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853 · Jul 2013
KM Jul 2013
Lonely night
******* fights
Those high standard bars
Leave her body covered in scars

She waits for him
But on a whim
Someone must come
Oh who is her one

He holds her heart like no one can
Just grow some ***** and be a man
She needs your help your strength and love
She believes you're sent from up above

How can she tell you she harmed once more
In her soul is such a war
Please don't be angry or sad or annoyed
And for her well being do not be paranoid

Her heart aches and pains to be with you
To her for love you secretly flew
So lovely you are she loves you more than any
It's safe to say you are her lucky penny
1/15/2013 00:44
843 · Jul 2013
Darkest Light
KM Jul 2013
She was born with a dragon tattoo
On the small of her back
And a butterfly that flutters
On the nape of her neck

The dragon daily throws fireballs
While the butterfly puts them out with her tears
The forever feel of heartache and emotion
Scars left that will never smear

It is often said that time heals wounds
Good and evil an everlasting struggle
Yin and yang, the north and south
Opposing forces are never subtle

She's accepted the truth of her tattoo's
As her lot in life
The battle rages daily
Fighting for her souls light

Inner turmoil, all she knows
But darkness won't consume
A once held brightness
One day shall resume

For the girl with the dragon tattoo
On the small of her back
And the butterfly that flutters
At the nape of her neck
@Mike Hauser and I are making habit of doing collaborations ;)
835 · Mar 2013
Pure Bliss
KM Mar 2013
I remember the windy day after church
We were waiting outside a resturant
For our parents to arrive.

I remember the way you held me
You kissed my lips, against a wall
Your mom was so ******.
I didn't care
I was in pure bliss.

I remember the day we were home alone
We were waiting in the living room
For my parents to come home

I remember the way you held me
You kissed me and, I kissed back
They would have been so ******.
I didn't care
I was in pure bliss.

I remember the Sunday in January
We were waiting so hungrily
For my parents to finish talking.

I remember the way she looked at us
She thought we were already married
Nothing that day would make us ******.
We were in pure bliss.

I remember that warm night in August
We kept being torn apart
For I was new and you were not.

I remember when we finally hung out
And when we spoke words so heartfelt
Nothing again would make us ******.
We are in pure bliss.

I remember sitting on a park bench
It was dark but I felt bright.
I remember the way you kissed me
It was imperfect but so flawless and from the heart.

I remember the taste of your lips when we pulled away and smiled under the street light. I remember after sharing out first kiss we shared a cigarette, and then we shared our hearts in a subtle secret way. You've tainted my life and all my memories are filled with you.
For Nicolas
819 · Mar 2013
Steam Punk Pirate
KM Mar 2013
Letting your thoughts flow free
Your spirit is so kind,
I never thought my man to be
Would have such a similar mind.

I simply cannot fathom
The way you understand,
Why don’t we open an asylum
Where our world is never bland.

You delightfully inspire my soul
With the way you hold my hand,
My heart you quickly stole
And nothing has ever been so grand.

I never thought I'd be this cutesy
But they say that love is blind,
I'll always be your little gypsy
Our souls forever entwined.
March 25th 2013, one of my many poems for a friend
814 · Sep 2013
Destructive Addiction
KM Sep 2013
What if I sew your lips shut
With my needle and thread
Liars shouldn't speak to me
They don't know how mean I can be

My favorite red lipstick
Is the shade of your blood
As I color my soft lips
And entice you with my hips

Such a bad boy you have been
Your punishment is overdue
Choose your weapon knife or gun
Come on baby this'll be fun

You didn't know this side of me
You didn't know I was this kinda girl
I'm craving for some blood to spill
Not mine though, that's the thrill

You and I can have a grand time
Staining carpets just for fun
Off with their heads
For all those things they said
9/30/2013 not geared towards anyone in specific.. Just thought this was fun and I've been listening to less-than-positive music today
801 · Jul 2013
Liquid Words
KM Jul 2013
We only had a few hours that day
But it was sunny and beautiful and full of light,
I never wanted to leave your side.
The taste of your soft lips on mine,
Was sweeter than the brightest sunshine.

