
Not the easy route
By a far thought indeed
But a temporary passion
Despite a humanistic plead

A short-living phase
Makes it so hard
Not to sing him sweet praise
For loving me true and pure and strong
He's willing to wait
To 'become one' through bond

My heart he makes soar
Sing and leap great distance
I'm glad he's so stubborn
And sweet and persistent
He's learning to lead me
Guide me the right way
I'll always be his
Past the end of our days
567 · Sep 2014
KM Sep 2014
I want to write a poem
For the love of my life
Thanking him for grace
And soon making me his wife

What a life we have ahead
Though things may be tough
We'll make it through whatever
For our love is enough

So here is a poem for you
My sweetest sky
Thank you for your love
You make my heart soar high

I'll be with you  forever
All of my days and more
We will defeat all battles
And win every war
565 · Jan 2014
KM Jan 2014
It's be six long years
Tainted by many tears
As this demon called harm
Crawled into her arms
But she met this guy
Who became her sky
He's improved her life
She'll become his wife

Her blades been thrown away
Her demon can no longer stay
Wrote this Christmas Eve
563 · Sep 2013
The Good One
KM Sep 2013
The good ones are weighted down
By the weight of the world
The weight of themselves
And all the see wrong
The bad ones don't care
They don't see the faults
They think their alright
My love is a good one
The best that I've seen
I just wish you'd remember
You're only seventeen
You have time to grow
To be what you want
You're all that I need
That I want and adore
We'll make it through
Any level of war
559 · Aug 2013
Yin And Yang
KM Aug 2013
I'm the ocean but you're the sea
You're what flows inside of me
A harmonious flow
From dusk till dawn
Our love can be violent
Or slow and calm
A world above us
Or a world below
A sort of fullness
We overflow
Something I wrote a while back but couldn't find an exact date for. The last two lines I finished yesterday or the day before.
558 · Jan 2014
KM Jan 2014
So many times
She carved words
Into her smooth flesh
But they never stayed
They never stayed
The deep purple scars
Haunting her perfect thighs
Oh they always stay
They always stay
557 · Sep 2013
Slashed Smiles
KM Sep 2013
Let me feed off your negative vibes
But negative is such a relative term
You're so much ******* fun
When we both get like this
Are we destructive or are we perfect
Come one baby just be mine
Embrace our inner freaks
The scary kids the creepy kids
I always wanted to be that
You and I can be that couple
But only if you really knew
The mess that is inside me
I joke and tease constantly
But this is really part of my soul
Always been the demented one
Always been the morbid girl
You and I should stay together
You aren't scared away from my thoughts
Lets go play lets have some fun
I'm pretty sure you are the one
552 · Oct 2013
KM Oct 2013
Shaky hands
Soft flesh
Cold metal
Warm blood
Deep stains
551 · Aug 2013
Dear Hello Poetry Humans;
KM Aug 2013
I just wanted to say a thank you to everyone who follows me on here, and to those who just stop by for a moment. I reached 10,000 views and my heart is just soaring! I've only been on here for about 5 months but you guys are just so incredible. You all inspire my writing, creativity, and encourage me as a poet. I'm looking forward to making new friends and working with more of you in the future :)
542 · Sep 2013
A Healing Soul
KM Sep 2013
Choosing to love
Is an open lesion
Something that can last
For merely a season

Other lacerations,
For a very long while
As we chose to love
Those deemed worthwhile

Certain injuries
Leave lasting damage
Moving on from pain
Takes tremendous courage

A hearts recovery
Takes patience and time
Give it room to breathe
It will be free of past grime

Let yourself love
Let yourself be free
Let yourself be
What you need to be
8/31/2013-9/17/2013 finally finished this one :) I wrote the first two stanzas back in August, the third and fourth yesterday, and the last one right now :)
541 · Aug 2013
Let's Go Home, Love
KM Aug 2013
When I awoke I sat alone
Goodness me that's a large mushroom
Or have a gotten small once more
All I can recall was a mist of blue
Surrounding my eyes
Choking my lungs
I'm late for a very important date
It's my drug of choice but it controls me
Though I lie to myself
And say I have it under my will
I crave my tea-of-tears
I'm late for a very important date
And I feel so large today
Larger than my house
Goodness me curiouser and curiouser
We'll never dry off this way
Nothing seems right anymore
Why am I always too tall
Or just too small
I can never fit quite right
Will I ever fit anywhere
I'm so alone
I just want to find my way home
But this is home
This new wonderful land
The key isn't on the table anymore
I have it right here
In my pocket
It's been there the entire time
I don't guide my own steps though
Forever lost looking for home
These people here are simply mad
'Round the bend
This must be where I belong
Home amongst the curious
The mad
My own asylum
Built in my mind
My very own
541 · Jul 2014
Love Poems
KM Jul 2014
Love is not selfish
But what is one to do
When two choices
Are both selfish
And no light
Is shining through?