Near the river on a fence we lay
The softest skin I've ever felt,
And the bluest eyes that can make me melt.
The way you held me close and tight
Every moment seemed so right.

You wrapped your arms around my waist
I leaned in a little closer just to hear your heartbeat,
That day we skated and walked with bare-feet.
Watching you drive away wasn't too bad I swear,
Though it would have been easier if I didn't care.

Our first hug was the sweetest embrace
But just being in the same room was breathtaking,
My heart, immeasurable joy when you said 'intoxicating.'
Someday we'll be together again,
Thank you for being my very bestest friend.
790 · Sep 2013
KM Sep 2013
Creepy is a compliment to me
I admit I like to bleed
I just cannot help my crush
Oh the way it makes me rush
The way it flows
The way it grows
The saying "make blood boil"
Causes me such turmoil
Do I prefer it cold
Though that's pretty bold
Or maybe, should I heat it up
Before I go and eat it up
Baby what's your recipe
Share your secrets with me
KM Feb 2014
In a tomb by the sounding sea
That’s where he waits for me
His lover long lost
Never to be beside again
Moans and wails and shrieks of horror
As that wickedly turning sea
Gracefully and steadily, it regurgitates me
His lover returning
But not quite the same
Gagging and choking and coughing up salt
Slimy skin from the waters embrace
A twisted grin of joy on his face
His out stretched arms
I stand at the shore line
With a glowing smile enticing
Laughing and crying he stumbles forwards
Water logged eyes shining bright
Knowing to him, I’m a glorious sight
Stopping just before my gentle touch
His smile fades as his mind catches up
Why won’t he come closer to me?
Hesitating and questioning his bride before him
His gut screams no but his heart pushes on
A whisper escapes ‘but you were meant to be gone’
I smile graciously as I reach for his hand
‘My sweet love, but I’m here now, follow me’
Holding and locking our fingers together
Turning to face the calmed, silent sea
Swallowing us whole to the depths to be free
In a tomb together, my lover and me
785 · Aug 2013
My Fire, My Sky
KM Aug 2013
My beautiful mother just called me
And said so kindly, "her little pyro"
But oh if only she had a clue
Of the fire that burns within me also

Sometimes it's a subtle mellow flame
And other times a forest fire rages
My sweltering heart cannot be touched
Except for with him, the fire disengages

For so long the fire inside me was kindled
Burning up the things that upset me
I never saw the affect it had on what I loved
Till I was worn thin and my fire let me free

I was all burnt up and left charred from my faults
When a refreshing rain cloud hovered nearby
No hatred, guilt, fear or sadness was left upon me
And suddenly that rain cloud was my entire sky
785 · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
Dance with me, my skeleton groom
Our bones tangling up, as we move

I am only yours, down to the core
KM Aug 2013
I will be traveling tomorrow morning and won't be back home till the 10th. I may or may not have internet access, so replying to messages will be slim to none and poems definitely won't get posted. I hope you all have a great week :)
KM Aug 2013
Ever since I discovered Love
Or that silly thing I called it,
I've written poems for the boys
Though when I started, with little wit.

I have always fancied artists
Doesn't matter what their kind,
The creative bunch intrigues me
Probably why I study the mind.

A poem for this boy a poem for that
I have one for each I've cared for.
(There's one that has more than most
That one boy, I especially adore).

But someday in my life
I want to be the subject
Of someones endearing words,
Each stanza delicately handpicked

They don't have to make me swoon,
Fall in love or be romantic,
I just want to be admired
By sketched words not a tactic

Now please don't judge my soul
For wanting admiration,
Everyone one this planet wants it
Regardless of city, race or nation.

Some desire it less
Some desire it more
But would you really reject
A lovers kiss in a bookstore?

But as for now at this time
I don't need a kiss right away,
I just want a poem for me
(Pardon the atrocious cliche).

So someday in my life
I hope to be the subject
Of someones endearing words,
Each stanza, for me, handpicked.
KM Mar 2014
Listening is a complex activity
But I can't help myself
From staring out this window
At the birds, the flowers and trees
Gently being guided by the wind
On a sweetly flavored day
Right on the tip of spring
Pushing the thoughts of winter
Far far away
760 · Dec 2013
KM Dec 2013
With such a heavy heart
I dust off and carry forth
The weight of my world
The weight of the entire earth

          Holds me by the ankles
          By the wrists and neck
          Baring down on all I am
          Waiting for me to break

                   The harder I try to fight
                   The tighter the suffocating grip
                   Even some good days
                   I wonder if I'm sick

                            Such a sad little thing
                            Just want to spread smiles
                            Maybe that's the reason why
                            I go through so many trials
The first two stanzas are more of 'near' rhymes than actual rhymes I suppose. Oh well.
760 · Oct 2013
A Firefly's Song To Her Sky
KM Oct 2013
My inspiration my love, who I choose,
Sometimes we have our own reality
Where we can escape all the rules
Where our hearts can feel at ease
To sit and watch the east sun rise
With joy my heart cries
I love you beyond all measure
And darling no doubt whispers

You are everything I want
And all that I could need
You love me true
Even when I bleed
You're my best
Even if you don't agree
We'll watch the west sun set
Over the sea

Our love can be violent
Or slow and calm
A world above us
Or a world below
A sort of fullness
You and I,
We overflow

I'll be by your side
Hold you up when you're down
You won't be all alone
I won't let my darling drown

You are everything I want
And all that I could need
You love me true
Even when I bleed
You're my best
Even if you don't agree
We'll watch the west sun set
Over the sea
Taking parts from various poems I've written for him/about love and smooshing them together as a song kinda messy thing. I really wish I could write songs and not just throw words together.
744 · Nov 2013
KM Nov 2013
Rotting flesh
Oh so fresh
Tearing skin
From within
As many scars
As the stars

Healing stitch
What an itch
Worth the pain
Such a gain
Heart of pure
You're my cure

Making clean
Now pristine
Once broke
Now awoke
Pure love
From above

My strong glue
Thank you
743 · Aug 2013
KM Aug 2013
Have you ever found yourself
Dying to explain your poetry?
To someone so new in  your life,
Your level of fear when it comes
To losing them is so so absurd.

I've written a lot about love and loss.
As well as the problems in my soul.
I want to show you my heart and mind,
But there I go again with giving too much
Too soon. Please forgive me my flaws.

So there you have it, my poetry blog.
Poems about you, and some other guys
But only one or two. Did you pay attention
When I told you that it takes a lot for me
To find an affection towards someone?
736 · Aug 2013
KM Aug 2013
I've written a few stanzas
We can call it a poem
But none of it will flow
It all sounds so dumb

How ironic the timing,
My inspiration has gone
I miss my recent dream
I hope it's not away for long

But when it returns to me
I hope it has found
What it was looking for
So we can stay on the ground

I promise I'm patient
I can wait a long while
Doesn't mean I won't miss
Your handsome smile

Just friends, you say?
I can do that, ***
I just want you in my life
No pressure, just fun

And if you come back to me
Saying you want more
That's okay with me too
I just want what God has in store
727 · Feb 2014
KM Feb 2014
Busting out in side splitting laughter
When you want to sit and sob
Truly makes one feel insane
720 · Oct 2013
Easy Poetry
KM Oct 2013
If a poet ever tells you
Writing is easy
Writing is fun
If they say this to you
They are lying
Lying a ton
Being a poet
Isn't easy
This is hell
But writers have a place
To call home
To dwell
Where they live comfortably
Is a dark place
A dark cave
And the only ones who enter
Those who love
Those who are brave
Poets are deep creatures
Endless thoughts
Endless pain
If one lets you see inside
Don't injure
Don't be vain
Just quietly sit there
As their soul
Takes you as part
And absorb what you can
As their words
Come from the heart
9/7/2013 & 10/4/2013
717 · Jul 2013
Wordless Poetry
KM Jul 2013
I entertained the thought
of you and I writing together
But if we ever put in words
The sort of love we share
We would make the entire
world crumble with jealousy
702 · Aug 2013
The Stand Still
KM Aug 2013
Have you memorized the ocean wave?
It draws in an out so slowly
To the ocean you are a slave.