Remember me
While I was beautiful
KM May 2016
For your soul and mind
That they are well
For the man that left me twice(and I left once, I need to start including that in my rants; I often wonder if that's why you did it), I pray for nothing but love and protection. I ask for your heart to be turned towards things that will bring joy and life, and away from those that drag you down...
You glow so brightly..
Well you used to
And I did too
But now we're dull and we've fallen apart once again
And I find myself
Just begging
For you to be okay
Because I know I will be
Or I'll hurt forever and deal with that too
But you, sweet one, I fear for
I'm sure that would make you indignant
You don't need me worrying about you
But I'll always be here for you
Even if you won't talk to me for another year
I am always here if you need me
Or if for some silly reason
You want me
I am so torn... I adore you and I still think you're the love of my life, but I also now think that maybe I just got a ****** card and I'm not going to have you because my love doesn't even .want to say hello. And because of that, I am trying to let go of you. But the harder I try, the more desperate I feel... I sure hate that...
535 · Jul 2013
Boys and Girls
KM Jul 2013
When a girl thinks of you
In the most intimate setting
She embraces the thought
Of her wedding night
Letting herself go to you
Once you've given her your heart

When a boy thinks of you
In the most intimate setting
He thinks of the deed
In a car park, on a couch
Wherever is most convenient
Letting himself go to you
Once you've given him your body

When I think of you
In the most intimate setting
I think of the love and commitment
That I have given to you
Letting myself go to you
My whole heart and body

When you think of me
In the most intimate setting
Do you think of how you love me
Or of how much you care
While letting yourself go to me
Your heart, or just your body?
532 · Jan 2014
I Grow Under My Sky
KM Jan 2014
I grow under my sky
He shines brightly for me
Nourishes my soul
Fills me with all that I need
He called me his flower
Saying I smell so sweet
And grow in the light
That I bud and blossom
And grow so beautifully
Does my sweet sky know
That he is the light
That makes me grow?
Shining so brightly
On my cloudy days
Raining when I'm dry
Filling me with all I need
Because I am his flower
And he is my sky
528 · Aug 2013
KM Aug 2013
Bottle it up                                                               ­ 
Like tears in an hour glass

Hide it away                                                        
Like the skeletons in the closet

Keep it quiet                                                
Like the secrets between you

Let it build                                          
Those walls around your heart

Cover it up                                
The scars you hid for so long

Ignore it now                    
So it can fester and putrefy

Let it break                              
Even though you swore it wouldn't

Let it be                                              
Even if it's just for the time being

Let it flourish                                              
Because you know it's going to

Give it time                                                          
I promise it's worth the wait

Let it go                                                               ­     
It's not always in your hands

Open it up                                                          
So your wounds can breath

Risk it soon                                                
Because sometimes you need to take action

Take it now                                        
Because not everythings given to you

A delicate balance must be held
Between knowing when to wait
And when you need to work for it.
It's easy to say you cannot control
When you don't know what to do.
Things are given to us, rarely
Without risks you get nothing.
Fear and history make us cautious
But we can't let them control us
8/27/2013 This poem is a mess. Sorta like my brain right now.
524 · Sep 2013
1:12 am
KM Sep 2013
Your words are so gentle,
They melt the walls to my heart.
A chill runs down my spine,
Racing the tear on my warm face.
To be loved, to be loved,
Isn't that what we all desire?

Gods will is never accidental,
He created love as an art.
I hope we someday entwine,
Though for now, our own pace.
But oh my darling beloved,
We could be a slow burning fire.
9/6/2013 I wrote you another poem
523 · Jul 2013
Don't Tell People You Sing
KM Jul 2013
I'm rethinking my desire
To sing in front of a crowd
But everyone expects me to sing
In front of people? Out loud?

Fear overwhelms my soul
My last public-show was a mistake
Nervousness and nauseous
Overwhelming headache

My hands begin to tremble
My head feels a bit too light
I hope I don't forget the words
Oh my heart is full of fright

They say "The show must go on"
It will it will I promise I promise
I stride and smile closer to the stage
Over my soul a sudden calmness
520 · Aug 2014
KM Aug 2014
As hot tears streamed down my face
I couldn't help but wonder
If they were fear, relief, or for craving embrace
Do not leave me, my love
For another sweet fragrance
Your confidence is alluring
And your light is enrapturing
Thoughtful and caring,
Handsome and strong
Oh my sweet love
These thoughts feel so wrong
503 · Apr 2013
My Dear Girl
KM Apr 2013
And this is for a young woman
Whom I love more than most.
Who shows kindness to all,
Even the ones who boast.

She's patient and loving,
And quiet and sweet.
She's a flower so beautiful,
Her red petals so neat.

Humble and forgiving,
She won't hate her foe.
She's strong within Christ,
And she conquers sorrow.

For now I shall stop,
Though I could go on for days.
I can see it already,
She'll blush at this praise.
Yes, babe, this is about you.
501 · Oct 2013
I Hope You Don't Mind
KM Oct 2013
I brag about you
To my friends
My parents
My God
I tell them all
About your beauty
The way you shine
Make me whole
I tell them how
You're the most handsome
With the best smile
Most sincere eyes
And how you're genuine
I tell them about you
And how you are
Everything I want
13:02 10/7/2013
My darling my sky. I love your darkness, your light, your everything.
500 · Jul 2013
All In time
KM Jul 2013
Oh friend of mine
What time does the sun get up
My lover and I should like a cup
Of hot green tea
To start our day
What time does the sun get up.