Being near the sea is something you crave
You stare into forever dully
Have you memorized the ocean wave?

Under the waters there is a cave
Calling your name so brashly
To the ocean you are a slave.

Something inside you is still brave
But you know you won’t act rashly
Have you memorized the ocean wave?

For the sea you have not yet forgave
It has taken your life wholly
To the ocean you are a slave.

The tides never seem to behave
Never dividing the time fairly
Have you memorized the ocean wave?
To the ocean you are a slave.
One of my favorite styles of poetry. Villanelle.
701 · Aug 2013
Your Lips
KM Aug 2013
Is it weird for me to say
That I really love your lips?
But I don't have to kiss them
I just want to trace them
With my eyes
With my finger tips,
And just admire them
And they way they form words
Or the way your cigarette smoke
Just slowly creeps between them.
Then they smile
That gorgeous smile..
That they create as you exhale.
But maybe if it's okay
Not too much to ask
I would really love if I could..
Can I trace them with my lips, too?
Just a poem inspired by a conversation I heard 8/2/2013
699 · Aug 2013
Autumn Nights
KM Aug 2013
It whispers in your ear
A chilly wind that invites
It whisks away your childish fears

A subtle fire ignites
One of the most magnificent sights
It whispers in your ear

The darkness is full of frights
But also holds many delights
It whisks away your childish fears

Don't be afraid to embrace lights
Your emotions it excites
It whispers in your ear

Leaves fall as a tree recites
All the terrors and the fights
It whisks away your childish fears

The coolest of autumn nights
The coolest of autumn nights
It whispers in your ear
It whisks away your childish fears
Inspired by something I wrote 10/24/2012 01:16 finished 8/20/2013
696 · Dec 2014
Simply Chaos
KM Dec 2014
A home wrecker is a woman
Who comes between two lovers
A dreadful sort that is feared
but what do you call a woman
Who gets in her own way
Who wrecks her own home
Simply Chaos
KM Apr 2013
I think those who self harm
Are the most under estimated.

They are the most clever they
Are the most under rated.

So I haven't cut in a month
Are those thoughts really parted?

You said it wouldn't make a difference
Are the wedding plans thwarted?

La la la la la la la

My wounds are scars
With care they are covered

Does love really exist
With bright eyes I wondered

Finally healed and
With the clouds I have hovered

My darkest of days
With them I have sundered

La la la la la la la

Recovery is a process
But I've made it through this mess

Others say they care
But you alone I wish to impress

All this work that's come
But you rid me of stress

So far away
But you make me feel like a princess

La la la la la la la
I may end up revising this later.. Feedback is appreciated!!
690 · Mar 2013
Making A Difference
KM Mar 2013
Little girl with the miss-matched socks
Who are you to think you make a difference
In someones life so they'd go that far
To end it all is a big commitment
You think you make that difference?

Little boy in the too-short jeans
She didn't mean to break you
Thought that's the way it seems
To end it all is a big commitment
You think you can handle that difference?

Best friends in the whole wide world
She said she saw him first though
A taken boy but for his attention you twirled
To end it all is a big commitment
You thought he was worth this difference?

Best guy to ever walk the earth
Who are you to feel so shattered
She left but you're allowed to feel tattered
To end all is a big commitment
You think she won't hate this difference?
My most recent writing, save one being worked on this moment.
687 · Aug 2013
No Place Like Home
KM Aug 2013
Somewhere over the rainbow the land of Oz is burning
What you don't know won't hurt you
As this world keeps on turning

Oh, poor Mr. Scarecrow is on fire
And far away the monkeys flew
Somewhere over the rainbow the land of Oz is burning

Tin man with his rusty wires
Needs more oil than when he was new
As this world keeps on turning

The cowardly lions hair did flare
As his home disappears from view
Somewhere over the rainbow the Land of oz is burning