Oh darling of mine
What time does the bus stop
On the 516 we'd have to hop
To run away
To another place
What time does the bus stop.

Oh love of mine
What time does the sun set
Between you and I there is a bet
How long we'll last
With lips apart
What time does the sun set.

Oh stranger of mine
What time does the sun rise
You were gone to my surprise
Alone with green tea
And a warm blanket
What time does the sun rise.
494 · Jul 2013
California Love
KM Jul 2013
I'm going to run away back to California
And drown every dream of you
With sunshine and ocean waves
Maybe I'll get some help from
Cigarettes whiskey and razor blades.
493 · May 2013
Natures Love
KM May 2013
The earth screams at the smokey sky,
Fire rained back, and flames burned high.
The ocean will roar and the air
Will never relinquish power.
The animals they run run run,
Away from the elements that they love.
The heat pours down and penetrates a world,
The air is choked out, and reality is curled.

Silence takes over as the flame burns out,
Everything is gone without a doubt.
But it's the way of life, burning and growing,
It's earths process, cleansing and slowing.
There's good in the bad, though hard to see,
From the ashes grows a bud, a flower to be.
Please don't lose hope in any natural thing,
For you're of nature, like every human being.
493 · Oct 2013
Erase Me
KM Oct 2013
I'm sorry you have to see my scars
The ones on my arms old and new
The ones on my hips, those too
The ones on my thighs
There are more there than I thought
I did them there to not be caught

But the good news is, my love
My broken heart has been healed
So a new start for you can be revealed
My body is a mess
But my heart is yours, pure and clean
Now I feel beautiful, you make me gleam
490 · Nov 2013
Three Words For You
KM Nov 2013
It's like when I say I love you
I'm not just saying those words
They don't carelessly roll and trickle
Off my lips
Off my tongue
Through my teeth.
I'm saying that
I adore
Look up to you.
I'm saying that
All that you are
You hold the title of;
My best friend
The love of my life and
My everything.
When I tell you I love you
I'm not just saying three words,
I'm reciting my poetry
The depths of my heart
My songs
My sleepy 4 am promises
All for you
More than anything
More than anyone
I love you
486 · Apr 2013
When In Rome
KM Apr 2013
I’m surrounded by these people
Whose language I do not speak,
All of the sounds often make me weak,
A word I know, makes my nose crinkle.

Grey skies quite often sprinkle,
The apartment does have its leaks,
Wet furniture, oh but it reeks.
Finding my comfort, at the house with a steeple.

Praying, singing, dancing and love,
Your glory shines down on us from above.
We sing and praise your so Holy name,

Did you hear them ask me to play a game?
This foreign world, feeling like home,
You know what they say, “When in Rome!”
If anyone ever tells you being a tck is easy peasy they are LYING. LIAR. YOU ARE LYING.
485 · Aug 2013
Lovers Eyes
KM Aug 2013
If you can't see love in someones eyes
Truly see love in them
The way the smile
The way their eyes glitter
The way they gaze at the person whom they love
If you cannot see these things
Is simply a word uttered
By a lying tongue
And a deceitful heart
485 · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
I just want
To take a deep breath
And dive
Feel the water rush
Cover every inch
Tangle my hair
Flood my ears
These feels incomplete in a really good way
Feels tense and undone
484 · Sep 2013
Be Good, My Soldier
KM Sep 2013
Don't give up love
You'll make it through
And if you want to change
And be someone new
I'll be by your side
Hold you up when you're down
You won't be alone
I won't let you drown
483 · May 2013
KM May 2013
But when I see a photograph,
Of two lovers with their lips
Barely brushing the others,
I cannot help but wonder.
For just a split moment
I lose myself
In the though of you.
479 · Jul 2014
Notes Replenish My Soul
KM Jul 2014
And how undeserving am I
Of the graceful, steady
Love he provides
And he knows this
Yet provides nonetheless
For true love is forgiving
And searches for your best

When I'm falling down
Breaking apart it seems
He holds me steady
As soon as he's ready
Never abandons or drops
And treats me like a lady

How undeserving am I
To have such a lover
Who gives so many chances and more
To learn again and restore
Even if I keep repeating
Things that cause heart-sore

So I break and I build
This heart in my chest
For my lover my sight
And do all that I might
To learn and to grow
So I may treat him right
479 · Jun 2014
KM Jun 2014
I ruin everything I touch
Like the soup on the stove
475 · Aug 2013
Friendship With Myself
KM Aug 2013
It's so incredibly terrifying
Their talking, I always hear them
I can't tell you what goes on in my head

I have to force calm breathing
Every action, they condemn
It's so incredibly terrifying

Such a fear so soothing
My soul is constant mayhem
I can't tell you what goes on in my head

When their mad their seething
Their angry with this poem
It's so incredibly terrifying

The constant noise is tiring
If I end myself I end them
I can't tell you what goes on in my head

I wonder how I'm still breathing
My end will be a stratagem
It's so incredibly terrifying
I can't tell you what goes on in my head
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