Soon to be the witches funeral pyre
As water from the bucket flew
As this world keeps on turning

Do yourself a favor, don't look behind the curtain
Watch your step, a twisters coming through
Somewhere over the rainbow the Land of Oz is burning
As this world keeps turning
8/15/2013 Collaboration with Mike Hauser :) truly an amazing poet and friend.
686 · Sep 2013
KM Sep 2013
I am a woman of society,
I am conditioned to believe my body is not my own,
but the man who decides to take me.
I am helpless without a man because I am weak.
I was a woman of society.
But now, I wish to be, a woman of my own devices.
I am vulnerable, but I am strong.
I am clever, beautiful, and know my own limits.
I, just as all women, have my ways of finding my strength, courage, and confidence.
I will be confident, though you will judge me.
I will be strong, when you try to harm me.
I will be beautiful, because I am me.
I can be all these things, still love a man, and he will still love me.
Wrote this maybe.. 4 months back? Got frustrated with woman not knowing and understanding that you can be strong, independent, beautiful and not be a man-hater at the same time.
686 · Mar 2014
My Soul
KM Mar 2014
I just need a little help
A little hope
A little nudge into the light
I'm falling
I don't know what this is
It hurts so bad
What's happening to me
Nothing triggered
This deep burning in my soul
A messy little poem for a messy day
685 · Jul 2013
KM Jul 2013
How blessed I am to feel a love too deep
and to know a passion so blind.
How grateful I am for a torture so fulfilling
and a pain so worthwhile.

Ravishing charming captivating enchanting
The purest of loves isn't as pure as you think.
Always leave room for mistakes and forgiveness
Push and pull, give and take.

True love isn't about butterflies and nervousness
It isn't about looking your best and smelling like roses.
True love is laughter, silence, content glances
Not being ashamed of your body, or weaknesses.

How lucky you will be when you know a love too deep
And a passion so blinding.
Be grateful for the torture that is fulfilling
And a pain that is so worthwhile.
685 · Apr 2013
Another One For You
KM Apr 2013
I'm so upset with you, and what you've done,
Maybe it's not about you but about me.
I'm upset for letting you change who I was,
I didn't even know what was happening.

Not till I talked with him did I see it,
I didn't see how you changed my personality.
Now every time he says he's going to a friends,
I feel the need to ask who he's going to see.

It doesn't matter.
He isn't mine.
It doesn't matter.
He isn't mine.

It's insanely absurd the way you've affected me,
The way you've changed what I am.
You pretentious wretched boy, I'm so sorry.
You deserve to feel loved and special, young man.

It's not my job anymore and I don't want it back,
But why did you have to scar me before you left.
It's okay, don't worry, pinky promise I'm fine,
Because he doesn't have to say "I love you" all the time.

I already know he's mine.
He doesn't have to say it.
He already knows I'm his.
I don't have to say it.
Just venting out my feeling and aggravation in a more healthy way than usual.
684 · Sep 2013
Silent Sufferer
KM Sep 2013
I've decided to ignore everyone today
I'm just so tired of getting in their way
So quietly I will sit, with my red lips zipped
My mind is buzzing but outside is like a crypt

Let memory of my eyes fade from yours
Just lay in bed and listen as the rain pours
It won't be long to forget, I existed in your life
Because after all I would have been a terrible wife
683 · Mar 2013
KM Mar 2013
The clouds so light,
                            So fluffy
                                    So bright
There is no wrong
Nor is there a right.
                            So delicate
                                    So clean
Hues of blue
Accompanied by earths green.
                            They change
                                    They drift
Colors in shades
Colors that shift.
                            So slow
                                   So fast
Soon they must leave
This beautiful past.
A simple poem I wrote a few years back on a road trip while staring at the sky
677 · Apr 2013
Four Stanzas
KM Apr 2013
Well goodness me here is a poem for thee
My heart my mess in four stanzas or less.
They'll all be from me oh no down to three
Not much to confess not much left to guess.

It may sound like dung and is rolls off my tongue
Don't take this as pressure my darling sweet treasure.
Sweet words we have sung and in the clouds we hung
You are my hearts greatest pleasure to an infinite measure.

Not yet will we start for unready is the heart
Patiently we will wait till our time and our date.
Though we're apart we are music we are art
Love isn't a weight and should not frustrate.

Well I am okay with this and I will wait for my kiss
I don't mind being a friend and not the one which you depend
On this line I will use the word bliss but not with remiss
Writing you poems might turn into a trend but for this one right here this is the end.
Did you find the hidden message?
675 · Jul 2014
KM Jul 2014
You like to pretend
You aren't selfish
You aren't a mess
But you are
Oh, little girl
You are
Even now
Acting so self righteous
And a flash of the eyes
A twist of the tongue
And now
Like magic
You're all gone
674 · Nov 2013
How You Love Me
KM Nov 2013
I want to say
My darling dear
Let me count the ways
I know you love me

You told me before
You'd never do distance
Or so you swore
They never work out

But here we are
Madly in love
My lucky star
You've become

You're my best friend
My brave dear knight
My heart you mend
The brightest light

You told me before
You'd never do distance
Or so you swore
They never work out

I want to say
My darling dear
Let me count the ways
I know you love me
10/16-11/1 Okay some people are mightily offended when poets reference each other but I think that's crap because it's a sign of like.. respect or honor or something.
673 · Sep 2013
All Yours
KM Sep 2013
Gods made me patient
And He's made me kind
Love is a choice
But it also is blind
At least for a little while
A very small amount of time
True love that lasts
Love that stays around
Is love that sees your flaws
And stills loves what they found
Nothing good comes easy
Nothing worthwhile is free
I see your flaws and you see mine
But I still want you and me
I still was us to be
KM Jan 2014
That first hug at the bus stop
We were both shaking
But only a minute
Till we felt so at home,
Sorry our first kiss
Was outside a bathroom
In a bus station
Next to our fathers
I just couldn't wait any longer,
Resting my hands on your soft neck
And gazing into your deep loving eyes
Could easily and happily be
My most favorite past time,
Laughing by the fire
Holding all close in the snow
Spending time by you
Is the best time I've ever known,
The way you hold me
Firm and loving
Gentle and safe
Such and overwhelming craving,
I felt it too, our heart aching
As I lightly brushed the tears
Off your soft but fuzzy cheeks
As we stood in the rain
And you were pulled away
And I watched you drive away again
But at least this time, darling
I know you're my best friend
And soon we'll be together
Laughing and smiling and holding each other
And before too long has passed
We'll be married and all close
Forever, at last
Seriously funky rhyme going on here
668 · Feb 2014
KM Feb 2014
One of the strangest feelings
That I can ever recall
Is knowing your tears,
Into your coffee, fall
Not at all changing taste
As all your silent fears
Gently roll off your face
664 · Nov 2013
My Reason
KM Nov 2013
The sparkle in his eyes
When he's doing his best
His arms his embrace
My ultimate place of rest

Two halves of one heart
Two halves of one mind
To share one life
Together completely entwined

All that he is, so perfect to me
A love that's light on the darkest days
Encouraging, uplifting, tightest embrace
He's explored my minds dark dark caves

Not a doubt in my soul
And by my side he remains
And by his I'll stand true
Even when my sky rains

I'll give him my all, my very best
Such  joy from our lives being combined
I'll be his light when he loses his way
Till the days we hobble and walk with canes
You are simply marvelous, my love.
My reason for recovery.
663 · Aug 2013
Stormy Weather
KM Aug 2013
The ocean never gets exhausted,
So it tries to ware down the shore,
Sand always keeps strong against the tide.

The sun weights heavy on the surface
As it smiles and shines, despite this
The ocean never gets exhausted.

People come and they always go
Hellos are fun, but goodbyes hurt
So it tries to ware down the shore.

Storms start far off the beach
They build till they affect the surf, but
Sand always keeps strong against the tide.
Another one from my ocean set 3/25/2013 (yes I did write all of them in one day, most exhausting day ever. 8 poems for a final project for school).
662 · Aug 2013
Dirty Water
KM Aug 2013
He was always a bit of a dreamer
Even in the dark chaos of life.
Every day got more and more lonely
When the waves tears fell to the sea.
And with one slice of a knife,
The ocean became ***** water.

She had always been a fighter
When daddy went off to war.
When your 16 you rely on beauty,
His strikes would make her plea.
One day he went a little too far,
Now all he has is ***** water.
658 · Apr 2014
How To Love (pt. 1)
KM Apr 2014
I will so desperately press my lips to yours
Tracing your lines with mine
Melting into one being
You and I
647 · Aug 2013
Let's Sing
KM Aug 2013
I heard the faintest whisper
Just a hint of a melody
It was the tune of a song to sing
A song for you and me

A song that reaches your heart
A melody that sings with your soul
Something stirring within you
It makes you lose control

The vast sea of emotions
Endless late night smiles
Hearts are easily fooled
But the mind knows the miles

A song with a long pause
But lets not skip this track
Waiting can be beautiful
Someday we'll have each other back
639 · Nov 2013
All That You Are
KM Nov 2013
My sweet lovers body, my man
My best friend in the world,
Can be incredibly ****
He can be hot
He can be
And make me tremble..
But he is more.
His body is strong and sturdy
He can hold me up,
In more ways than one..
He is perfectly made
Such exquisite art
And his every inch
Fits with mine
Better than any..
But he is more.
His love for me
His passion for art
The music in his veins..
A heart so pure
So strong
So caring
But when alone
Just he and I..
Which holds such beauty,
I cannot rightly
In any string of words
But he is still more.
His arms bring me safety
His chest gives me rest
He is my comfort..
Every detail
That makes up my love,
Gives me joy
And his heart
His beautiful heart
Gives me peace
I love you.
634 · Oct 2013
KM Oct 2013
Such a sensation
Holding your breath
Till your toes tingle
And you wish for death
Your heart starts pounding
And your vision blurs
And your ears are ringing
As your body stirs
From the sensation
Of holding your breath
Till your toes tingle
While you wish for death
KM Jul 2013
I've been craving a smoke
So I've taken up gum
It's been such a long time
Since that was a habit of mine

Cigarettes and coffee
Compliment each other better
Like did we before this tragedy
When it was we were together

Your kiss was like a sip from my mug
Sweet and soft but quickly removed
A sip, save from poison, is never regretted
And you were far from poison on my lips

A love that could have been and was
Has somehow vanished in the dust
Now daily life is bleak and boring
Thoughts of you are full of mourning

Those thoughts of you guide me through
The dreams of yesterday
Where all I see are shadows of you and me
Blocking out the warming of the suns morning rays

The coldest warmth I've ever felt
As the sun rises higher in the sky
I miss the peaceful silence we used to live in
It's a shame it was built on a lie

A lie that can't be justified
In what hope it had to gain
On my lips your kiss still sits
As your poison runs through my veins
A collaboration with @Mike Hauser, and amazing poet. 7/25/2013
630 · Jul 2013
My Happy Place
KM Jul 2013
It's been along while
Since I've felt the
Excruciating desire
To hear the ocean
Crashing on those pebbles
And wait for the
Beautiful sound
Of it drawing back off the shore.
628 · May 2013
Families Stick Together
KM May 2013
I carry the weight of a million troubles
Watching my family tear apart
And everything we had, fell to rubble.

The selfish stubborn that flows about
My sister and mother are broken
I'm stuck in a middle and can't get out.

You stupid ignorant child
Don't you even care
Your relationship's defiled.

Oh but I must have forgot
Everythings about you
Even if our family will rot.

I dread the thought of seeing you
It turns my stomach
I know she dislikes it too.

That isn't how it should be
We should all be excited
Why can't everyone be happy.

I hate this way of life
Please grow up
I can't live with constant strife.

I'll see you very soon
So very soon indeed
The desperate month of June.

See you soon my dear sister
Are you prepared
Because I'm ready for a twister.
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